CB has done it again


[21:09] <[CB]GoldoraK> why they are whining ?
[21:10] <[CB]GoldoraK> their request is to add 1 direct invite on each group right ?

best shit ever :D he'll be good Game Supervisor

for the slow ones:
Group 1=Seed 1
Group 2=Seed 2
Group 3=Seed 3
Group 4=Seed 4

[20:57] <@[CB]GoldoraK> lol
[20:57] <@[CB]GoldoraK> team are chosen regarding result of qualifiers
[20:58] <@[CB]GoldoraK problem officier ?
[20:58] <+fanatic> ok so in 1 group
[20:58] <+Swanidius> not at all
[20:58] <+fanatic> we have
[20:58] <@[CB]GoldoraK> group 1 is DIRECT INVITE


e:after massive laugh, Goldo finally got it why groups are bad :D
best admin ever -_-
cb at its best :P
still don't get the systematic of the qualifiers
did they kick u out of cb or why are u always complaining about them
look at groups, look at quotes then think why I whine
check them again, now they are looking quite good imo
except saying " boycott " and " remove tanchez " he cant say other shit, really sad
hes the biggest retard ever
wtf is that? :DDDDD
should mix group A with D tbh
Could anyone explain ?
One invited team per group
All invited teams in one group
= madness
okay I see cheers !
All the direct invites have been put in group 1 instead of being spread from group 1-4.
Goldorak striked again!
Goldorak is nice admin, I don't have anything to complain. But these groups are really ridiculous and I am pretty sure CB is gonna change them.
dont know really if it helps how nice he is if hes this fucking stupid
just stupid, so 2 direct invited teams dont have a chance to play play-offs, this is aweful
my m8 blindi says these aint the real groups yet, only the "rating" groups. my m8 blindi says that now goldorak will pick 1 from a,b,c,d etcetc to create the groups.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahah :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D BEST EC EVER!!!!!
you is win?
makes perfect sense
Are you an idiot? The purpose of having direct invites is that these are the best teams playing and they should really be playing each other in the latter stages...

Imagine this in the Champions League....

Group A - Barcelona, Manchester United, AC Milan, Bayern
Group B - Real, Chelsea, Inter, Lyon
and so on.

Get a grip!!
this is ET not some fucking football!
It's the same principle...

And then people moan about ET not being considered as a top e-sport....
Why would the principle be different...
Direct invites in ET are not the best teams :)
They fucking should be, otherwise, whats the point. Just have some shit team who have been together for 3 years, they apply and there in.
most disastrous ec/oc ever, admins have no fucking clue what they're doing
if this gets played it's time to quit ET
won't happen after all the whine but it's still hilarious
well refresh

any better?
Poor robert.
wtf u talking bout
I thought this is a Journal about the League of Legends 5on5 Open Cup, then i saw its ET and now i dont give a single fuck!
I'm wondering why every1 is so mad. I do understand the epic mistake but everything is going to be fine afterall
Who the hell are b2k???????????????????????????????????????
almost nice now, just mix up the group a with the group d a lil bit
Have all invited teams in one group!
So others can have a chance.
Who gives a fuck about EC anymore, only some shitty low+ niggers playing.
Thanks god, someone expressing my mind on the internet.
why do u even care
u dont even play
I dont even know who those admins are? I never heard of them.. but obviously they know all the teams & players in ET so perfectly

needs bartichello,homer,analhonda,lion + someone I can't remember right now :(
lion left this week, barti inactive, ana prolly cba. homer should get a chance but afaik CB only considers current crew members as GS
pretending those admins knew all the teams to a decent extent :D
Did you guys get an EC invited / qualifier? OC Div. 4 > *
ah ye Donex it was !
need new admins that actually know things bout the scene

so we need some epic nerds like Goku
b2k in EC = ET is dead
sup Delinq? forever div 2
we never even tried to get to premier, we wanted to play 3rd div every season but what can u do

u are bad tho
at least I won vs Delinq in 2div :)
gl in premier Pharaons :)
u mad ? :-)
that goldorak is srsly one of the most retarded admin ever only topped by the idiot that put him in charge of anything...
errrr, what is the problem with the groups? Oo
how long did they needed to make these groups?
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