Troy Davis

Anyone heard of him? guess not...
he sadly will be executed tomorrow/today.,8599,2094103,00.html?iid=pf-main-mostpop1

[GER],1518,787355,00.html [/GER]

QuoteTroy Anthony Davis (born October 9, 1968) was convicted of the August 19, 1989, murder of Savannah, Georgia police officer Mark MacPhail. MacPhail was working as a security guard at a Burger King when he intervened in an argument between several men in a nearby parking lot. He was shot in the heart and face without having drawn his gun. One of the men, Sylvester "Redd" Coles, went to police and implicated Davis in the killing, and Davis was arrested four days later. During Davis’ 1991 trial, many witnesses testified they had seen Davis shoot MacPhail. Two others testified that Davis had confessed the murder to them. The murder weapon was never found, and no physical evidence linked Davis to the crime. Throughout his trial and subsequent appeals, Davis has maintained his innocence. Davis was convicted and sentenced to death in August 1991.

Many appeals in state and federal courts followed. Davis and his lawyers argued that the racial composition of the jury and poor advocacy from his lawyers had affected his right to a fair trial. Seven of the original nine eyewitnesses who had linked Davis to the killing recanted all or part of their trial testimony. Several stated they had felt pressure by police to implicate Davis. New witnesses implicated Coles in the crime. The appeals were denied with courts declaring that Davis had not provided a "substantive claim" of innocence and that the recantations were unpersuasive. In July 2007, September 2008, and October 2008, execution dates were scheduled but stayed shortly before the events took place.

Amnesty International and other groups such as National Association for the Advancement of Colored People took up Davis' cause. Prominent politicians and leaders, including former President Jimmy Carter, Al Sharpton, Pope Benedict XVI, Nobel laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu, presidential candidate Bob Barr and former FBI Director and judge William S. Sessions called upon the courts to grant Davis a new trial or evidentiary hearing.

In August 17, 2009, the U.S. Supreme Court, over the dissenting votes of two justices, ordered a federal district court in Georgia to consider whether new evidence "that could not have been obtained at the time of trial clearly establishes [Davis'] innocence". The evidentiary hearing was held in June 2010, during which several former prosecution witnesses recanted their previous testimony and described police coercion. Other witnesses asserted that Coles had confessed to the killing; this evidence was excluded as Coles was not given the opportunity to rebut it. In an August 2010 decision, the conviction was upheld, with the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Georgia declaring that the new evidence cast only "minimal doubt on his conviction". Subsequent appeals, including to the Supreme Court, were rejected, and a fourth execution date was set for September 21, 2011. A clemency hearing by the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles was set for September 19. Over 650,000 people signed a petition urging the Board to grant clemency. On September 20, the Board denied him clemency.

Seven of the original nine eyewitnesses who had linked Davis to the killing recanted all or part of their trial testimony.

his life:

QuoteIn January 2011, Davis' legal team filed a new appeal with the United States Supreme Court, alleging that the 11th Circuit appellate panel had "evinced a clear hostility" during his August 2010 appeal, and again asking for a new trial.[101] The appeal was rejected without comment by the Supreme Court in March 2011, setting the stage for a new execution date.[102][103]

In May 2011, Amnesty International and People of Faith Against the Death Penalty asked religious leaders to sign a petition to the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles calling for the commutation of Davis' death sentence. By September 17, 2011, over 660,000 people[104] had signed the petition for clemency including Pope Benedict XVI, Archbishop of Atlanta Wilton Gregory, William Sessions (former head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation), President Jimmy Carter, representatives for the European Parliament, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu

sad fucking american legislation and EXECUTION!
your worst nightmare.
no, but fred davis is rollin on my fantasy team
image: Fred-Davis
lol u mad sentimentalfag?

ne spaß ich hab davon gehört, aber ich kenne weder den fall noch die beweislage etc also kann ich mir keine meinung bilden. und sich jetzt noch damit zu beschäftigen wäre sinnlos, da die ganze geschichte morgen eh hinfällig ist
hab heut nen schönen tag gehabt und erst am ende davon gehört...ja sentimental-fag kann ja sein.
aber ich hab mir grad gedacht, es sterben so viele menschen unschuldig jeden tag, was will dr. papst da machen ;D

aber schon scheisse schuldlos in den tod geschickt zu werden...aber er ist halt auch nich der einzige....

ich glaube ich mag die USA deswegen noch weniger, oder zumindest den spacken, der das gnadengesuch abgelehnt hat, obwhl sogar weltweit leute wissen, dass er ziemlich wahrscheinlich unschuldig ist
United States of America Congratulations !
Quite sad, nothing more to add :|
fuck americans
ive read about it the past days...its just ridicilous if u imagine yourself in his position. gettin executed for something you didnt do... AMERICA FUCK YEAH?
that sucks
yer, heard about him a couple of times on tv, internets, amnesty..
sad story
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