goodmorning journal

well maybie its goodmorning for you, i still need to go to sleep for a goodmorning for me

was doing this allnight
image: ronallnight
killed the shit out of everyone then setup a defence around the world
to keep them on their land
even made an 100man infantry and sent them into the hart of their city without any support
was fun watching them get slaughterd

what are ur plans today? mine.. get some rest before sunday's offi

also about the pracchardgopro server, was talking with one of the admins
and theyr rewriting some scripts, the hardware updates wer completed just some final adjustments and pracchardgopro is a go once again
#PraccHardGoPro @ quakenet
How can you spend your night on this kind of game? :|
Today I'm going to uni, after that i've to catch my train to come back home for the week end.
I'm kinda ill (the "6h Cuistax" wednesday at ULB destroyed myself..) so i won't don't anything special..
it was like 4in the morning when i decided i was 2 lazy 2 sleep
Yo should have go to bed before being too lazy..
Bad morning journal. It was saved by the missing song which would have been bad anyway.

Todays plans, work till 17ish, few drinks at friends place, comedy club till 20ish, more drinks before Finland Klamydias gig at Teatria (hardcore oldskool punk, finn know ;p).

I is so bored, need more workbuddies so we can do this:

image: 856830817
Which comedy club and where? O_o
i've been looking forward to go n see stand up comedy for a while.
Parent at Finland Oulu. Dont know any of those performes, but usually there has been god ones.
Playing trynda in ranked, gaining some ELO's.
Won 4 matches in a row, now im gonna go to bed.
Have job interview around 17:00
had a real bad start into this friday... technician told me i have to change my heating system :(

work till around 15:00 , then off for the weekend

Royal Republic Concert tonight @ Baden-Württemberg Karlsruhe with some good old friend, gonna stay at his place after and drive back on saturday.
tomorrow bicky burger night at my place!
hello bitchez. uni started this week (thank god). so after a semi-hard week it's party time. so today's friday is about mentally preparing for friday's night. tomorrow the same routine
Which game is this? Going to study today, maybe gym and some girl will come over tonight.
rise of nations
sure, i can setup hamachi server etc
Finish work, lift weights, receive massage, go get high with friends
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