Bodybuilding for pros #8

Here's some little package for 1/2 months.


u like? yes, no?
mongols with tiny balls.
i dont believe you have gained any muscles yet
u're right. all suplements I've shown aren't even mine. my brother is a builder, I'm just skinny nerd acting like baddas :d <3 internet
so why dont you post pics of your progress like every other bodybuilder here on crossfire?!?! you are still tiny ;)
I see no point of doing this, besides, I told u I'm skinnny nerd.
i also see no point to show us ur "package"
w koncu argument : D
QuoteHere's some little package for 1/2 months.

liver cancer
dont need to build up pride and good looks.
stupid wannabes imo
ass builder

QuoteBodybuilding instead of strength foundation

Have you started training your legz yet?
Chuck Testa
vain idiot.
Germany desti is still the best
i will never get why ppl buy mass gainers .... 80% carbs random additives to make it sound supperior to x product

get a bowl of oats , add some almonds and you got a fkin high calories snack with nice ratio of proteinz and fat but no , eat your frikkin dyed sugar massgainer shit
u dont get it skinny. I eat 6 huge meals a day and theres no chance I could fit one more in my stomach so I added one (actualy 2) meal from suplements.
enjoy your dirtybulk fat gains brah

edit: iam eating 4 meals ... preworkout and postworkout whey

thats around 3350 calories .... growing nicely ... dunno if you run some 30km marathons in the meantime but your caloric intakes sounds off.
3350 kcal!?

You are either trolling or just extremly fucking stupid.

Edit: nevermind, thought you were saying 3350c is much ^^
Mainly I eat around 600-700 g carbohydrates , around 300 g proteins, and around 100 g fat a day. I included nutrition from normal food and suplements. Its pretty huge doses for a guy without steroids.Btw this gainer is great only 1,5 fat per portion, no need to worry about fat.
sounds about right. where you usually get protein from?
chicken breast, whey, sometimes some fish.
If you can't get enough calories from your 6 "HUGE" meals your diet sucks.
wpieprzysz to wszystko w pol miesiaca a potem Ci przez 3 nie stanie XD
co ma piernik do wiatraka?
show a pic of you instead, little boi
This or telling how much he benches, squats, deadlifts etc. Im almost sure these whey isolates has been useless to him, I mean his village cant have a good crop every year and winters are harsh.
:D slarti :)
hi alexl i started out training at the gym, any nice program you recommend?
Starting strength by rippetoe or stronglifts 5x5
more asslick pls
god has spoken
god has spoken
easy big boi
u on dat dere creatine brah?
image: 253496_191091387609736_100001266289509_554651_5730306_n

Germany desti

(ma brother)
who wanna fuck with me now?!?! ":D!"
He got nice tits
Manly chest!

ich find sven krasser, oder nicht?
like this its ok, but more just looks pathetic ;d
der alte anabolschlucker ^_^

e: scoof sieht besser aus imo
Was du redest mit anabol.. Anabol heisst nicht direkt das jemand anabolika oder der Gleichen nimmt. & Nein sieht scoof nicht, scoof ist massiger aber sicher nich proportionierter..
das desti was nimmt ist eig. bekannt, hat er mir ja selbst erzählt.. finde trotzdem das scoof besser aussieht, finde wenn man die adern zu sehen nich so der burner :/
Ja der erzählt viel aber der nimmt eigentlich nichts ich bin sein Bruder, ich sollte das doch wissen :D
Ja recht hast du in dem Fall schon..
stimmt, wenn ihr zusammen duschen geht siehst du bestimmt, ob er sich noch was anderes in den Popo spritzt...
Halt doch einfach dein maul wenn du keine ahnung hast hier hast du die große fresse sag ihm das mal ins gesicht du Holzkopf
Ich sag es doch schon dir, mein junger Freund mit dem netten Umgangston.
ich habs ihm geglaubt, ich kenn zumindest keinen grund warum man damit "angeben" sollte..
Wegen seinem Testoimage. Der nimmt nichts, da würde Papa ihn umbringen, der übrigens auch Bodybuilder ist. ;)
its me or,

herp derp?
what a skinny nerd. pls
Pls. it's still my brother..
wie groß ist desti?
son mittelding weiss nicht schätze 1,84 ca.
u can gain muscles, but u will never change ur morda :D
man listen to Finland Slarto and start doing some legz
Everyone should listen to me
Joke of the day
sw1ruz is actually quite muscular
how could u know that? ;d
no no no
I just got a job of standing topless outside a Hollister store in Bath. >.<
Can you hook me up with some deals from hollister?
Sure thing! :D
I was serious, currently hollister and aeropostale is "the shit" in New York!!
Squat, bench, deadlift, press? Bodyweight?

Showing us you take supplements is a waste of time
Is this some new cool nolifers thing or what ?
sup with people wanting to know how much weight he can lift. Who cares unless he is going to be a powerlifter ;d
i better be strong and look like im light instead of looking strong but being light!
If he's not gonna show progress pics (what I'd like to see from a bodybuilder) I'd like to see some indicator of his current level, and strength is the next thing
dicksize imo
bodybuilding is ugly, just work out so you're fit and dont go further
Will Brinkimage: willyoungerWill Brink has over 15 years experience as a respected author, columnist and consultant, to the supplement, fitness, bodybuilding, and weight loss industry and has been extensively published.
Quote"People who have poor diets and poorly thought-out training routines, but focus on the latest magic pre- and post-workout elixirs are missing the point. Their approach is like trying to hold up a three-legged stool with one support leg and the other two missing."
what's that supposed to get with me ?
hope you train hard and dont be one of those who "get the latest magic pre and post workout supps" and train like pussys ;)
You can't be that stupid!
What's your routine?
What's your routine?
It depends alot from a person for what he trains.If he wants to bulk and be massive , but have a big % of fat, then it is up to him.
Mass gives also a nice boost to your core strength.I have a m8 working out home weights now 110kg ( he can bench 215kg, squat 300kg and deadlift 335kg )
But he doesn't compentate nor hes a bodybuilder, he just loves what he does.

At some point I approve the suppliments hes taking.At some point I am not.But it is all our own preference.If the poster did post this, he has to be ready to get flamed or critisised, it is the normal behaviour with some people.

And for some who ask straigh bench, deadlift and squat numbers are also quite funny.
Are you trying to defend your views that if he ses a number and presses less than you, you can feel warm inside and trigger happy that your methods got approved that you still can becnh more than him? And you call the person pathetic.

Srls why people tend to hype so much the weights some one lifts? Who gives a fuck.The main goal of this is, that he is working out, no matter how he gains the looks or numbers or what else is the reason.Hes doing something than half here can't do because they don't have the stenght for it, but because they don't have what it takes to be in the gym, the willingness to continue going even after when you hit the mental barrier.

And trying to over come the barriers not by taking tons of creatine or steroids, but working the way in oldschool changing program, changing routine and giving time to over come the obstacles.

I wish you best of luck and don't mind what people post here.
He's insulting everyone else's methods/progress and showing none of his own, that's why people care how he looks and/or how much he lifts

It's like someone coming on this site and saying haha ropfl noobs lol i own you all, and them not proving they even play et
I do understand what you are saying, but if he is so arrogant and all, perhaps don't feed hes ego.I didn't know that he was arrogant torwards others, then it makes all sense why all hate him so much.
U have to understand one thing. ive been doing those journals only for fun. Im laughing my ass off. the way all these nerds talking is just hilarious. they have no idea that their knownledge is sad compare to mine. I have nothing to prove so putting my photos in here is useless.
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