8-0 Barça

HD 360p! I'll come back when HD is done.
Jij kan geen eens HD handelen!
saw it, dont need shit replays :D
srsly i wonder how drunken Pep was when he want affelay in Barca.
He need " some " time to play in decent level here ;)
Scoring so many goals is very important, it might be counted against real later.
the differences between barca real and the rest of the league is a joke, fabregas and messi barely even took their trouble to move...
here we go again
you don't agree?
watch the cl final utd vs barca they were doing the same shit there so its not that the other teams are so bad its that they are so fucking good that other teams dont standa chance

when barca are in the soon no one stands a chance
the system in spain is still a joke
barcelona won't be able to do this EVERY game of the season
there's much more elements in competitive football, try to have more experience in football and than come back and have a conversation other than 'oh they did that vs manu'
if losing 3-1 is already the same as losing 8-0...
that 3-1 couldve been a 5-1 easily

tho the system in spain is still bad and unfair for the rest of the teams in spain, but barça is still just better than any team tbh.
have to agree on that-

they should start doing central tv marketing so the smaller clubs could get some money too
Barcelona are probably the only team in the world that can score 8 goals in a game and still not entertain me at all. Such boring football...
Thought I was already the only person on this planet who thought like this :O

Watching a barca match is always the same. When you've seen a few of 'm, you've seen 'm all. Always the boring passes, always the safe option, totally no pace in the game, they slow every game down with their boring play (when was the last time you saw barca in an end to end fast paced game eg. a game that did go fast from one to thee other side and back?? doubt there has ever been such game) The goals are always scored the same way and it's totally predictable that they win in la liga, no tension, no cheer if they score cause you know they will win, not to mention the huge difference in finances between barca/real and the rest, etc...
Quotecause you know they will win

You are bashing their gameplay because they win with it...
That comment was more referring to why I (and kot) dont watch barca anymore.

Football is supposed to be about tension, not knowing who will score first and freak out when your team scores. Ofc a better team has moree chance to win but in barca's case they ALWAYS win in la liga (except 1 or 2 times a yeear when they lack motivation that day or are unlucky).
I find it pretty entertaining to watch. Barca having the possession over the ball is just a way to not let the oppo have the ball. Apart from that Barca still has as many shots (or more) on goal than any other top team. its just the single-way trafic that scares the neutral supporter of
jezuz, what a retarded oppinion. go watch some other league then, if you cant stand awesome football...seriously, what a bullshit oppinion....STILL facepalming.

PS: or maybe watch gladbach play the next game, they no. 2 in germany atm, but hey, they wont be no. 2 at the end of the season, so it might be interseting for you to spec...
I actually agree with him, and i dont think his opinion is retarded, you are probably just a retarded lil wnb fan who can't take any critizism. If i compare FIFA with NBA i can see the difference, i am basketball player myself but I still watch football from time to time, still the NBA system just seems so much better and you can't predict winner of the match even if its a title holder or 10 L streak vs 10 W streak team match...
So because you dont agree it's retarded? Rofl. Btw, the guy replying to u below agrees with me aswell. Not such a retarded opinion then huh??

I do watch other leagues and trust me, I like it way more instead of already knowing who wins before the match starts.

They play some nice football BUT after seeing a lot of games from them after a while it becomes boring or maybe you can call it 'too perfect' aswell. Btw, the goals they score are always made the same way (Messi cutting inside and shooting, Xavi/Iniesta lobbing defence and the running man shooting in) ; GREAT to see it once in a while but if as good as all goals are made like this its BORING after X games.

Another statistic for you: Of the passes Xavi did last season only 1 out of 5 was going forward. Not rly difficult to have 80% passes succesfully then huh? and to keep possession?? They always pass back to defeence when they put pressure and back to gk if needed, always play it way too safe, waiting for a gap and if theres none like against chelsea/united in CL they dont have a chance all game and just keep possession, BORING.

They kill the pace in a game. When was the last time you saw an end to end game with lots of tension from barca?? You see that week in, week out in the epl. Enough said.
wait, wat? They slow games down? It's because of their insane pace when passing the ball around that they outplay other great teams. It might be predictable that they win but I really enjoy watching how they pass around and break the enemies defenses. Sometimes in ways you couldn't have expected, sometimes in ways that are obvious but just so great to see them really happening.
exactly, what an oppinion...maybe they watched 2 games only
Insane pace? You mean just holding the ball, waiting for a gap and score? You barely see barca players moving, they only pass.

Another statistic for you: Of the passes Xavi did last season only 1 out of 5 was going forward. Not rly difficult to have 80% passes succesfully then huh? and to keep possession?? They always pass back to defeence when they put pressure and back to gk if needed, always play it way too safe, waiting for a gap and if theres none like against chelsea/united in CL they dont have a chance all game and just keep possession, BORING.

And answer me this question: When was the last time you saw an end to end game with lots of tension from barca??
err dude. I guess you're just trolling but anyways.
The only thing making them able to pass that much and keep up the pace is because they move SO MUCH. They don't wait for gaps, they create them by baiting the enemy to pressurize certain positions.

A lot of their games don't have the who's-going-to-win kind of tension but imo its just great to see them get out of situations and create entire breaks in the enemy's defenses.
Don't move? Are you insane? How do you think they create that gap rofl , no brain in football :) , how come they won vs utd 2 times in the final without a chance?
it was the pocal game no. 1 vs. REal where they spitted and squeezed ears and stuff. awesome game of both...maybe you missed it!
This comment is full of bullshit, you win sir
iniestas goals are entertaining
Real Madrid C.F Member

Read the comment below.
you're a troll, get out.
I don't support them as much as I used to, it's not about that anyway. I'm not saying Barca are bad or anything like that and their style is clearly working for them very well so there's no reason to change it, but I don't see how anyone can honestly say it's entertaining. It's even more annoying when you realize that they have so many top players they could play some amazing football if they put constant pressure on their opponents rather than just pass around the ball in the midfield for ages.
Every coach in the world , every player in the world says this is the most amazing football ever seen, you "KOT" or something are implying that it's not entertaining and amazing.

Moron? I think so :)
That's pretty much why I despise Barca's fans more than the club itself.
[pic] not sure if trolling or just stupid [/pic]
such a Real fan
Blackburn -Arsenal 4:3 (1:2) they fail again!

hahah spurs will fail too morrow/today
Barca 15-2
Real 10-2

Wut : - o
Barca played 3 games, Real playing 3rd today (Levante away)
Real 0-1 ;)
Barca have broken football. Gtfo.
keeper sucks.
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