EC cards

Yesterday codelust received a red card as it seems, because Statti decided to play for oxid (although he obviously wasn't allowed to) after being removed from our lineup.

Just got me wondering here, why did codelust get the card instead of oxid? I can't see what our team did wrong here. It's not like we got the influence on players who aren't part of our lineup anymore. Instead oxid should've been aware of the rules and known that Statti isn't allowed to play in the qualifiers for more than just one team.

Also that yellow card for oxid seems a little ridiculous to me as many other teams used mercs aswell so why give just them the yellow card?

What do you guys think about these cards?
love the series aswell! are you watching uk or us version? or perhaps both?
very well played twideh :P <3
i think he was referring to when u were drunk at lan and said office, not sure though

uk version better though obviously, david brent is the win
No idea what they are, but both teams should have had the same punishment x)
he has a point, they removed statti, they cannot control what he does once he leaves the team
If what you said is correct then the card is totally unjustified. Why not just red card Statti?
well, your totally right, if they rly did give u the red card it's fucking shit^^ i hope not!!

QuoteUsing a merc on qualifier is not allowed > snoop

he wasn't even a merc haha
I looked it up out of curiosity, and he wasn't on your roster the day u played your qualifier. So it makes him a merc according to rules. :/
no viewers next war imo!
Giving you the red card shows once more that the cb crew is totally unable to cope with their situation as referees.
Giving you the red card shows once more that the cb crew is totally unable to cope with their situation as referees.

thats so fucking right
Oh dear Belgium Goldorak... This is not going very well, is it.
Finland Codelust has done absolutely nothing wrong and therefore must not be punished. An ex-Codelust player breaking the rules in his new team is not under the influence of Codelust.
The yellow card for Germany Oxid is justified, they accepted a disallowed player to play with them so that the information that he is disallowed was freely available to them.
we didnt know btw mate
how could you not know?
well its not marked in his playerprofile or so, and no, im nto following each ec offi^^
waiting for robaciekragecomment
lol why did they give u a card?

if it was for statti, thats ridiculous--> but maybe they gave u the card because u didnt let him play xDxD
available as head supervisor
I agree. Thats ridiculous and doesn't make any sense. It's not codelust fault that one EX player decides to break the rules (same applies to all oxid members).
the card for oxid is fine, not sure why you got one
true, oxid should receive the redcard if anything
isnt it for playing with mind?
nvm read the link, well thats kinda stupid
Hi The Following Day Francis.
I'd prefer The Following Day Professional Retired Hardcore Addicted Gayming Leader LeFrancis but it's ok. Sup meNtal_????
good stuff
well, considering who's the supervisor...what's odd there?
Codelust should not get any card whatsoever, they showed they dont wanna have anything to do with Stattis action by removing him from lineup on CB -> no card since they are not linked with him anymore.
On the other hand, I am not completely sure about rules, but afaik team which uses merc in offi (I mean not allowed player who isnt even on their CB roster) is supposed to get insta forfeit loss, so I guess Oxid deserves red card at least.
It just makes no sense to give Codelust a Red card if a player is playing with an other clan.

Maybe the admins at CB must start thinking in stead of doing random stuff
very weird unless he was playing qualies for both teams, and then only the latest should get a card.
he played qualies for both teams, but in this case the first team he played for got the red card :D
You're correct, the second team (teamoxid) should get punished in this case because they used a player who was not allowed to play.

So they actually had 4 of their own players + one merc (snoop) and one disallowed player. So shouldn't they be the ones getting a red card and not us? At least they added snoop on their roster 29th of September and the game was played 28th of September.
more of a question is why is statti playing for these teams? he was always the worst player in almighty mixes with the biggest ego

i guess there wasn't many other fins to choose from
Still better than you will ever be. :)
we both know that you're lying
You need to start playing again, kamziboi
. That much is obvious to all three of us concerned in this chain.
doing masters in maths, really dont have time to do anything else atm, barely find time to go gym
About Codelust card:

I guess it's only kind of note for admins made by GoldoraK
he want to remember about statti's suspension

I'm sure that this card will be removed
U mean remind? And this is not the right way to make a point.

I really don't get where CB gets their supervisors (no offense), if you're not able to read and actually understand the rules u just shouldn't be there. and yes, we're all humans here and yes, we do make mistakes. but if u make them almost all the time and players and teams have to make topics all the time to correct supervisors mistakes it just says that the supervisors are incapable of handling (easy in most cases) situations.

PS. Where are u LION and Homer?
It's not his mistake.
It is his DECISION.
Are u being serious? Since when the supervisor is allowed to take the rules in his own hands and give a red card to a team who obviously hasn't done anything wrong.
I didn't say that was a good decision =)
But it wasn't mistake.

Well, i hope so...

Can't say anything cuz Goldi is still offline
Quote by thefreedictionary.commistake
1. an error or blunder in action, opinion, or judgment
2. a misconception or misunderstanding
vb -takes, -taking, -took, -taken
1. (tr) to misunderstand; misinterpret she mistook his meaning
2. (tr; foll by for) to take (for), interpret (as), or confuse (with) she mistook his direct manner for honesty
3. (tr) to choose badly or incorrectly he mistook his path
4. (intr) to make a mistake in action, opinion, judgment, etc.
[C13 (meaning: to do wrong, err): from Old Norse mistaka to take erroneously]
his _decision_ was right though, cb have hidden rules about this kind of thing
I really can't believe we're still discussing regarding this issue since you're obviously wrong.
decision? it's a fucking mistake pure and simple
lolol gl serial
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