Sweden 3-2 Netherlands!!

And so the mighty Netherlands fall at last in an amazing game of football! This was one awesome match. Sweden went to the match hoping that they might at least get a tie but even better! The won it and that's no small task to win against the worlds best football team.

Well done sweden you make me proud! :D
"against the worlds best football team"
Look it up mate, true facts ;)
we're #2 dont be hatin
but isnt #1 best?
still much better then vidokins belgium :D
Ik zeg toch niks :(?
we were #1 last month

anyway, we have the best players(players that make big teams win) and were more stable than spain
at least they don't pretend to be hurt like little ballerinas like the faggots called "the spanish"
(Ask FranceFrance about pride :DD)
Grats. They maybe ranked as the best team, but they arent...
that's what i ment :<
pfft who then england?? don't make me laugh :D
Dont know why you reply as if i have insulted you. Its clear as daylight that Spain are the best team in the world atm. The only reason that NL were ranked number 1 was due to spain drawing/losing a friendly. England are nowhere near the world's best team.
i don't know how you read as if i'm insulted, you jump to fast to conclusions son. I'm not claiming that netherlands is the best team but surely one of the best, on par with germany/spain i'd say.
I think its a rational conclusion that based on your reply you are either deluded or insulted. I never claimed NL to be a bad team, in fact they are one of my favourite international teams. Just that they are not the best as claimed/stated.
As i said before you jump to conclusions, i was just wondering who you saw as best team, no more no less. No need for all ur psychological bullshit
I think you jumped to conclusions by defending your team/country by trying to insult mine. Where my comment had no hatred.
stop stealing my line fag :P
je bent gepwnd
stop stealing his line fag :P
Don't worry. The majority of dutch people like to smack-talk a lot. Blame the pool salt and all the other drugs imported to their country :D
HAha yeah HeahAHA
dude, NL isn't the best team compared to Spain / Italy :)
ITALY? aghahahah spain is nr 1 netherlands 2 and germany need to prove themselves with this team against good teams not like turkey or belgium
so switzerland is best team cos we owned spain ":D"
isn't Spain back at #1 spot?
check above
I see, your 1st comment wasn't clear enough for non-native
Not at the moment, Robben and Sneijder still injured. Things will change when they are back
I think the World Cup Final proved different. NL are an amazing team, but no one is better than spain atm.
what the 1-0 victory they had??? if robben would have scored we would have won... how are they better then?? just luckier
Sports / Professional's / Teams are based on achievements.
awawaw you contradict your above statement :U
How? The greatest achievement in international football is winning the world cup - which spain achieved. Which proves my point that Achievements >
You contradicted your statement NL wasnt the best team (whilst it was rank #1) but now you say Spain is the best based on its achievements

(i bet you get what i mean tried to explain rather quick)
Your explanation sucks!

He said good players make a good team
then he said a good team has achievements
nah, i hate spain but that final showed whos better, NL was just doing karate combos while spain was playing way better football. u could say its tax but at the end of the day spain plays way better.

and i remind u that i dislike spain and was cheering for the NL in that final.
Could have gone either way from what i saw. Didn't say it wasn't deserved though, just saying it doesn't mean much if you score the only goal deep in extra time.
sure the score was pretty tied, im talking about who showed better football skills and when it comes to football skills spain was superior to the NL, dont be biased, its how it was, even someone whos spanish and cheered for the NL could see that.
This. Even tho NL wasn't playing the same as against Brazil (but neither was it Spain's best match)
yeh obviously.. they play different depends on the oppos, NL always played beautiful football but the ones who masterized it are barça (noone can fight vs barça if they use the same tactic as barça) and spain is using the same style as barça due to the high amount of barça players in the team.
true the red card was well deserved and with 10 man they didn't stand a chance anymore. I'm just saying i wasn't that impressed with spain either.
Spain playing football, dutchies playing karate. Spain winning both Euro and WC, establishing the best winning streak ever iirc. Still arguing ?...
not really from this game i wouldn't say netherlands plays well :p

they did play well on WC however and could have beaten Spain so no i don't think spain was superior or anything.
were better than spain in where it counts:

Can't blaim de jong really . The entire game those ballerinas were pretending to be hurt and falling all over the place. The guy just thought " Hey , they seem to be confused , I'll give them something that really hurts"

nuff said ":D"
wow what a diving bitch
Please.. You call it soccer :SS
we're #2 dont be hatin' :<
amazing game
you didn't play though sup with that
FT Denmark 2 - 1 Portugal
Portugal into the playoff qualifiers again, just like the latest WC; ohhh where Denmark also won the group ahead of Portugal :D
Missing Fabio Coentrao + Ricardo Carvalho :<
what's soccer?
Robben, Sneijder missing..
Some random bimbo's playing insteed
random bimbos ":D" ofc^^
sick game!
its not soccer its football!
Haven't watched full game but saw that NL dominated mostly. 73 % ballpossesion? And SWE just camping in goal waiting for counter. Also NL is secured for EC already while SWE really had to fight for something.

Well played from sweden though.
1st half was quite even, NL dominated second mainly due to the fact that Sweden curled up and played very defensive. Too defensive I'd say, but it worked out.
streak over man, streak over
goal from penalty.. free kick.. dutch had control of ball 71% of match.. holland was better, just didnt score.

sweden was lucky this time
Too bad NL, Too bad.. :D
ah your right, nice victory..

c u @ euro cup
True words, bro :)

epic goal from slovenia at first half :XD

epic game so far also
No Sneijder, Heitinga, Stekelenburg, Robben, Afellay :) Well done (:
Like Bruma is a great defender! My god.. RONNIE VLAAR
Bruma > Vlaar tbfh :D Jij altijd met je blinde liefde voor Feyenoord x]
grotere mislukkeling dan vlaar heb je bijna niet, stumpert:P
it was fotball not soccer........
I know but for the American dudes that doesnt know what real fotball is xD
Then learn them instead uf using their therms;p
woohoo slovenia , friends :)
Gratz to Sweden for beating one of worlds best teams.

<3 Elm -> Playing at one of worlds best teams :D:D:D
no Sneijder no win :S
netherland never play well when there is nothing to play for wasnt such an amazing game from their side tbh.

still sweden deserved to go trough as second so gz
swe <3333
10 games, 10 wins eat that dutchies!
I seriously doubt that NL wouldn't be caring about this game, they haven't lost a game (except for a friendly game) since the WC final. Shame to end that streak against Sweden.
NL obviously wanted the win :P

btw last qualify lose was in 2007
sweden beeing sweden
guys the octopus has spoken, Spain is the best, they won the worldcup because they were better, and i was really mad and drunk and we all had nice big fight in town cuz everybody was dissapointed, end ? :P
We just did Sweden a favour ;).

Just like creaji said:
netherland never play well when there is nothing to play for
that makes totally sense, because they have never won world cup final
oh yeah that makes sense aswell, we could've never won with that referee
sweden played great, we simply played a terrible game again but normally a terrible game is enough against terrible countries!
U j3lly bro? Cuz we broke your 17 win streak? :D
or the 40 games unbeatable streak

get on our level.
What is there to be jealous about when talking about sweden? Anyway, we didn't deserve to win because they didn't play like they wanted to win, sweden did, and they won, I'd say goodgame.
we Germany pwn all so np :D
We won cause they didnt play on there highest level, since its no reason too.
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