I have created a shooting game movie

The shooting game is called The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil (2002).
Plot: vampire girl wants to cover the world in scarlet mist so she wouldn't be bothered by sunlight. Are you shrine maiden enough to stop her?
Gameplay: shoot the enemy until it dies. Classic vertical scrolling 2D shooter, the gaming genre of kings.

It is the sixth game of the Touhou Project series. Most of the other games are similar, one is a 2D fighting game which I don't like, though.

In this video I complete the game with the Ultra difficulty patch without using a continue.
nice frags!
needs more cams XDDDDD
I'm yet to complete Perfect Cherry Blossom on normal :(
too anime
just watched the final boss. You so crazy Vanhaomena!

I like those kind of games, but I was never so sick at them.
Liked Ikaruga the most.
you mad son?
That is certainly an impressive feat. I never delved too deeply into games such as these since I don't feel like spending an enormous number of hours into simply learning how to not die every ten seconds, regardless of how great the feeling of satisfaction must be after completing it. I get bored fairly quickly and I am afraid I would smash my keyboard to tiny pieces.
Wow your parents must have had a hard time raising you!
I don't think they had. I've always been the quiet kid that stayed out of trouble.
What is your hitbox? The skirt?
Its 1 pixel hitbox if i remember correctly
image: 3488974 The white circle in the middle. That screenshot is from a sequel and it's not visible in this game but it's about the same. Your score increases if a bullet "grazes" you by hitting the sprite but not the hitbox.
How much time did you practice before you were actually able to get through the whole game ?? Quite impressive..
that's fucking insane :D
I tried the danmakufu one because I had it on my PC already, I cleared it only because you get a screen clear after every death so you can do free damage.
just a bit colorful
Impressive Vanhaomena. You might be lucky if there are any competitions around hosting these Canadaanim(e) games, if there are any ^^.
music is actually pretty cool
At a first glance it looks almost impossible to do that but i guess you basically survive by camping at the bottom right / left corner and concentrating on evading more than on actually hitting stuff. Though it seems like this game forces you to leave your corner from time to time. Well done but i guess everyone can do it with some practice since the attack patterns remain the same ? How much time did you need to know those patterns by heart ?
a heart does not remember things, the brain however, does.

Are you done now ?
But without a heart and commitment this game would be impossible.
indeed those two are quite essential while playing this game, i mean if he had no heart how the hell would he even live
Learning the patterns by heart isn't really the emphasis of the game, at least to my understanding. Sure, you'll usually have to know their basic features so you know what to expect, but after that it's about focusing on the moment and dodging immediate threats instead of doing a preset pattern of moves.
You're right, this is just the bare minimum of an all-clear run. To get a decent score you have to go after every kill and catch every bonus item at the top of the screen as well as do other risky stuff.

The attacks are generally the same every time and it's not hard to all to remember what comes next, but the exact patterns are randomized so you'll have to read and dodge.
Generally during the stages a lot of bullets are aimed exactly at you, so you can wait until they all come close and micrododge all of them at once, but the stages are meant for scoring anyway and this strategy is no good for that.
oh pls he obviusly is getting hit but noghiing happens
The hitbox is smaller than the model.
You kind of need to try the game yourself to understand what's going on beyond the "Omg so much stuff that kills you on the screen and he's not dying" level.
doesnt look fun :(
im wating the second movie gl
vanhaomena getting angry
godmode dude
What the fuck
thats pretty gay
IF you actually did do this without some sort of tool to assist you then you really spent too much time infront of this game
u so crazy
nice hitreg, shitgame xD
called touhou.
lol nerd pls, i cant even see anything over there
where are tzac hax?
obvious hacking
god mode.

impossible :DDDDD
Not a big fan of the game as much as the music.
i recommend touhouvania if you have not played it yet :P
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