morning journal

Good Morning Anonymous Crossies!

IT'S MORNING JOURNAL TIIIIIIIME!!! image: tumblr_lrsn204iHB1qdehcq

What are you guys up to today?
I'm at work right now, already grumpy. I'm only here for 25 minutes and people are giving me a billion tasks which I really don't wna do, so I decided to make a morning journal instead. My boss is so lucky to have me.

What do you have for breakfast?
Coffee and self-made brioche NOM NOM

Plans for the weekend?
Work and work and probably work.

Anything special happened to you last week?
Came back from my short trip to Holland on Thursday. Had a really good time at the ocean, played with my dog and rescued a jelly jelly fish!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand that’s it. Now it’s your turn!

Shoutouts to:
Netherlands Dezire, Mauritania andyy, Germany wsk, Baden-Württemberg Noorgrin, Finland Panda, Estonia infi_, Anonymous knoche, Finland Thomm, Netherlands Mott4, Anonymous Snug, Germany FaKy, Anonymous nicon, United Kingdom Rockskin, Czech Republic muflon, Anonymous schnee <33333, New Zealand iiky,China Gungy, Israel Matan, Anonymous and ofc the rest of the Germany #faggotfamily

and Anonymous you!

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image: tumblr_lrsal4InJb1qzbwhlo1_500


Drinking some sirup and eating sandwiches.

Going to uni. Got 2 classes today. Was up till 3 last night and had to wake up @ 9 :S
This shit is crazy.

gonna go home this weekend, because it's my mother's bday !!
What are you guys up to today?
school works footballmatch

What do you have for breakfast?
2 french donuts

Plans for the weekend?
party with saiko zangief

Anything special happened to you last week?
Oh you! Just finished my morning journal, had to delete it :(

No plans, just work and then nerding at home. Trying to lure you and boys (men?) to prac hard.

No breakfast, just coffee.

Weekend? Hmm, on friday there is a big party at our community where I live, few performers (I will be there throwing & swallowing fire), music, bbq & good times. Saturday business as usual.

Special? We went camping on saturday :)

EDIT: Bought N900 yesterday, dont know how to use it yet. What apps would be good on it? Any tips?
And why exactly will you be throwing & swallowing fire?
The party is about light & fire VS darkness & cold. A venice-style, there are lots of them at Finland around autumn, something to say goodbye to summer.

image: p7030012
actually doesn't sound too bad x)
Feel free to join us, doesnt cost a thing and it is open for everyone.
i suppose i'm still trapped on your backseat, so i don't really have a choice :D
I let your out yesterday, didnt you notice? Besides, you were at trunk because of the screaming.
i stopped screaming the moment you threatened me to put me in the trunk and you put me there anyway? you're a mean kidnapper! shame on you!
Studying. Oh, and gonna watch the 2 new HIMYM episodes :-)

Porridge with an apple :-D


Nothing really. Saw Fritz Kalkbrenner live @ Köln, was pretty okish :-)

morning Fiji PaRzi and Anonymous crossies,

what are you guys up to today
working hard! have to prepare some stuff for later this week - also next week is off so stuff has to be finished.

what do you have for breakfast
sesamstange! and coffee ofc.

plans for weekend
none yet

anything special happened last week
mhmmm not that I could think of right now.

people are annoying me with the same shit habit over and over. maybe I am just a mad man, but I will give you some examples of how co-workers piss me off:

1. they use my phone all the time.
when people are in my office and their phone rings, they're gonna use mine to answer the call. because their office is a 5-8 seconds walk away. not only they spit and cough in something I have to put close to my mouth... no, they stand next to my desk for 10 minutes like "bla bla bla bla" when I try to work or browse interwebs - they will also be like "hey I have Mr. X at the phone, can you look this or that up in your pc for him?". also, I can't call anyone because my phone is occupied.

2. people push my chair
ok, so I sit on my chair, showing/explaining stuff to co-worker who is standing behind me. cause humans aren't constructed to stand for 30 seconds without sitting or leaning on anything, people will automaticly put their hands on my chair. without noticing, they push me, so I have to push against that. I don't want any hand near me, nor do I want people to push me GODDAMNIT!

3. people push the papers on my desk
so every once in a while I get pissed of by people pushing my chair so I tell them. it wont take long until they forgot about that anyway, but in the meantime they will lean on the desk which is full of papers. it doesnt even take 10 seconds until all the papers are moving around and pushing my mouse pad away and I freak out. have you ever tried using your mouse while someone is pushing it? xD


phew, finally I got that off my chest.

have a good day everyone ;)
so much pushing going on at your office, what's wrong with people!? :D
I dunno, but people here think I am the one who's crazy cause those things annoy me x)
it always freaks me out when someone is standing really close to me while i'm sitting on my chair working on the computer. like this looking over my shoulder situation, i just wna turn around and push them away :D and it's only worse if they touch the chair or even.. touch me O___O GNAH!
my boss likes to touch people, not only put the hand on your shoulder, but when you're sitting next to him he is seriously gonna touch your leg :D not like in grab it, but he puts the upper side of his hand against the legs of people when he wants attention. creepy shit.
so basically you get molested... me gusta!

image: tumblr_lrj6dqq0M21r0s5buo1_500
I wish my boss was as cute as this little friend :D
gizmo <3333
:D Tell his supervisor about it, you are entitled to some settlement-money. Or at least free therapy.
he's the boss, there is no supervisor :O
Union representative? Or just straight extorsion.
there is no union
can u imagine the therapy wsk would need to go under? :DDDDDDDD
Haha, yea :D Over 40 years of supressed memories and bad things :D
haha :D "Show me on the doll, where the bad man touched you"
Tell them to go away. If that doesnt work, give them something so stupid to do that they learn not to come there again. Be a man, dont complain about those things, stop them! RAGE ON!

EDIT: Or if you got a good sense of humor, put something akward on your screen, some porn or comparable. Or annoying music and sounds.
I can't put porn or annoying music on when I try to show/explain something so idiots can do my work later on ;P
I raged about it so many times, then they're either giving me a weird look or are like "oh you're right, sorry" just to do the same next day.
I got this theory people have only one intention: getting me in the madhouse.
That has to be some Germany yerman problem. They are constantly creating trouble. And when we say "NO NO NO, DONT DO IT", they are like "ok ok, np". And then BOOM, same shit all over again.
smear some mustard on your chair & papers, so people wouldn't go around pushing them. Also eat a lot of garlic before speaking to your boss. Now if this doesn't work, it's obvious - your co-workers are vampires!
I had kebap for lunch, am I safe now? :D
going to watch the two new episodes of himym right now. can't wait!
muflon has disappeared years ago!
only for the eyes of the ordinary!
What are you guys up to today?
Checkin job offers, then doing nothing, then again nothing, at around 15;30 going to studio to mix for ~3 hours or so.

What do you have for breakfast?
Had some rice cakes (dont know if its proper translation :P) with ham.

Plans for the weekend?
Meeting with 2 mates and 4 random chicks at saturday, except that nothing much.

Anything special happened to you last week?
Seen Paul SG live @ Poznan, amazing stuff!
you on xfire?
What are you guys up to today?
Going to the gym, find a job , go to soccer practice

What do you have for breakfast?
3 sandwiches with rosbief, filet americain and komijnenkaas

Anything special happened to you last week?
Won a soccer match with 6-5 and went to the club and met this awesome cute girl!

Plans for the weekend?
See that awesome cute girl again!
good morning wife :***

What are you guys up to today?
at work. tired. 2more days to go. get my pc ready to play :) i just got my pc back last nite updated, upgraded :DDDd

What do you have for breakfast?
wölkchen schoko <3

Anything special happened to you last week?
not more special than another week :D maybe yes

Plans for the weekend?
klassentreffen vom abi! :) bday of a friend
clubbin on wednesday and thursay

have a good day my love <3

song cause it was first i had to think about as i did read ur name:
Watching Russia being bashed hard by Italy

Italia's anthem is really superior :>
agree about the anthem :D
Anthem of Italy :D Its like being at circus or some carnival, I think it isnt that good.
I see what you mean but I still like it, it's quite a military rythm and I also like the tune so ;)
Good morning!

Bored at work. Will go and push chairs and papers around or touch coworkers :DD

No plans for the weekend, probably just sleep as much as possible. Nothing special last week either. Oh and leberwurstbrötchen for breakfast :D

Next week there will be some more fun I hope, friends visiting from Wednesday to Saturday :D

Have a nice day and don't kill anyone please :D we need you!
leberwurstbrötchen: ~700 kalorien :)

jetzt will ich auch eins :[
morning cock sucking bitchez. yesterday from +30 the temperature came to 20 deegres. fucking weather. slept okayish.

today gonna do nothing and drink alcohol.

marlboro gold for breakfast.

get wasted.

yeah passed my last exam this year, and had the best bday evah.

off to pub, bibuy
ARRRRRRRRRR, didn't see your morning journal, pirate mate ! ... sry bout that ! :( ARRRRRRR ARRRRRRRR

What are you guys up to today?
work ofc :( ... at the evening some cooking, chill & SC2 :D

What do you have for breakfast?
Coffee, a "choco Brötchen" and a small sandwich baguette

Plans for the weekend?
no special plans yet, maybe some shopping on saturday, could use some new clothes and few things for the house

Anything special happened to you last week?
39° fever+ cold :(
going to uni in 15min, had some bread with milk for breakfast and some cigs, and its only tuesday yet so no idea what my plans for the weekend are.
My girlfriend has a fever so i got some time for my own this week:p
What are you guys up to today?
It's 6:20 here in NY, and I have a job interview today so I'm preparing for that. First job ever, and I'm looking really forward to getting it!

What do you have for breakfast?
Bread with egg, with tea, and maybe something else.

Plans for the weekend?
I hope I get the job so I can start working and filling up my pockets. Gonna stop being a pussy and "poke" this girl on facebook whom which I'm madly in love with. Aside from that I gotta start making up for lost days at the gym, since college started =/

Anything special happened to you last week?
Nothing at all, I had school work to do. Had to read Psychology, Art History, C++ textbooks which drove me insane.

I really hope I get this job!
What are you guys up to today?
Just back from school probably going to make homework + chill.

What do you have for breakfast?
MILK and omnomnom image: Broodje+eiersalade.jpg?width=220&height=156&ext=

Plans for the weekend?
Football (first match so scared :( ), indoor football anddddd idk yet :L)

Anything special happened to you last week?
No not really :< pretty boring time lately

You met Wim? Where do you work at?

What are you guys up to today?
I just got up, as I had nightshift, so, just a calm day recovering and back to work at 10pm..
Luckily HIMYM is back and will also check how Kutcher does.

What do you have for breakfast?

Plans for the weekend?
Ermh..that's too far, no idea.. Maybe look for a flat, if I decided for a subject and place to study.

Anything special happened to you last week?
Not really :o
SUP? :))))
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