word of the day is..

Hangover - A hangover (veisalgia) is the sum of unpleasant physical effects following heavy consumption of alcohol. The most common reported characteristics of a hangover are feelings of extreme thirst, lethargy, nausea, sensitivity to sunlight and noise, and headache. Hypoglycemia, dehydration, and vitamin B12 deficiency are all theorized causes of hangover symptoms. Hangover symptoms may be felt for a variable period of time after alcohol consumption, and may persist for a short period of time (12 to 36 hours[1]), or even longer (48 to 72 hours after the last alcoholic drink is consumed[2]).

Well that's what wikipedia says. For me it just means a slight headache after a little too much to drink at the rugby club xmas party 06 last night. So i've now learnt not to drink so much -.-

oh yeah and my parents gave me mmy internet back! :D
why are you guys always whining about you headache and your retarded hangover? if you drink and get wasted its just what you have to expect.

same like I would jump from a 3-4 meter tower by myself and whine afterwards that my legs are broken...
idd - sorry i've ruined your day for you
3-4 meters isn't high enough, you can jump that easily, make it 5-10 meters to break your legs or you are that dumb and jump with your head down ;)
soll ich jetz das msn log raussuchen wo du mich um 4 uhr morgens strunzbesoffen angeflamed hast? :P
was hat das damit zutun sich über kopfschmerzen und übelkeit zu beschweren nachdem man gesoffen hat ?
i have learnt that bacardi is the devils juice

i thought everything in my stomach came out of my arse this morning until i threw up a bit more :[

but at least my legs arent broken
im not sure if you could explain that in a better way :D
Well 12 hrs for a hangover is already long, especially when your young. But 72 hrs oO

And a jump from 3 m can still be ok. of you can fall of a chair and break your neck so :/
Mashed got drunk for the very first time, he's a big boy now !
oh benjamin benjamin benjamin ...
don't drink alkopops, mixed-girlshit drinks or similar crap

-> good vodka and the next day is your friend!
thats a blatant lie, i have had many a bad morning after vodka / redbull
strange :o maybe you should go see a doctor?
get rid of the redbull & drink quality-vodka

but well, everyone's different, i got a m8 who NEVER has a hangover, doesn't matter what he drank.
jagermeister > all
1 glass of water after every drink. No puking, no headaches :)
or you drink 2l of water when you go to bed my tactic here :D
idd usually i do that :)
benjamin gates?
just drink 3L of water b4 u go to bed and u wont have hangover (atleast it works 4 me)
I can do with half a Liter :p
Right age to start drinking :P
never had one :P
aww, some little kid's first time drinking and he decided to make journal!

cute :>
thats not the word of the day.. omg
the real word of the day is, PONY
No, the word of the day is "FLAIR"
the sentence of the day is, "doe het met flair"
cool that u guys are always telling about ur nightlife on xfire....pretty poor. Imo nobody gives a fuck about you guys drinking alcohol or whatever Oo
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