Monday mornings suck.

Another fucktastic Monday morning.
Woke up @ 7:30 to go to uni, to find out that my schedule changed and will only have class @ 9:30.
Came back home, already pooped and going to take a quick nap before going back.
Hope your morning is getting better than mine.
Sucks, had to work on saturday aswell because we had to move an environment into production mode.

So my weekend was short, way too short.

And now I'm at work sobbing about it.

Also, I discovered that I have a electronic problem in my car causing my backlights to never work...
Great, as I drive to work when it's still dark, on a highway that's very crowded and dangerous.

God knows how long ago they stopped working...
To be very honest, I don't know.
I knew it, but after a while I wanted him that he would find out by himself..

I'm a bastard...
luckily I have a job and I get up 6.15 every morning and they never send me home.
why would they send you home?
(got up at 5:10 today)
they wouldn't. was just trying to say that if I had to choose between being sent home or sitting at work I would prefer option 1 :D
i for one can actually say that it's sofar a promising day, even or especially for a monday :D
got only 3 lessons today, 10.45CET->
boss called & woke me up @ 8CET
my student flat contains hardly any food so I made myself a pot of macaroni which tasted my dad's dick
played a game of LoL (which I ofc owned with Morgana 11/3/7)
now got 35mins of nothingness before I leave to school
another game ofcourse :s
woke up at 9 to go try repair my car with my uncle,
he got called for new job
me forever alone without material to repair it
nerding and checking everything to be ready to repair it
and checking cf ofc :xD
was sleeping, now someone came to check the chimney or something...
just arrived at work. tired. slept much. didnt went to party still tired. i decided to stop teh smoke from today on :D

good luck saskia, will be hard :o
i alrdy hate it since it is in my mind all day.
we have busy days at work. faky is coming he wants to smoke with me ofc ffs :p

but ty :)
gast, waar blijde ze toch halen :p
i have ANGST when i see hiM! :o
gtfo my journal
My morning was still better than yours.
what part of gtfo my journal didn't you understand?
The part where we were discussing your charming personality.
you don't know when to stfu do you?
How did you guess?
It's one of the reasons you're such a shit admin.
That's just because I have to deal with users like you.
Woke up at 9 but didn't feel like going to uni so i'm having breakfast before watching the latest big bang theory (haven't seen it yet, shame on me)
Tonight i'm probably going out, even if i don't want to. I'm already ill and once again, i would have to spend my night drunken in the cold weather :[
Still awake, played some LoL, lost a fucking lot of ELO
Stop playing this nolifer game, come back to ET!
just had some test on school, tomorrow im free!!!!!!!

so im study'ing a lot i guess,

image: fifa-12-600x290
About to move to Paris to my uni's library to study a bit before my 3 pm course..
Random related question, how is the library system in Paris? Maybe you remember seeing my name earlier in some journal about which universities you are attending, I'm the guy coming to Sorbonne in January. Heard from some people that you need different sets of cards for different libraries?
I quite remember a guy speaking about libraries/paris/etc. but what was your previous nick ?
Answering your question : I usually frequent (go to) the library of my uni, so I'm not very used to the other libraries but I'm quite certain that yes, you need one card per uni/library, BUT you don't have to go to millions of libraries : I assume you go to the Sorbonne as a student : you'll probably happen to frequent libraries such as Saint-Geneviève, Sainte-Barbe, and maybe Beaubourg : registrations are usually free, you only need to give usual information (and also something like a proof of domicile so you can borrow the books) but it's no real pain in the ass : get a free card for the year, go usually to one or two different libraries so you won't have to wear tons of cards in your purse...
Sry for the wall of text, I failed at making myself clear :D
I'll ask a friend of mine who goes more often than me to the Parisian libraries and I'll pm you so you'll be more aware of the things to know.
And YOU pm me if you need anything regarding the way uni works (THIS is a pain in the ass I'm afraid), or any help in any kind, would be glad to help a fellow ET/cf mate to make his way to the great city of Paris :P
Thanks man! Been on this nickname for ages, back when we first spoke about universities I wasn't sure yet if I would get accepted into my MA programme so I wasn't sure I was going to Sorbonne, but since I got accepted and now know for sure, I thought I'd ask some small questions! I think the MA programme has arranged a room for me at the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris, and I read somewhere they have an Armenian house as well. Do you know if it is possible to give a preference for housing? I am coming in early January and leaving in April, so I imagine I will have to be placed wherever there is room available, but since my dissertation is on the Armenian Genocide, I would very much like it to be placed in the Armenian house ofcourse. Also looking forward to Paris so much, might need some help discovering nice places to go, bars, cafes and such, actually can't wait until I go there! ^^
Great ! Dunno really about the room issue, I'll try to find some information about that too! But you can be assured that I'm your man concerning the part where you want to discover Paris :> I'll message you asap with the precision about these things.
Mondays are awesome, got them nearly always free nowadays <3
All I know is I just got out of the shower and it's FUCKING FREEZING.

Never getting up this early again.
go to bed again! fast
I did actually and it was amazing.
I know. you can always trust me
monday mornings are completely fine, if you have no job and don't have to go to school
huh, yes.
Me haz le holidays.
Worked all night to finish a paper, went to bed at 6:30 in the morning, woke up at 12:00, drinking tea, long day of studying ahead of me.
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