Farewell mates

hi again ( need more characters )
Verstandige keuze. Good luck m8.
they always come crawling back, see you in 6 weeks!
Good luck in rl bb
farewell mr. can't figure out how to say your name out aloud
So dumb that ppl quit something they like to do :(
for something they dont even know what they want.

Studdy and play ET is easy :)
Girls Girls.... just be gay and no problems with girls :D
so u have probs with boys?
one good player lost :(
hf in rl
spending time on et is trash :D
who will replace you in cdap?

check CB, or ask any1 of cdap, theyll answer your questions
bah only played with u yesterday and was a laugh, shame your quitting, gl
jammer dat je stopt

gl irl
i hope its not because of that bind :<

hf in rl

^7_^0aeq^7:^2 sorry that i have to own u again; say ^7stats after the first round: _^0aeq^7 5 kills 20 deaths
haha, although it would be an easy excuse.. its not because of the bind. there are other reasons for me to quit. Once again ive lost faith in the ET community. This time for the last time...

all these players ive failed to mention.... i think i came across hundreds of ppl, which i know by their nickname. i thank u all, i rlly had a wonderful time playing ET. whine or no whine, i learned from all of u. once again, gl..
good luck further on m8
gl in reallife aeq
gl aeqz:)
gl aequitas.
wat? waar? :d
tegen POR :)
ach ja.. 2ez.. stomme noobs
XyLoS replaced him i think :S look topic #cdap
hf in RL! :>
have fun aeq
HF & GL!
hf gl, see you after christmas :P
doei kapitein aak :(
Doei hoofd.
wat jammer toch
he dejavu bart :)
this is a very constructive journal
u r so right posting that comment :D
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