keep me entertained

pulling an all-nighter to fix my rythm, hopefully I won't fall asleep tomorrow during the day :)

playing LoL for hours, keeps me going hellll yeahhhhhhhhhhh.

share something interesting or fuck off


shoutout to AL1

and bF LoL CREW

OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT : bF NOT PARTICIPATING IN EC (sorry that u have to find out this way Jere :s <3 )

hehee xoxoxoxo
had a "all-nighter" yesterday, felt asleep at 3 daytime

HAHA that suckssss, I'm hoping to go to bed around 8/9 PM
hoppa, toen waren er nog maar 3 invited teams
Kom dan FoM met Mongolen in 't Bos spelen idioot
Same here. I missed whole last week at school because I woke up every day after noon. :z
haha awtch :D
LoL all the way, that's the way to go
on lan atm didnt sleep for almost +-48 hours but kinda lost since I fell asleep at the pc for liek 30 minutes but feeling like a young god now

so fucking happy when home
gonna sleep the shit out of my bed and after that nice bath
Hello :)
they will play the officials for sure i guess^^ no praccing tho :s, untill some lan shows up
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