Hennessy trolling hard

Estonian allstar Hennessy at his best!

japa trollu
et is all about fun
admins should ban people using the word "troll"
oh so this is the definition of trolling? didnt know, thanks
Nice trolling m8 :)
TroLl oF ThE mOnTh OmG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Shut up faggot, just shut up !
TroLl oF ThE yEaR OmG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
TroLl oF ThE yEaR CeNtUrY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
year century?
ahahahah love it!!!
Nice trolling m8 :)
thats no trolling

more like being a BOSS but no trolling at all
trolled hard.

image: g4CiZ
playing mg on pub doesnt count as trolling
that wasnt on pub, and i never said its trolling. a guy i played with had it on demo and he gave it to some PL and he uploaded it on youtube thats all. so tell it to the PL that made this.
what I said in the first place might be called trolling, not very talented tho.

just teaching here.
look at all the nerds being mad over a word not being used correctly, gtfo lowlifes xD
fuckin own3d
good shit!
against low+ , be proud
haha, good ! :)
everyone can do it izi
should have killed- and return the gold crate.
ye .. japa trolu kurwa mac ! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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