Troy Davis

These are his last minutes, nothing can change now, the American justice is going to kill one more man who is far from being guilty. How can Men be that stubborn and unfair? Freak country, justice makes me puke. That is all. Peace

e : the execution is fucking delayed...
e2 : He is dead. Fuck.
But what if he actually did it?
Better have one guilty man free than an innocent one locked... The question is more about : If we are sure he did it, he has to be condemned (death penalty or not, that's an other debate). It is obvious that we cannot be sure he actually killed that man. When there is such a doubt, you MUSN'T risk to kill an innocent man. The judges refused again and again to face these doubts and that is the real crime..
Since when is death a bad thing?
since life began to sprout
Think about that while keeping in mind the dude is being accused of murder.
I do not fear death.
Either there is absolute proof he did it and it's ok to convict him (ignoring whether death sentence is appropriate or not), or there is none and it's not ok to convict him. I don't know which one it is, but people seem to think it's the latter.

Edit: France Rashomon said exactly the same thing
If this was the only thing that's wrong with this planet, I'd probably even care.
every second 3 people die why is this one special?
Fucking moron :DDDDDDDD
ure reply showed otherwise
Stop talking to me, this is something serious I don't want to see trolls/extremely stupid-uneducated people posting in this journal. thx
wrong place to be xD
pre assuming someone is trolling/extremely stupid-uneducated makes u that person
k thnx bb
go cry some more over the retardisme thats been on this planet a phew thousand years
Hey man welcome on my ignore list :)
i see how serious u are, cant even come up with one simple counter argument to a simple fact i stated, no use in arguing with u tbh

It's not about if this person is alive or dead, but about if your society should be able to condemn you to death solely by accusations from a couple of "eyewitnesses".
i know its complete bullshit that they could get this thing so far with solely eyewitnesses, but then again hundreds of people get killed for complete random bullshit every day cba to give this one special attention :)
You're so stupid that I actually lost IQ by reading your comments.

wasnt much to begin with then as it seems u do not get the point
Oh I get your point, but you're the one missing the point of the above discussion here child.
not rlly, the point was that the justice system has massive flaws and those flaws could kill innocent people, but that happens daily and giving this one more attention then any others makes u selfish
Might so be that this gets a tad too much exposure. But that mostly means, in my opinion, that these other injustices only receives too little, not that it would be selfish.

90% of every other news and debates is reliefs, eases, repeats or (~inconsequential~) details that could as well go into the trash.
Definitely true that other incidents didnt get enough attention and imo stuff like this cant get overexposed, humanity itself has flaws and those should get as much attention as possible and its also true that 90% or even more of the daily news is just to feed the mass :), and imo Mr threadstarter hear makes himself selfish due the point that he makes this thread, but when someone gives a simple argument he replies with something completely random and childish which imo shows he couldnt care less
An (probably) completely innocent man gets locked up for 22 years then executed for a murder he didnt commit. And you see nothing wrong with that?
never said that :)
Exactly. What's relevant is not this individual case because lol niggers die every second, but the "justice" system as a whole as that actually has a chance of affecting you and me one day.
Well, I wouldnt go so far as to say that it's plausible that anyone I know would ever risk being treated like this. It is one of the few backwards states of americat that still practices executions after all. :P
So just because people die (DUH) executing a guy who might be innocent is irrelevant?
didnt say its irrelevant i said u should care about everyone that goes through this and not make this one special
I have nothing against this kind of punishment, but only if its 100% sure and from what I've heard they are not sure if he did it :/

RIP Troy!
well i actually read an articel in a magazin today about a few men who got sentenced for murder and were released years later because the case got opened again and the court realized that there were actually no evidence
and there are still thousands of innocent people in us prison who sit there for decades already, because the us law system is really fucked up

one example, jens söring, sitting in us jail already for 25 years...the proofs are far from clear, but the jury consisting out of some silly southern hillbillys was convinced...and those fucking us courts are so fucking obstinate,especially in the south, they almost never ever give the permission to reroll a case in which the evidences are more than questionable
yeyeye sad and all but im sick of people calling him "not guilty". its just as wrong as calling him guilty.
I don't actually think many people are taking the risk of calling him "innocent".
Interesting arguments going on in here, but i haven't been following the news. Who is he and what is he accused of doing?
He is a black man who is accused of the murder of a policeman in 1989. There has never been any physical evidence against him, only 9 eyewitness who later said that the police 'forced' them to say that that black man was guilty (easy target), he has been condemned to death, and three times, the sentence has been delayed, and today was the fourth time, the last resort failed, everyone was waiting for his unfair death (not enough evidences to KILL a man), but something happened and the death is delayed again. Noone knows what's happening, there are media there covering the wait, many people, many cops and everyone is waiting for a new decision from the supreme court. That's it!
Well if the eye witnesses later said that the police forced them to call him out and say he was guilty that should be enough proof to drop the case. There must be something more.
Yep, we all see how incredibly stubborn and unfair can the American justice can be...
Well the icelandic justice system is equally retarded here you will see men get 5 years for man slaughter and child malesters get 12 months . I guess every justice system has it flaws but some of them seem to extreame
The execution won't be delayed any longer. He's about to die. fml
I don't understand why you're making such a big fuzz
Because it is happening in America and because it is so obvious that the justice system is blind and has a biased judgement concerning this case. The whole thing is a nonsense and it reveals the absurdity and the barbarity of the death penalty.
You think they put him on death row for no reason?
There's more chance he did it than there is he didn't.

I, for one, plead for the death penalty to be reinstated in every country and a harsher justice system.
You obviously don't know enough about this case, please don't make assumptions unless you know about the whole thing. There is 90% more chance he did NOT do it...
And your lack of compassion is immense, plus you don't seem to know the meaning of the word 'justice'. Where is the justice when you kill a man because he killed a man?
I do know enough about this to base an opinion.
Circumstancial evidence, i'm convinced he did it.

I believe in eye for an eye (or similar).
I don't believe you are convinced of that, dirty lier
Ik hoop echt dat dit een troll is
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