on this day in 1993

i was at hanger 13. at the "place to be", throwing shapes all over the place, it was a happier time. a simpler time. a day when booze was expensive, and drugs were cheap. i was 22, young, dumb and full of , well, anything i could get my hands on really....

Die Witness.

WTF was i thinking....


party? nah, we got MASHED UP ON THAT SHIT.
i feel sorry for ur loss :C
Old bastard you :d
mate. im fucking ancient.

but ive fucked more braincells than most will and im still a headshot pwner :P
i was born 1993 :x
i was toasting your birth with vast ammounts of alchohol, drugs and dancing. it was a good year.
no angel dust anymore?
wasnt about back then ...
so about what? ecstasy, acids, coke? am just curious & would like to try pcp someday tho ;D
Pcp really isn't high up on my to-do list, what's the appeal? :C
dunno i like angels (platinum hair color <3) & dust so this is it i think -.^ however you live in the netherlands so i guess there are enough substances to have fun with, right?
Defnitely, and going by my experience with a substantially large number of them, PCP sounds like one you need to steer clear from.
you'll never know until you take it ;)
I never said I won't try it, sure given the opportunity I most likely will :P. It is however not something I will actively look and ask around for, as from what I've seen, it seems to be not a pleasant sensation at all, for the larger part of the duration.
well its personal and depends on amount but i agree with you - nothing that i'd looking for, just hope it will somehow appear in right time and place. and pleasant or not - its all about expanding awareness, and noone has ever told that its always nice.
i can honestly say . and im not proud of this, or endorsing any drugs in any way, but i have tried literrally all of them.....except pcp. no idea what to say, except, dont. :)
why except this one? i thought its scotlands finest ;[ och and btw, thanks for the advice but i'd be one shot anyway - and am not sure when it happens due to poor suppling at Poland
my mate saidthe same thing with ketamine.... still takes it 12 years later. theres no such thing as a "one time" . if you like it, you remember it, and tend to go back for more.... dont do it.
couple of years ago i had a longer (more than year) episode with powder on daily basis. now i feel like no drug will interest me - because i realized that no matter how fabulous it is and so on, you can't keep the feeling for ever. thats the one and only thing am happy about, because loads of my pals never really had any semi-serious problems with addiction so they still snort from time to time - or test new shits lyk mephedrone. sometimes its good to check on ur own because once you know how its like - you'll be able to choose right (or not - like in ur friend's case -.^)
i can honstley say. im now 40 mate. looking back at my life, its one thing i would never take back, and i stilll do now and again...so youre probably asking the wrong guy ... haha :P
all clear then, haha ;d
can you get ahold of alot of adderall cheap and easy?

just wondering since all the students that does similiar things in Sweden, to study hard, only seems to find weaker shit or shit that is more addictive. :i
Ket is such a bad drug :s how'd you find lsd? I've just got some after a long time wanting it, planning to try it for the first time next weekend!
Its only bad if you take too much, great otherwise
i loved it. do it in a house, with friends, or camping with no-one around haha. its not an "out in public" sort of thing really... youll laugh your ass off :D
ketamine wasn't verry addictive to me tbh
1990s to early 2000s were such a weird time
absolutely. weird, but brilliant. in the uk, it formed all the music styles that are popular today... so i guess it wasnt all bad :)
your that mong @ 0:56 on the right?
Quotebut ive fucked more braincells than most will
Mhm, so that's why you got all the chicks!!
im also very handsome.....its a curse .
love your glasses @ 0:56
you callin me speccy?
arent you a bit 2 old 2 be playing video games?

this was kinda the whole point of this journal....

ive forgotten more shit in the last 2 or 3 months, than 16+ to 25+ years olds will know in a lifetime , you silly fucker :D
i guess an ordinary life is not meant for everyone.
ordinary. is subjective and indeed not meant to be for "everyone", although, it is meant for some..... im not here to make those life changing decisions, maybe thats your calling?
far from it. who would i be to judge?
just a bit surprised by that spontanious outbreak of self reflecting honesty.
stop hugging that sub..... ive given up my kevlar many moons ago...
2 bad you ruined your life by playing on the pc.. sad story
haha. yeah, THATS how i ruined my horrible life :D
Ur still the boss kevlar ;*
Drugs are apart of growing up, lets be honest.
Ah the 90s, when Red-bull was illegal in the Netherlands
Looks good, sounds good, feels good. Before this was a mass phenomen with all the randoms streaming in the clubs. Not to talk from that minimal epedemic. From time to time i give it a try again but especially in Berlin the tourists kill every fun. But im not really in touch tbh...
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