random questions

so I was thinking since we're all such an opend minded, emotionally connected, without prejudice or hatred, liberal community, I could ask u guys a few questions. hope u'll answer them honestly.

1. If you had a lot of money, where would you go on vacation?

2. What are your major goals in life?

3. Which part of you that you hate the most?

4. When you encounter a sad moment, what would you do?

5. Which type of person do you hate the most?

6. Name one of your body parts you simply love?

7. How often do you masturbate?

8. Which is your favorite sex position?

9. Which has been the best decision you ever made?

10. What is your idea of an ideal girlfriend?

11. What inspires you?

12. Which is your favourite body part on a woman and why?

13. What kind of things annoy you?

14. What do you usually do first in the morning?

15. Are you a jealous person?

16. Name one good thing about facebook?

17. Do you have any siblings?

18. Are you popular amongst your friends?

19. Are you happy?

20. Plans for tonight?

my answers:

1. If you had a lot of money, where would you go on vacation? Somewhere where there's young people party all night, like ibiza, mallorca etc. I'm not really a type of a person to lay down on the beach and drink cocktails.

2. What are your major goals in life? to be successful in what ever I decide I wanna do for the rest of my life. atm not entirely sure what that is. also to get married and have a nice family.

3. Which part of you that you hate the most? caring about myself first, then others.

4. When you encounter a sad moment, what would you do? sympathize for a min, then walk away.

5. Which type of person do you hate the most? non intelligent people, who behave like spoiled brats and never plan ahead.

6. Name one of your body parts you simply love? my height <3

7. How often do you masturbate? 2 - 4 times a week.

8. Which is your favorite sex position? missionary position, because it's the only one that doesn't look like you're fucking a whore :)

9. Which has been the best decision you ever made? had a few big decisions so far. but my best decision so far was picking economy to study. cause I found out I like business. I had a dilemma between languages, geography and economy.

10. What is your idea of an ideal girlfriend? the one who knows what I want and gives me room to breathe

11. What inspires you? random people from my vicinity who came from nothing and achieved a lot

12. Which is your favourite body part on a woman and why? face and lips. why? have no idea.

13. What kind of things annoy you? unreliable people, people who are constantly late, people who bore me to death with their shit stories, and generally annoying people.

14. What do you usually do first in the morning? brush my teeth and scratch my balls

15. Are you a jealous person? well if i love then I kinda am, if I just like then I don't care.

16. Name one good thing about facebook? spying :D

17. Do you have any siblings? yeah 18 year old bro.

18. Are you popular amongst your friends? yep, always the loudest and funniest :D

19. Are you happy? I got everything I want, so you could say that. but far from being fulfilled.

20. Plans for tonight? gonna party at my friend's flat. uni started this week, so it's gonna be our first party of the year. gonna be fun :)

image: 2ywedj9

1. If you had a lot of money, where would you go on vacation? I would buy an island near Hawaii or smtn :D

2. What are your major goals in life? I have no idea tbh :x

3. Which part of you that you hate the most? My belly/my length

4. When you encounter a sad moment, what would you do? Listen to music

5. Which type of person do you hate the most? Egoistic people, and most germans

6. Name one of your body parts you simply love? Biceps

7. How often do you masturbate? 3-4 times per month

8. Which is your favorite sex position? Missionary

9. Which has been the best decision you ever made? I never made really good decisions :p

10. What is your idea of an ideal girlfriend? Someone that makes me laugh, is there for me and is cute as fuck

11. What inspires you? Music :p

12. Which is your favourite body part on a woman and why? Ass, I have no idea why. And eyes, but that aint a bodypart

13. What kind of things annoy you? People thinking too high of themselves

14. What do you usually do first in the morning? Scratch my balls

15. Are you a jealous person? Kinda yeh

16. Name one good thing about facebook? Its nice when ur bored

17. Do you have any siblings? 3

18. Are you popular amongst your friends? I guess so

19. Are you happy? Fairly happy yeh

20. Plans for tonight? Work till 21:00 and go to some friends after, but not till 2 late cuz I want to work out tommorowz
most germans
not all of m ;)
11. What inspires you? Music :p

kijk jouw 1ste antwoord en die van mij, lijkt op elkaar :PP
sowieso dat ik daar heen zou gaan, bazen eilanden :p
image: z7n99xq5

zzeehhh trollolololololololol...kidding?
xD just kidding...!
1. If you had a lot of money, where would you go on vacation? southamerica

2. What are your major goals in life? stay happy stay by myself

3. Which part of you that you hate the most? i dont get this question

4. When you encounter a sad moment, what would you do? run away/party hard

5. Which type of person do you hate the most? arrogant ppl who achieved nothing

6. Name one of your body parts you simply love? my ass

7. How often do you masturbate? i dont get this question

8. Which is your favorite sex position? some

9. Which has been the best decision you ever made? chosen the life i live

10. What is your idea of an ideal girlfriend? ideal bf: loves music

11. What inspires you? music

12. Which is your favourite body part on a woman and why? on a boy: his ass just aww

13. What kind of things annoy you? arrogant ppl

14. What do you usually do first in the morning? music

15. Are you a jealous person? nope

16. Name one good thing about facebook? my friends

17. Do you have any siblings? half sister 11y

18. Are you popular amongst your friends? yep

19. Are you happy? yep

20. Plans for tonight? party :D

look at question 3 as personality, if you're too angry, you care little about others, you're too shy etc
i am impatiant as hell! :)
hell is very patient
yes yes yes ;)
how do you know
assuming that there is something like "hell", it's been there for quite a long time already and didn't leave yet, likely. sounds patient to me. or got a good run and enjoys being around, thus doesn't have to show patience xD
assuming that there is something like "hell"..
..at first..I think that "hell" would be.. mm.. "place" or.. "surrounding", without consciousness, thus with no patience or impatience. same as heaven. tho if with hell is meant all its.. "workers" (haha), then still, how could we know if they are or are not patient? I've never been there and I suppose noone else would. its the same like if you said about any living person you DONT know what he is like. you can guess but never be sure if right. the fact it is there for long has nothing to do with it I think, they have no choice but to wait :)
well i just meant it in a way that it could have consciousness, as a collective(so yes, the 'staff') :P

they could simply leave. thats what i mean. most everything with consciousness has the choice to exist. but if they're not bored or anything there is no reason to assume that they're patient, because they hardly notice how time flies by ^^
southamerica is actually quite nice to have vacation, and the better part is that you need money but not that much.

For european people i think is kinda cheap to travel over here, so gl

also the ppl seem nice. just met colombian and bolivian guys and they are rly crazy but i do like :) so looking forward to go there! =)
Wellcome anytime. Well were not crazy ppl lolz or maybe, but they can seem crazy because of the language.

Hablamos español! not english
mui bien :) meant crazy in a good way since i describe myself as crazy 2 :p

comida bebida cocina miercules (i love this word!) i know some spanish words alrdy but its hard to follow when they talk :)
miercoles (ur loved word means wednesday)

In some countries also mean, in a slang way, like "oh shi.."
hehe ye i know what it means. i know all weekdays. learned like 50words last vacation in spain :D
The Minimalistic Schnee! I Like!!!!
1. If you had a lot of money, where would you go on vacation?
somewhere in the pacific region, tahiti for example.

2. What are your major goals in life?
making a family, getting a nice job.

3. Which part of you that you hate the most?
my penis

4. When you encounter a sad moment, what would you do?
get emotional but _NO_ tears

5. Which type of person do you hate the most?

6. Name one of your body parts you simply love?
my penis

7. How often do you masturbate?
once every 2 days

8. Which is your favorite sex position?

9. Which has been the best decision you ever made?
being born

10. What is your idea of an ideal girlfriend?
my girlfriend

11. What inspires you?
my father

12. Which is your favourite body part on a woman and why?
tits. big tits can hypnotize me

13. What kind of things annoy you?
faggots, annoying faggots

14. What do you usually do first in the morning?
eat some oatmeal

15. Are you a jealous person?
at certain times yes, but i dont let other people see it

16. Name one good thing about facebook?
dont have facebook

17. Do you have any siblings?
a little brother

18. Are you popular amongst your friends?

19. Are you happy?

20. Plans for tonight?
spending tonight with my gf, romantic evening at home :)
basically were gonna have sex alot, so ye pretty romantic

how long u r together alrdy if i may ask? :)
for nearly 5 years at the 22nd of october this year
wooohoohoho congratz it works out =)
hehe ye thanks :*
69, rofl u cancer pussy licker pizzaface
just being a annoying faggot as usual
1. If you had a lot of money, where would you go on vacation? Somewhere where there's young people party all night, like ibiza, mallorca etc. I'm not really a type of a person to lay down on the beach and drink cocktails.

2. What are your major goals in life? to be successful in what ever I decide I wanna do for the rest of my life. atm not entirely sure what that is. also to get married and have a nice family.

3. Which part of you that you hate the most? caring about myself first, then others.

4. When you encounter a sad moment, what would you do? sympathize for a min, then walk away.

5. Which type of person do you hate the most? non intelligent people, who behave like spoiled brats and never plan ahead.

6. Name one of your body parts you simply love? my height <3

7. How often do you masturbate? 2 - 4 times a week.

8. Which is your favorite sex position? missionary position, because it's the only one that doesn't look like you're fucking a whore :)

9. Which has been the best decision you ever made? had a few big decisions so far. but my best decision so far was picking economy to study. cause I found out I like business. I had a dilemma between languages, geography and economy.

10. What is your idea of an ideal girlfriend? the one who knows what I want and gives me room to breathe

11. What inspires you? random people from my vicinity who came from nothing and achieved a lot

12. Which is your favourite body part on a woman and why? face and lips. why? have no idea.

13. What kind of things annoy you? unreliable people, people who are constantly late, people who bore me to death with their shit stories, and generally annoying people.

14. What do you usually do first in the morning? brush my teeth and scratch my balls

15. Are you a jealous person? well if i love then I kinda am, if I just like then I don't care.

16. Name one good thing about facebook? spying :D

17. Do you have any siblings? yeah 18 year old bro.

18. Are you popular amongst your friends? yep, always the loudest and funniest :D

19. Are you happy? I got everything I want, so you could say that. but far from being fulfilled.

20. Who are your favourite crossfire users? praskoo, blind, adi, ironic, schnee, wsk, thomm, razzah, klas, rashomon, dunzy, awake, diablos etc. can't remeber more

21. Plans for tonight? gonna party at my friend's flat. uni started this week, so it's gonna be our first party of the year. gonna be fun :)
10. is written down rly nice :)
I feel honored :{D
shoutout ZaD
olivia :3
1. If you had a lot of money, where would you go on vacation?
----- California or Thailand

2. What are your major goals in life?
----- Don't have any serious goals. Probably to get good in everything I want to get good in.

3. Which part of you that you hate the most?
----- I'm too short :(

4. When you encounter a sad moment, what would you do?
----- Angst about it by myself, try to get over it etc.

5. Which type of person do you hate the most?
----- Posers, people who undermine for no reason

6. Name one of your body parts you simply love?
----- My fingers and arms

7. How often do you masturbate?
----- Anywhere from 2 to 7+ times a week (more on holiday, less on schooldays)

8. Which is your favorite sex position?
----- perus anaali

9. Which has been the best decision you ever made?
----- Deciding to let certain things that don't matter go.

10. What is your idea of an ideal girlfriend?
----- Kinda like exclusive fuckbuddy. Someone who is your friend at the same time

11. What inspires you?
----- Music, inspirational persons, and sometimes even movies

12. Which is your favourite body part on a woman and why?
----- The Ass or the waist. I just like it

13. What kind of things annoy you?
----- Slow people slowing you down

14. What do you usually do first in the morning?
----- Turn on my PC and drink some liquids

15. Are you a jealous person?
----- To some extent

16. Name one good thing about facebook?
----- Staying in touch / getting in touch

17. Do you have any siblings?
----- 1 older sister

18. Are you popular amongst your friends?
----- The ones I have, yes

19. Are you happy?
----- More than ever (that's not much though, but better than it used to be)

20. Plans for tonight?
----- Staying home
1. If you had a lot of money, where would you go on vacation? south france, tokyo, seychellen, australia

2. What are your major goals in life? great job, family, being healthy

3. Which part of you that you hate the most? no idea

4. When you encounter a sad moment, what would you do? driving with my car

5. Which type of person do you hate the most? people who have no idea but can't keep their mouth shut

6. Name one of your body parts you simply love? no idea

7. How often do you masturbate? whenever I want to

8. Which is your favorite sex position? depends on the girl

9. Which has been the best decision you ever made? moving to my father when i was 12

10. What is your idea of an ideal girlfriend? cute, intelligent , beauty full, not childish,... the standard stuff i guess

11. What inspires you? hmm good movies?

12. Which is your favourite body part on a woman and why? face, ass, legs.. face cause u look at it all the time, ass/legs because they can simply mess up the whole body :(

13. What kind of things annoy you? unreliable people, people who are constantly late, people who bore me to death with their shit stories, and generally annoying people.

14. What do you usually do first in the morning? putting my watch onto my left wrist, starting my nespresso machine

15. Are you a jealous person? not really

16. Name one good thing about facebook? spying

17. Do you have any siblings? yes

18. Are you popular amongst your friends? yes but not more than I want to be

19. Are you happy? yes & no

20. Plans for tonight? hoping that someone buys my laptop on ebay, if yes doing backups, cleaning it and making it ready to ship: http://www.ebay.de/itm/190585843007
1. If you had a lot of money, where would you go on vacation? - Miami or Las Vegas

2. What are your major goals in life? - to be part of something big and cool, f.e conquering the world

3. Which part of you that you hate the most? - i can't be unforgiving even though it'd nice sometimes

4. When you encounter a sad moment, what would you do?- depends on what kind of situation

5. Which type of person do you hate the most? - arrogant

6. Name one of your body parts you simply love? - cock

7. How often do you masturbate? - about 10 times in a week

8. Which is your favorite sex position? - missionary position

9. Which has been the best decision you ever made? - starting to watch WWE again

10. What is your idea of an ideal girlfriend? - funny, smart & cute

11. What inspires you? - movies

12. Which is your favourite body part on a woman and why? - i dont' know why but face

13. What kind of things annoy you? - people who talk non-stop and people who think they are funny but in fact their jokes are lame as fuck

14. What do you usually do first in the morning? - comb my hair and put perfume on myself so i smell good all day long

15. Are you a jealous person? - yeah a bit

16. Name one good thing about facebook? - it has not good sides but its the most popular social media in the world so i guess thats the best thing about it + you can easily keep in touch with old friends

17. Do you have any siblings? - two brothers

18. Are you popular amongst your friends? - yes

19. Are you happy? - usually yes

20. Plans for tonight? - game hard no bitches :P
1. If you had a lot of money, where would you go on vacation? America, haven't been there since i was young and do not remember it.

2. What are your major goals in life? To become a commercial airline pilot.

3. Which part of you that you hate the most? I'm very stubborn, would like to be a lot more toned.

4. When you encounter a sad moment, what would you do? Keep calm, quiet, and carry on.

5. Which type of person do you hate the most? People that think they're gods gift.

6. Name one of your body parts you simply love? Don't have a specific part of my body that I like.

7. How often do you masturbate? +/- 4 times a week? Was less when I had a gf.

8. Which is your favorite sex position? Missionary/her on top.

9. Which has been the best decision you ever made? dunno ;S

10. What is your idea of an ideal girlfriend? My ex, she was perfect at least for me. Genuinely nice and happy and always smiling, happy people make me happy.

11. What inspires you? When I fail. It makes me realize, 'shit son, better get your act together!' (probably not the best way to be inspired.)

12. Which is your favourite body part on a woman and why? Legs, just love em.

13. What kind of things annoy you? People that interrupt, people that blatantly don't care about others feelings etc.

14. What do you usually do first in the morning? Check my phone as soon as I wake up, turn PC on, go for shower have breakfast and then go on PC till something else arrives.

15. Are you a jealous person? Very, especially when it is about love.

16. Name one good thing about facebook? Chattin to mates.

17. Do you have any siblings? 3 brothers, 2 sisters.

18. Are you popular amongst your friends? Yeah I dont really take a backseat, I like to think I'm relatively popular.

19. Are you happy? Currently, not at all.

20. Who are your favourite crossfire users? My buddylist!

21. Plans for tonight? Going out with mates!
1. If you had a lot of money, where would you go on vacation?
Canada or Newzealand

2. What are your major goals in life?
Enjoy as mucho as possiblio

3. Which part of you that you hate the most?
The one that doesn't stand up in the morning

4. When you encounter a sad moment, what would you do?
Play ET or browse webs, I'd prolly avoid such moments as good as possible

5. Which type of person do you hate the most?
White Niggers

6. Name one of your body parts you simply love?
Legs and Penis

7. How often do you masturbate?
3 to 4 times a week

8. Which is your favorite sex position?
As long as it feels good im fine

9. Which has been the best decision you ever made?
I have no idea tbh

10. What is your idea of an ideal girlfriend?
smart one

11. What inspires you?

12. Which is your favourite body part on a woman and why?
A flat belly and a nice neck dunno why just turns me on

13. What kind of things annoy you?
When things do not work the way I want them to

14. What do you usually do first in the morning?
Smoke a cig in front of my pc and check wats going on on cf, facebook etc

15. Are you a jealous person?
Not really

16. Name one good thing about facebook?
Stay in contact with friends from the past/other city whatsoever also checking out girls

17. Do you have any siblings?
Yesch little sis

18. Are you popular amongst your friends?
Nope, and I don't want to be

19. Are you happy?
Kinda but we all have our up and downs

20. Plans for tonight?
Cleanin up ma room and preparin stuff for polak mate that comes over for a half year or so tomorrow
fav cf user: HugTheSub by far
1. If you had a lot of money, where would you go on vacation? australia, new zealand, USA, thailand, china, japan.

2. What are your major goals in life? mhmm I dunno lol!

3. Which part of you that you hate the most? there isn't really... maybe I'd like to be taller.

4. When you encounter a sad moment, what would you do? talk to friends or watch tv :D

5. Which type of person do you hate the most? people with big egos who think the world turns around them.

6. Name one of your body parts you simply love? penis

7. How often do you masturbate? not at all, dont wanna become blind

8. Which is your favorite sex position? doggy, her on top :D

9. Which has been the best decision you ever made? to register on crossfire

10. What is your idea of an ideal girlfriend? a hawt chick with brain that wont run away from me.

11. What inspires you? music?

12. Which is your favourite body part on a woman and why? eyes, boobs, A$$

13. What kind of things annoy you? smelly stuff

14. What do you usually do first in the morning? hit the snooze button

15. Are you a jealous person? nope

16. Name one good thing about facebook? I dunno... you can stay in touch with people?

17. Do you have any siblings? 1

18. Are you popular amongst your friends? average

19. Are you happy? guess so

20. Plans for tonight? probably gonna do nothing, been to a family party yesterday and I am tired and enjoying some nice hangover.
Quote by wsk1. If you had a lot of money, where would you go on vacation? australia, new zealand, USA, thailand, china, japan.

image: okay-face
I'd make a stop in estonia though and pick you up! was so clear I didnt think I would have to mention it :P
1. If you had a lot of money, where would you go on vacation?
Canada, china

2. What are your major goals in life?
Want my name to last for a long time

3. Which part of you that you hate the most?
My laziness

4. When you encounter a sad moment, what would you do?
Nothing rlly

5. Which type of person do you hate the most?
People that think theyre better than someone else

6. Name one of your body parts you simply love?

7. How often do you masturbate?

8. Which is your favorite sex position?
Classic :)

9. Which has been the best decision you ever made?
Leaving home when i was 18

10. What is your idea of an ideal girlfriend?
Sweet, smart

11. What inspires you?
Nothing so far

12. Which is your favourite body part on a woman and why?
Face, have to look at it all day long mostly xD

13. What kind of things annoy you?
Careless people

14. What do you usually do first in the morning?
Take a piss :)

15. Are you a jealous person?

16. Name one good thing about facebook?

17. Do you have any siblings?
2 older sisters, 1 sister same age, 1 younger brother and 3 younger sisters

18. Are you popular amongst your friends?
Else they wouldnt be my friends :)

19. Are you happy?

20. Plans for tonight?
Nothing atm
1. If you had a lot of money, where would you go on vacation? I would buy a car and ride, ride, ride, and ride.

2. What are your major goals in life? Get a nine to five.

3. Which part of you that you hate the most? My chest

4. When you encounter a sad moment, what would you do? Stay on my bed and listen to some sad songs/bands

5. Which type of person do you hate the most? Dunno, i just don't stay with poeple i can't stand.

6. Name one of your body parts you simply love? My toes

7. How often do you masturbate? When i feel like i have to. 2 or 4 times a week. Depends of my tiredness tbh.

8. Which is your favorite sex position? From behind, in the wood, while holding my beer..

9. Which has been the best decision you ever made? Hard question. Really hard question..

10. What is your idea of an ideal girlfriend? Fuck off with this kind of questions.

11. What inspires you? Music, music & music.

12. Which is your favourite body part on a woman and why? Her butt. It drives me maaaaaaad..

13. What kind of things annoy you? Poeple asking for cigarets.

14. What do you usually do first in the morning? I wake up and instantly sit down on a chair (i'm not proud of it).

15. Are you a jealous person? Once again, i'm not proud of my jealousy.

16. Name one good thing about facebook? Spying (and once again, ... :D)

17. Do you have any siblings? My brother, 22 years old.

18. Are you popular amongst your friends? Think so.

19. Are you happy? What's happyness? Money? Girls? Work? I don't think i'm that happy.

20. Plans for tonight? Sleeping. I've to fill up on energy for next week (party hard at least 3 days..).
8. Which is your favorite sex position? From behind, in the wood, while holding my beer..

been there, done that :DD
Isn't it awesome? :D
I feel so powerfull, i feel like i'm able to do 2 things at the same time, for once :D
heheheh true dat :)
1. If you had a lot of money, where would you go on vacation? I'd go whereever my follow.et friends live.

2. What are your major goals in life? Earning much $$$, rolling bitches, having a cool job

3. Which part of you that you hate the most? Maybe I'm sometimes "too much" cool

4. When you encounter a sad moment, what would you do? Listen to some system of a down or eminem / Talk with nerds from #follow.et on TS

5. Which type of person do you hate the most? Fashion bitches with a knowledge comparable to a fly.

6. Name one of your body parts you simply love? My moustache hands

7. How often do you masturbate? Everytime Portugaln1 start talking to me

8. Which is your favorite sex position? Whatever she likes

9. Which has been the best decision you ever made? Don't know I feel kinda ok with all my decisions

10. What is your idea of an ideal girlfriend?
Funny, smart, talkative and somehow good looking

11. What inspires you? Music, some professors

12. Which is your favourite body part on a woman and why? I'd say legs & eyes

13. What kind of things annoy you? Too serious people, whiners when I gayme attentionwhores

14. What do you usually do first in the morning? Look at the clock to check how late I am :XD

15. Are you a jealous person? No.

16. Name one good thing about facebook? Can check photos of your friends dunno...

17. Do you have any siblings? 1 sis as awesome as MarseilleLeFrancis

18. Are you popular amongst your friends? Kinda

19. Are you happy? Make people believe I am but I'm not really.

20. Plans for tonight? Drinking bears with friends or Gayming
1. If you had a lot of money, where would you go on vacation? Travel around the world, hiking, ...

2. What are your major goals in life? Being rich

3. Which part of you that you hate the most? Acne

4. When you encounter a sad moment, what would you do? Sport, listen to music

5. Which type of person do you hate the most? Liars, and people that judge before knowing

6. Name one of your body parts you simply love? Any, but i really love my ass :D

7. How often do you masturbate? When i'm cold

8. Which is your favorite sex position? Any

9. Which has been the best decision you ever made? Never thought about it

10. What is your idea of an ideal girlfriend? Trusty, beautiful, not superficial

11. What inspires you? Music, family, friends

12. Which is your favourite body part on a woman and why? Face and teeth. Then ass, and then breasts (not that important)

13. What kind of things annoy you? Disrespect

14. What do you usually do first in the morning? Shower

15. Are you a jealous person? Not really

16. Name one good thing about facebook? Knowing other people's taste in music

17. Do you have any siblings? A sister

18. Are you popular amongst your friends? Yes

19. Are you happy? Yes, at least 18h a day

20. Plans for tonight? Gonna play snooker with some friends
those are some pretty stupid questions
this is some pretty stupid comment
this is a pretty stupid comment*
whats the difference?
you can use some in plural, it's kinda like saying a few
1. If you had a lot of money, where would you go on vacation?
I'd go to France and visit all of the worth sight-seeing places.

2. What are your major goals in life?
To become a soldier or CT.

3. Which part of you that you hate the most?
My penis. It's too big.

4. When you encounter a sad moment, what would you do?
'When I'm sad I stop being sad and be awesome instead.'

5. Which type of person do you hate the most?
Greedy and ppl who cares about opinion of other ppl.

6. Name one of your body parts you simply love?
It would be ABS or chest, I am not sure 8D

7. How often do you masturbate?
Rarely. My GF does the job :)

8. Which is your favorite sex position?

9. Which has been the best decision you ever made?
Choosing my highschool.

10. What is your idea of an ideal girlfriend?
Nice smile, 'pretty slim', not stupid and she has to not make me mad.

11. What inspires you?
Mostly music.

12. Which is your favourite body part on a woman and why?
Lips or eyes. I am not sure.

13. What kind of things annoy you?
Uh, I am too lazy to answer this question.

14. What do you usually do first in the morning?
A breakfast.

15. Are you a jealous person?
Not really.

16. Name one good thing about facebook?
Friends sharing their moments.

17. Do you have any siblings?
Bro and sis.

18. Are you popular amongst your friends?
Not sure. If you count phones like 'hey let's grab a beer' or 'let's party tonight' or 'let's go for a walk' then yes.

19. Are you happy?
Yeah, why shouldn't I be happy?

20. Plans for tonight?
Already refused to go out. Too lazy for that. I think I will watch a movie or play some PC games, or read a book, I'll make a decision soon. I just simply do not want to go out tonight.
1. If you had a lot of money, where would you go on vacation?
canada, new zealand, caribbeans, norway..

2. What are your major goals in life?
do sth meaningful and make some babies

3. Which part of you that you hate the most?
that I have zero motivation for anything

4. When you encounter a sad moment, what would you do?
listen to some music or talk with some mate, depends what kind of sad moment.

5. Which type of person do you hate the most?
ppl thinking they are superior to everyone else

6. Name one of your body parts you simply love?
dno, I like my eyes

7. How often do you masturbate?

8. Which is your favorite sex position?
idc, nothing too special

9. Which has been the best decision you ever made?
dno, every decision which didn't end up bad I guess

10. What is your idea of an ideal girlfriend?
independent, funny, loyal, trusty, intelligent

11. What inspires you?
some persons, music

12. Which is your favourite body part on a woman and why?
smile/lips, eyes, boobs

13. What kind of things annoy you?
too many things.

14. What do you usually do first in the morning?
when there's uni, brush teeth, get dressed, else turn around and sleep some more

15. Are you a jealous person?
usually not

16. Name one good thing about facebook?
chatting without having to ask for msn or so, updates about musicians, etc.

17. Do you have any siblings?

18. Are you popular amongst your friends?
in some groups I'd say

19. Are you happy?
sometimes yes, sometimes no

20. Plans for tonight?
studystudystudy, pack things for move back to uni-home, playing cards with grandma
5. Which type of person do you hate the most? - Persons who are bad and still complain about almost everything
with such amount of money, i'll fuck your mother
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