i'm cute

just discovered something funny while studying historyzz.
you should write in ur browser www.facebook.com /+your ingame nickname.
Mine makes some 12 yearsold ladyboy wtf

Panda Dondurma

though, I use 2 a's in my nick for fb :<
from bavis and butthead :X:D:AS:XDA:SDX
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image: 25222_114596468570952_100000617981437_135809_1746483_n

Sup bros, it's me, http://www.facebook.com/sayat.nova
It goes to my own profile ^^
Dr. Knabl

This must be the best one, a plastic surgeon
It goes to my own profile
some girl from london lol
http://www.facebook.com/Wakizashiuk OMFG what a sexy guy has my name :D
You got a third arm to hold your beer? That's awesome!
What makes that better is that he has your first name :D
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