Brains Or Persionality

After years of me taking insults racial slurs and being marked as a retard of the community.. i came up with a question;


Why is so, when you do not understand the meaning of what i say
when i say you say or better u respond in an self defense way with a werry insulting comment wich has nothing to do with the statement
or even some of the ppl who used to insult me, took me on head on without a reason even tho we wer not friends nor enemies.. Just because they misunderstood my whole context so the question is

Is it the brain? or is it who u are, wich makes u engage in a hostile or a friendly conversation.

I Think its the brain, cause the brain processes the information wich you do not understand, after not understanding, the brain subconsciously searches ur memory for a mirror like event that has happend to you before, and tries to find a reaction to it.. due to ur violent or unfrendly childhood ur brain marks my words as not friendly or hostile, then u act in a self defense and try to engage in an e-fight... with words

Just thinking out loud, what are your thoughts? have u ever misunderstood a person online while chatting? and then judged them on a fiction based picture..

What do you think, is it the brain, or who we are that makes us fear/hate what we do not understand?
i'd go for mild irritation rather than fear or hate
well.. being irritated by smthn u dont understand is somehow "fear" connected imo

perfect example, but i am not being hostile
If you are stupid and try to make your point, it isnt the other person's fault that he is smarter than you. You should just realize that most of your points and arguments are just full of shit and you just arent right.

Then you might understand why everybody hates you when you just keep on making those shitty comments you make.
again, u feel violated? feared by me? why is it so?

i am not replying to unblind, im making a point to all of the ppl who are browsing here
as a wise person, i think he understands, but you dont, im sorry to cut this comment short, but u are not worth my time, so i leave u.
Just look down.

Tala who created the site has 5 years and 9 months old account.

And you are saying that your CF is older than 6 years. :D:D

You stupid fuck :D
Tala created version 3 you're retarded. CF was here before Tala ever registered. YOU SO DUMB

Edit: this guy made cf.
went with user=1
You're still extremely wrong. Now fuck off.
Go hunt some fat ladies :)
You didn't honestly think I was going for the girl for any other reason than to mock her I hope?
really dont care dude. you can keep your stories elsewhere
retarded comments and behavior
Caused by brain or personality ?
internet is too 100% serious.
It is kinda funny for the retards here like me.
They will sweat for everything they wrote and yeah mauwhahahahahhaaha! Losers!
After years?
pls, do not gather ur admins and bully me.. i am helpless..

also why is it so, that most of online bullying towards me was from the admins themselfs?

i think its fear, from being mistreated u feelt helpless, u felt fear.. but with knowing how does it feel, why dont u mark that kind of behavior as smthn that should not be accepted nor funny but you do not think about it that way dont u now? ur just thinking about how u can make fun out of a guy who is helpless.. its not trolling and its not fun. its internet bully-ing!
it is just a game, but playing pingpong with a person in a game or anywhere else is ...
Baby don't hurt me...don't hurt me...No More............................WHAT IS LOVE?!....................WHAT IS LOVE?!
Yes it is brain. You got braindamage.
a perfect example ladies and gentleman, how our brain reacts, look at the.. il call him a lab rat, look at the lab rat above me, he does not understand, nor does he tries 2

but look closley, he did on the otherhand read the title..
clever as he is, he combined the same grammar that eminem has used in his song
but! he is named after eminem.. that means he likes eminem wich means he approves eminem's behavior and state of mind, so by acting irrational in fear, he has not insulted me but has proven to be terrified by me
enganged in a hostile conversation, but litle as he did know, he actualy praised me, instead of insulting me.

class dismissed.
Most likely it has to do with the fact that you had a violent or unfrendly childhood
again, misunderstanding and a commet who is not related to the subject of this post!
again tried to offend me with having a unfrendly and violent child hood, wich is actually not insulting, its normal its how the world is...

i did, but im not the one who is calling ,yself a retard, a 3rd world cunt and all other sorts of stupid comments..
I don't think you see what's happening here, due to ur violent or unfrendly childhood ur brain marks my words as not friendly or hostile, then u act in a self defense and try to engage in an e-fight... with words...

You see the pattern?
im not being violent, im saying i did have a violent childhood
because topics like this maybe...

childish i would go for personality
so you are saying, its not the brain, is the personality
because its the content of the post that makes ppl act violent to eachother
but why do they get so upset over some content? because the brain understand the information as a threat and thats where the violence comes to play

so im still saying its Fear
Ive been sitting here in horror over the past few years, watching the general level of wisdom and manners slowly degenerate on this website. Seems that 75% of the active users here are complete assholes. What I can say to you is: Don't take it personally, so many people think they are cool replying with hateful, hurtful, irrelevant answers. They don't know you and you have no reason to affiliate yourself with lowlives as such. It's very sad to see where all this is going.
had to read ur text a good few times and still didnt fully understand what you meant by brain and personality.

all those "epic" fragclips of random kills against random opponents, hardly what the regular CF user deems as a good movie/entertainment. people just dont like showoffs, they love bashing u for skill while youre just supplying them with more and more material for it :P.

also the "super seareal teamspeak server" shit is just beyond lame >_>. did you seriously think something like that sounds inviting? couldve gone for a more neutral name

when ive played with u, uve always been a serious and a decent player, but when it comes to crossfire (talking to people online), its like you cant think straight =p. so im gonna go with brain to be honest, somethings just not clicking right.

and after all i fear youre just trolling and enjoying all the flame which my post sadly didnt deliver much of

Firstly i would like to thank you for your time you have taken to read this

the fragclips, mean so much to me, since i dedicated alot of my spare time to this game, all from playing the game, to moving my mouse in a str8 line i have spent alot of hours improving the moves, just because i wanted to get better and i did. The fragclips iv uploaded wer for me and myself only, to remind me what i have done in the past and what i can do, from perfect one move mouse moves to 180degree accurate turns, its not about the shit oppo wich i never play against, but its about the perfection dedication and hard training, uploaded so i can watch it over and over again, to remind me who i am ingame. keeping things on HD is not safe, i lost already shitloads of stuff from previus pc blowout.
also, i like to mix lyrics with frags, its like the clip is talking to you...

super seareal teampseak is a wordplay
it stands for super serious teamspeak server - im an artist a writer, i love to play with words.

i find it hard to talk to ppl on crossfire, just because of the hate they have gatherd towards me..

i do not like the flame, certenly like that everyone knows who i am but the hate is just 2 grate, i cannot get into teams because ppl think im a jackass, and its just sad how i cant get a decent chance of playing some nice et regardless to my skill level
Being insulted by what other people say means that you think about yourself the same way as they do, and that makes you sad.
no, on the oposit, i feel sad for them.. sometimes it makes me mad in a way because when i try to ask a person, why are u being like this, it only ends up him acting like a 13yr old kid in puberty, but he says he is 25 o.o
Why is so, when you do not understand the meaning of what i say

I THINK this sentence sums up your entire internet adventure
it was ment to be writen in a confusing/playfull way
but the violence comming from you adeto.. why?

i have played with you.. u wer nice i was nice.. worked along pretty well..

its childish to point out the grammar errors or laugh at someone, oh u misspelled haha ur such a goon...
not my point to be a grammarnazi, i like you as a guy but on cf ur acting like a fucking retard with the ego of a thousand sNoOp's .... stop the wnb raziel shit and just play the game like the rest of us...
ofc i have a personality and im never said im raziel
'aiming by seareal'

basicly claiming you are similar to RaZieL... You're a nice guy but your ego is just insane, especially since you don't seem to notice that nobody on CF gives a fuck about your map/aiming/practice.
i have more then 30players interested and 10ec players :D

it has nothing to do with raziel
nor do i teach players how to aim
Who are you?

And how can you say years when you have been @ CF for a year.
i am registered for more then 6years now
You are not : Member For: 1 year, 3 months and 8 days

btw. Oldest CF user is Tala with Member For: 5 years, 9 months and 13 days

So stop lying bitch :D:D
i have a cb account older then 6years
my cf shuld be 6years soon, and

if u compare

u can see that i am a member on this site way longer then u.

Tala created CF and his account is 5 years and 9 months. How can you have been here longer? That's what I am talking about :d You are just stupid :D:D
im saying that im here longer then you. and u are here what? 5years?
i said almost 6years

im sorry but its hard to make conversation with ppl thinking stupid.
I started playing ET from 2004. And came here @ 2005 :d How can you ever been here longer than me?

Again you just showed your ignorance and your own stupidity by just keep on going with shit comments. And then you ask why ppl repulse you :D?

And come one. The two links you gave me with your profile and mine. I think 1 year is less that 4, isnt it ?
oh my god, you such an incompetent fool
i started playing et smthn like 8or more years ago.
and registerd before you on crossfire

look this is you
this is me
ET was released 2004 @ May :D That's 7 years dude :D

Again, you with your 8 years :D:D
Smthn= Something like 8years wich means +/-

im sorry, i find it really dificult talking to you, since ur intellect is quite amazing
I started playing @ 2004. ET was released 2004. How can you play it longer than me :D?

And you still ask why everybody hates you :d
i did not state i play longer then you


oh my god

this is just unbelivable rly :D

read ur comments my friend
read yours. Stating that you have been here 6 years that you have played 8 years. come on. get your head out of your ass and realize when nobody likes you. Now gtfo
u do know 1day less then 8years is 7 years

im sry but ur rly amazing
And you still ask why ppl dislike you?

just retarded tbh
stop lying

Member For: 41 years, 9 months and 0 days
I know about crossfire bot. but that dickhead wouldnt understand when i would have copied it to him.
Not correct...
who the hell are you
you have some werry walid points there mate, you should defo make a column out of this!
i love to write, but i write for myself, couldnt be assed to write smthn worthy in a diff lang.
for the whole community so they will see/feel my point, because it doesnt really matter :P
I had to read your post a few times and still don't fully understand it. Prehaps that says something about , prehaps that says something about you
exactly my point, i am a myself, i did not growup trying to be someone i grown up as myself, expresing myself difff.. even in my own lang. i have trouble talking to ppl cause they cant get the point.

and you can either understand me or be totaly blackedout about it since u have no idea what im talking about...

It would help your cause (or whatever it is) to learn some english and if you would stopped acting like a dork. Nothing personal.
my english is better then average
my english speech is even better

i do not understand ur point, the pig can be cut in more then one way.
a girl can be raped in more then one hole and still call it a rape
and so on...

E: Also The point u are trying to make is just ur theory.
there are shitloads of doctors on earth who dont even speak english.
better then :) yes
well yes ofc, why would u think otherwise ?
its better than
i dont get it
E: yes i know but what does that have to do with my english.. even jezus made typos, its not bible its byple
Above the average among which group? If you ask me, your writing is near the low end on the "ease-of-understanding" scale. I don't even mind the countless typos.
wich group? ur not being 100% clear
see.. u have the same "Problem"(not a problem i know what ur saying) Choice of words, thers always more then one word to go with... but thats not the reason of a lower then average english, lover then average english is perfect english, writen with no flaws and no typos..

il explain, if u trust urself and know what ur capable of.. why would u feel insecure
if u know ur shit at it u will look for ways to get it right, check this reach-hack that.. even use a dictionary

e: because u know ppl with some english skills will understand, what u wer trying to say even if u wrote the word wrong.. the idiots usaly complain, i dont like using the term "idiots" but il let it slide this time, hope u understood my point of view..
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