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ingame nick : "sadFace"
I'm currently cless
I'm able to speak French, a bit of Dutch and English ofc.
I'm playing medic most of the time but I can also play as an engi smg or rifle.
I can handle any ~med skilled opponents.
I'm from the South of Belgium, (where ppl speak French)

Contact me

image: mirc mIRC : /q sadFace @ #3on3.et
image: et In game : "S A D F A C E" @ HBC or [!!!]Hirntot
image: 01 Crossfire : feel free to spam my inbox
image: favicon Steam : http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198176155903/


Been Golbal elaite in cs:go for two weeks, then deranked after one fucking loss, feelbadman
Used to own dAmon in the 1o1 ladder all the time when he was a noob. Then he got skilled and fAmous, and I stayed shit and unknown :D
Favourite YouTube Videos
KeyboardRazer BlackWidow
MouseMicrosoft Wheel Mouse Optical 1.1A
MousepadSteelseries QcK+