16:9 Probs

hello crossfire,
i got a new monitor and i think the recoil is alot higher with a 16:9 monitor then with a 4:3 !


is there a perfect resolution for et?

atm i got 1360*768 but it sucks hard in ET!!!

Need some help pls!
Just use r_mode 4 or 6, you'll get used to it.
Hey Ive got a new Printer today, do I have to change my resolution, fov and sensitivity now ???
it is adviced, when i got a new modem, i changed my brightness, reso, sens and fov
mhh ok

do I calculate by the speed the printer prints or by the amount of ink used for one page printed in red
by the amount of ink it needs to print an a4 paper with the colors of the rainbow
I use 720*576

No recoil but shit resolution
wont work! its a 16:9 resolution u got an 4:3 :(
then use 1280x720 :o
dann hab ich irgendwie unten einen schwarzen balken!
dann machst den uebern monitor weg verdammt axt.
hab jetzt 1900*1200 funzt ganz gut aber vll ein wenig zuuuu weidht screen
Unfortunately, you right and that is the only way I've managed to fix that :

set r_modee vstr r_modee1
set r_modee1 "echo ^6 R_MODE 6; set r_modee vstr r_modee2"
set r_modee2 "exec sniper; set r_modee vstr r_modee1"
bind kp_plus "vstr r_modee"
r_mode -1

set fullscreen vstr fullscreen1
set fullscreen1 "echo FULLSCREEN; set fullscreen vstr fullscreen2"
set fullscreen2 "exec frag; set fullscreen vstr fullscreen1"
bind kp_minus "vstr fullscreen"

So I have to vid_restart when I want to switch from smg to sniper with low recoil and back to fullscreen with an other vid_restart to get my smg back, this is a real pain in the ass
why do u need different video settings for sniper, i don't. and i'm still good with it.. what does it change so much?
The recoil. If I snipe on fullscreen, my scope is unstable, shakes and I have to pull down harder whereas when I snipe with r_mode on 6 (there are black stripes on the left and on the right), everything is smaller but it makes a square, so my recoil is much easier to handle !
Top Gerät XD... LoL was'ne Schüssel.
habs vom kollegen bekommen geschenkten gaul schaut man nciht ins maul!
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