6on6 happy?

Well, ive talked to some ppl, and stuff and heard alot that much people are not happy with the situation of et atm.

My opinion is that 6on6 killed et totally now!
1. Just have to take a look that most of the "high teams" are even praccing less than last season.
2.Just need to take a look on this EC Season (Mr. Forever OC *cough*)
3. Ye we got much 1 day cups, but could have done it in 5on5 also, so not a major change for et.
4. Will there be any lans instead of the lan from tosspot?!?!?
5. Never heard smth anymore from some players/teams since 6on6 is back

What do you guys think? Are you guys happy now with 6on6, or would u prefer to set the time back for 5on5?
Shut up mr. gonna drop in groupstage :'D
srsly would there be anymore teams if it would be 5v5 ?
there is no money in EC so d wouldnt play it anyway

last season the EC final wasnt even played so gg fucking 5v5
Atleast there would be more med+ teams i think, and we didnt played the final yet because alot of ppl been in holidays (sqzz, wiaderko, etc) so we wasnt really able to play the final, but we think about to still playing it!
funny boys, ec is over since months, no gold and no silver, gg
swani 5o5 no ec

swani 6o6 = EC

i see why you like 6o6 moar :DDDD
my 1st EC quali was 6v6 :) and so did 2nd :)

edit. oh and even my 3rd try was 6v6

"Qualifiers 1st round"

so is there a 2nd round or not? :o
so you're not in ec yet, are you!?
2nd and 3rd bracket games:

disQonnect vs codelust
Frogz vs Team Blackpoint
Turboapinat vs inteRaction
Cortana vs k1ck eSports

We got now like 16.67 % less teams then before change
1. High teams only prac for lans
2. EC has been declining for years, even I got 3rd place last season
3. It didnt happen in 5v5, it did @ 6v6 - so good.
4. I didn't notice the increase of LAN activity with 5v5 either (think aef was the only one that was only possible due to the 5v5 format)
5. It's new college year people leaving like always or getting other stuff to do.

5v5 was shit, glad 6v6 is here :)
1. disagree, last season alot of "high" teams also pracced for EC
2. EC true but there is a huge change from last season to this season (last season been the most teams atleast a good med+ in the quali but nowdays there are even alot of med teams in it)
3. I mean we could have done all this 1 day cups in 5on5 also so doesnt matter.
4. doesnt matter anyways
5. True
I'd say point 1. & 2. are partially due to LAN announcement during EC season.

I remember that we as nordic only pracced for LAN and that's why we also decided to play EC serious. When there is a LAN announced during the current EC season or before it u'll always get more active "high" teams.
who are the med skilled team?:D
teams were playing EC as prac for LAN, why do you think the final never got played....
actually we wanted to play the ec final on lan, but i couldn and phyzic wasnt on lan so 2/5 couldnt play = no final, then sqzz wiaderko etc went on holidays etc. thats why we didnt played it actually
I'm pretty sure the entire winfakt side just stopped playing straight after LAN too, I thought the final should have been played at LAN too that would have been good to cast! Point still stands, if there was anything to get out of the EC they would have (and you would have) made the effort to get it played :P
well i dont really care about it anymore tbh .. i asked winfakt alot of times when they want to play the final and they always said they dont want to play without wiaderko, so i said we dont want to play without sqzz then when he goes on holidays, after sqzz came back they didnt even reply on my msgs anymore so i think they dont want to play it anymore, idc tbh but would have been a good game.
ow look at aleks beeing so right :))
one single motto: LEAVE THE FUCKING MG! on 6on6 or i'll prefer 5on5
ET is just dead, no format change will save it, it's almost 10 years old, nothing you can do about it.
in 6v6 better teams will win, much less luck invovled, so thats a good reason to play 6v6
ET is "dead" no matter if its 5on5 or 6on6
6on6 is more entertaining to play and the only format that fits ET
The only problem for the many teams, I suppose to, is I guess to get every one on time to the prac and maybe also to find a decent 6th. Yesterday there were like 6 Teams searching for skilled 6th merc in 6on6 channel and that the problem tbh :D

But I like 6on6, it makes more fun for me to play it, one reason why I'm playing active again.
I'm glad to play 6o6 again. Even I don't wait more than 5minutes to find a match now.
No, I didn't saw ET as alive since 2010.
people still play this game competitively?
When there was 5on5 one day cups there was barely 5 signups per cup... We are happy with 6v6
I've enjoyed playing these few 6on6 mix-cups more than all 2 saesons of 5on5 EC's.

Games activity is declining, format is irrelevant.
6on6 got great parts like:

- easier to defend !
- more entertainning
- 6 man Arty or Panzer
- alot more action
- good old days :)

5on5 is also interesting:

- serious esports format
- better lan activity
- easy to attack
- 1 person can win a match
- and so on!

Main problem in ET is the support of leagues like ESL or of big companys like speedlink or TBH or Dignitas... This games is almost 10 years old and the graphic and the gameplay is still the same! Supply and Goldrush are overplayed and there is no other cometition then CB!

So for the future we should support the Xreal project or maybe we should do a post with hundrets of gamer on a gaming forum to get the attention of some big clans or gaming company's!

I would pay for a new ET and i think some might do the same.
well, what we would really need:

-some big names (SL,mousesports,SK and so on) who take a team in ET, it won't be expensive and you don't have to give your ET-squad the same support you give to your CS-squad, but it would pull some new players to ET.

- some nice and userfriendly tutorials how to install ET 2.60b

- a bigger support form the side of ESL, i think, the majority of eSports-guys is playing in ESL and clanbase is only a sidepart
SL... dead?
Why would mgs like that have a "professional" ET Team?
well, we are still some nerds who might buy smth from their sponsors.... i mean, they get servers for free (from their sponsors) and i think, most ET-teams would be satisfied with free servers/a little bit lansupport
1) There's nothing to prac for for the real high teams. EC is simply not worth it at all anymore. Unless there is a LAN announced you won't see any of them pracing. And that would not change in 5on5 at all.
2) See 1)
3) Noone would have played the 1day cups in 5on5 as the gamemode is shit and no fun. Ppl are active with the 6on6 cups because they finally enjoy the game again.
4) Do we need more LANs except the ones made by TosspoT or Seanza? MerlinatoR offered another LAN event (yeye, poor organistation blabla) but still the ET community didn't manage to field enough teams. There are probably simply not enough teams fully sponsored to attend more than 2 LANs per year anyway! You could have 10 LANs and they would not be attended most likely. I'd rather "only" have 2 LANs (even 1) per year as the main big event and have fun playing it than 3-4 LANs and not enjoying the game.
5) Who exactly? Dignitas, Anexis? See 1)

I think the whole situation will change again once a LAN or cup worth playing is announced.
urtiLAN incoming?
Thought Ronner is hosting one in his mansion?
i would be avi for every LAN!
Well yeah, but RAGE is invitational only.
4) Probably true but i didnt said that we need more lans my question was if there will be any other lans in the future than this one?!?
5) Dignitas, Anexis, Nordic (Lazio grim eirik), BF (i know they got direct invite for ec but didnt heard anything from them playingwise for a month now or smth), TAG (didnt heard anything from them for atleast 2-3 weeks), could name some more teams when i would think serious about it
I guess you mean poor organisation from ET community rather then myself and Ethr? As there wasnt much more we could have done other than book the tickets and pay for teams ourselves ;)

In terms of Events, like you said - ET cant handle more than perhaps two per year anyhow, it doesnt have the strength in the community or the backing by anyone other then people within the scene. Not that I think teams or player attitudes help matters, IE when a LAN comes around you get a few teams who simply expect full support, dont prac, attend lan and disband the team. Orgs going to be really interested in that ;)

I think ET should just be played as the scene wants it now, its on its last legs so do what is fun and enjoyable - it had a good attempt at trying to increase its scene presence but it doesnt really have the scene to do so (quite a leech filled scene sadly :D) and it being small as well doesnt help. Crossfire LAN events will at least have quite a lot of people at them, at least you would hope, considering they would be the only LAN for ET (that is, if even crossfire would still have ET at LAN, 6on6 is a big hassle depending on location)
Well, I haven't really followed the scene back when PHX was announced, just snapped a few comments and they stated that it was unlucky with the date/organisation. No idea really. In the end it was still the community and the ppl that didn't attend.

I'm just hoping that Crossfire supports one more LAN for ET and that it's 6on6. I would so love to attend it as my last LAN event (maybe). Depending when and where I find a job after summer, I'm pretty much done with competetive gaming anyway I guess :-)
welcome to the club! :D
same here but waiting for rtcw rly :D
why not play both ? :PpPP
floopz floopz floopz :~>
not this shit again..
show me teams that would play if EC was 5on5. people leave as games ages, EC been declining for few years now
changing from 6o6 to 5o5 killed et :)
im totally happy with 6on6
6on6 just is more fun
i dont like 6on6 so, i can seeeee dis point!
you need to understand that "highskilled people" are getting older aswell so its expected that many of them dont have time to play anymore. For example players who played in EC XIX I guess its something like 20% of them are still playing actively. So I wouldnt blame 6on6
You mad coz your 40 and still playing? :D
so the future high will be med?
afaik u havent been considered as one of the so called "high-skilled" players 4 years (or even 2 years) ago. u were and played med scum most of your time in this game.
2 years ago i had my first ec ;)
still the majority of ur et career was med scumish :P
sorry,but you have never been highskilled till you started owning on 5on5 format.
So basically you mad coz you arent that good anymore.ET is made for 6on6,deal with it.
u say it son :)
not really but it seems that we need some time but do we have time enough? before the game dies
im totally happy with 6on6
i love 6o6 but i gotta admit that it's way harder to get 6 players online everyday for praccs...
Stephanie, are you happy?
ye let's swap it every 3 months 5o5 - 6o6 - 5o5 -6o6.....
i didnt say anything about a switch back to 5on5, i just want to point that smth need to get changed otherwise et will be dead very very soon
everybody likes 6v6



Quoteyou need to understand that "highskilled people" are getting older aswell so its expected that many of them dont have time to play anymore. For example players who played in EC XIX I guess its something like 20% of them are still playing actively. So I wouldnt blame 6on6
your such an ididot, unbeliveable :DD
I prefer to play 6o6 or to watch 6o6 matches on ettv and not 5o5 matches
yes, 6v6 matches are way more fun on ETTV, that is also a good point to mention :)
1.ET is DEAD
2.ET is DEAD
3.ET is DEAD
4.ET is DEAD
5.ET is DEAD
The only problem i got with 6on6 as it is = if there is MG there should be mortar aswell, ty.
6on6 is way more enjoyable format with that everything is said.
ofc there are less teams in 6on6 than in 5on5 :\
I prefer 5o5 over 6o6. Less spam, more aim.
ET just need advertising and needs to take a lean to the more "younger" side like what quake live did. Why don't ET add just simple killing spree sounds or something? People should be able to disable/enable it though. New maps should be played too! Then, CF has to stop whining all the time. etc, etc.

ET needs to continue the cycle of "old school out, new school in." i mean q3 is like 12 and its still alive, well quake live that is, although its almost the same.

So, did 6on6 kill ET? Nope. The amount of players would just be pretty much the same. Even if it is 5on5, i don't think the legendary players would be encouraged to join EC.
It's time to grow up and move on.
The current competitions/leagues aren't doing ET ,like we all used to know & love it, any justice.
hahawha hawhahahaha what a retard :D
stop slackin
Blindi on 24/09/11, 03:33:37

:XDDDD nice life here mr
Blindi on 24/09/11, 04:33:37

nice try asshole
not what my crossfire website says to le me :)))))))
shouldnt you be like... out or something? I remember you making a journal about not being so much at computer some time ago
not today because I have to study ya know but i'll certainly go out later then
problem is that atm people are so hyped that they just want to play and dont play in "serious" teams. just look at queens or tag. both have a 50 men lineup and they play against each other every 2nd day with a whole different lineup.
Queens actually got the main lu now and still needs a 6th, we just played with so many differnt players during summer coz noone was avi everyday for the cups, so queens was actually just a mix during the summer :)
It's not the format but rather the game which alot of people are tired off. The EC competition is obviously alot less stiff than the last few seasons, but those are the best teams WILLING and ABLE to play EC so they should play EC aslong as it exists. Nothing to hwine about imo.
ET is not dead , FPS are.
5o5 is more competition. And the way to go <3

6o6 to much spam,to easy to fullhold at some maps. And ist much harder to get 6 people for "pracc" then getting 5.
ok then let's play 3on3 as competition format, cause it's more easy to get 3 people for pracc then 5. what kind of shit argument to say it's hard to get 6 instead of 5 guys for pracc.
finally 3on3 on the place where it should be
think about 3on3 as main format, how much teams could be creat, then u will get oc/ec sign up with more then 200teams xD
its just the truth,deal with it.
when they changed the format to 5on5 they said there will be more new teams. hm i didn't saw so much new teams ....

i don't see the problem to get 6 guys for a pracc
Dir sollte verboten werden hier etwas zu posten, dein English ist grausamer als dein Deutsch -,-
Looking your profile, I notice you only know about competition 5o5. So your point is stupid, so you are.
im playing since 4 years so i know about 6o6 your argument is invalid.
ok 3 years and 9 Months :)
image: meh.ro3145

Jeez, same school as D4vid i guess?
Hauptschulääääh 6 6 anner Tafel +1 +1 was kommt raaaaaaaaus?
6on6 good mkay, look at all the teams showing up for their qualifier with their whole lineup, even showing up appears to be a problem for most of them.

But hey, atleast 2 guys who sucked in 5on5 can play again!!
Who? I don't really know who's playing :D
Don't specifically mean "2 players", just meant barely anyone is playing now that was cheering on 6on6 so hard and didn't play when it was 5on5. Only players I've seen "coming back" are snoop, duke, some guys from TAG maybe..
Shame, I like gossip!
start playing and i'll add your name to the list!!
Haha, busted! I'm actually playing some league (dunno which) with the most awesome of awesomes theezakje, sundays only gaming :p

cu final
I'm as good in 6on6 as I was in 5on5. Looks like I'm just not good in general anymore ;>
rage claims a too large part of your brain nowadays
not saying you were bad in 5on5 or whatever, just that apart from you and duke i haven't really seen any "comebacks".. eventhough so many "OLDSCHOOL PRO GAMERS" were claiming they would play if it was 6on6 and whatnot
QuoteBut hey, atleast 2 guys who sucked in 5on5 can play again!!

you do realize how stupid you made yourself look with this one? :D it kinda back-fired
hey blindi!
highskilled players want 5o5 back omg let's do this!!! or maybe let's play 5v6 in this EC (5 highskilled players vs 6 current medskilled players) come on go go

e: also cba to find all your previous comments about how badly you want 6on6 back (unless you didn't write them??) or check in how many matches you've played with Queens in all these 6on6 cups and 1000000 showmatches. I guess that your Queens mates (especially raaz) don't have so much time anymore so you don't play cups every day and you have nothing to do, so you are looking for something new. ;ppp
well i see u gonna go for some offens against me or what?
as u got no idea actually everyone of queens is there at night and we playing some stuff so its not about that, i dont want 5on5 back at all or smth i didnt even wanted 6on6 back, im just playing and dont really care about stuff whats going on outside, i just dont play cups anymore coz it got boring, so shut it and sit down again.
so why even bother to write this journal? attention whore..
oh god ur brain is even worse than i thought ..
ye why? because your journal is just shitty?
6on6 is fine, ET is far from dead I'm pretty sure every time I sign on to IRC all I can see is people searching for mercs and searching for games. Every time I join mine and strays little mega TS all I can see is channels full of people playing ET until it gets to the time where everyone has gone to bed apart from the hardcores (razz, mind etc ;D).

Like urtier said, 1 or 2 LANs would be much better than several LANs per year, not only because of the amount of teams that can get the money together if they aren't lucky enough to find a sponsor but because the game just wouldn't be fun to play. The occasional game of ET I play here and there (be it 6on6 or 3on3) I might get mad at fumble if I'm playing with him and get proper mad and rage! But deep down I wouldn't be playing the game at all if I didn't still enjoy it :P

1day cups again as urtier said are active because people want to play the game now its 6on6 again (yea maybe it might be because a lot of people never managed to play 6on6 because the format has been switched to 5on5 when they started playing competitively) but the point still stands that this wasn't happening when it was 5on5!

Players coming back, does that matter? There are loads of teams playing at the moment and there are quite a few players playing ET at the moment. Why do you need people to come back to make it good again!? Yea players playing for dignitas and anexis might not be playing (I don't actually know) because there isn't LAN / prize money to be won. As soon as the next LAN is anounced though both teams will start praccing as will a lot of other "mix" teams that end up wanting to get some money out of it.

That was one hell of a comment, in fact one of the biggest comments I have ever posted I think so I'm going to take a rest now and head off, catch ya later!! :D
I love you too :D
vote 4 Owzo or die!
You sir are right!
attentionwhores killed ET with their shit ideas
I'm happy with the 6o6 format since I don't play on an active base.
we need fucking new ET.. better graphics but still same gameplay, movement etc..

not like brink, ET:QW..
Xreal project
release in november :)
why the fuck would we need new gfx, every1 will make the game as ugly as possible to have a better perfomance anyways
actually thats true.. but we need to get new players.. and u can get them only by showing good graphics etc..
i doubt you even played et:qw once
not even argueing about that..
dont care about 5on5 or 6on6 :|
It's more fun, simple as that
6v6 is soooo much more fun and adds more to game (teamplay, tax etc.) besides ET was made for 6v6 so right format... lot of ppl looking for clan, lots of team signed up for ec so game is not dead just not enough 24/7 nerds left to run the old style with stable teams and lu's praccin everyday.. thats just the way it is atm... and why EC has skilldropped ... 5v5 wont change that just make it more boring to play again
u just mad cuz u cant play ET
About Europe CB:EC ... this championship is not worth it's name. I think ET don't deserve big prize amount, but if they promise they should give it! That is a very simple thing, I can't imagine decission maker people at CB in real life if they do such things on the Internet... :)

About Game Format... 5on5 was better for the game, because we were able to form more teams, it is easier to get five players and start playing. 6on6 is tradition and that was the thing what made ET unique and special, plus the game itself ofcourse... This is very difficult decission, it would be great if we could push 5on5 and 6on6 into one format, without being retarded...

There are some clans and players still who worth to be on the top, if they want competition they should switch game together or help to change the thinking of newbie's who are crying/flaming/whining every war because they haven't mAus.cfg/can't win after one week pracc/can't play EC with 1 year experience though this one is a joke this year :)))))))

hf ET
then do it like they do it in bf. there u have ladders which called 4on4+. u have to play 4on4 but u can play 5on5, 6on6 or something like this.

we were able to form more teams, normaly there could be more teams with 5on5 but there wasn't so much more teams....
Ladders a good if the teams are active. Shit ET clans don't play because they are afraid of loosing points or they are sitting on their current rank. Check COD4 5on5 S&D Ladder, even high rank teams play 30 wars a day because nobody gives a fuck if they get worse rank, they will get the good one back.
but u can use this system in cups as well so that the clans desides if they wanna play 5on5 or 6on6 i think that would be a good solution that everyone is happy.
No, because they couldnt agree about the format always, or some shitclans would choose 6on6 and hope for forfeit
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