schNee's gooood morning

Good morning peepz,

Im already at work. Feeling sick. Its cold. BUT it is Wednesday already !
I did good job last nite and crashed my pc after trying to install of new driver for my soundcard. Now all is over… :P I had great weekend with lot of party and met a lot of new ppl. Trying to get good contacts to music business atm to find a job there since I love my job but its boring a bit for me.. :/ so I want smth new! How about u? Satisfied with current situation? =)

Questions of the day:
Do you have alrdy plans for NYE (NewYearsEve)? Nope prolly Berlin Club
Do u prefer pasta or potatoes? Pastaaaaaaaaaa

schNee Song + sexy vid:
Kid song <3

image: johnny-depp-72

image: beach,beauty,black,and,white,girl,photography,sexy-1654a47f0aea5ee744590e83a9b9dfb2_h

Shoutouts: carla (aww :* <3), wsk & nOOr (TEH boys), Panda (just....), Michael blubb, CONFO(!), mica (lips), flooflooo (miau), dialer(kikoo), marko, .ee & fins =), the GANG, the #bd channel, my channel <3, m!das (call?!) , tAliiiii, hentai!, fakyyyyy, EVO PAUL SEX(ton), KARTOFFELPoffel!, ALAN and my buddies + special to R.

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1 e: join #schnee if u like to be with the real peepz =)image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1

||I wish u all a nice day||

e: dunno if u know them but i need to share this band! little dragon :)
confo is dead
Did you not see the video?
gaming addiction video where confo kills himself @ end.....
i was rly shocked one moment tbh!! bad boy its fucking early!thought i missed some news !
Haha sorry! there is such a video he did for uni or something
good morning 2u
finally only 2 days left to the weekend, hoaah!
1. NYE..what?
2. pasta

Btw. dislike ur song :<
edited ;)
and i added a song!

have a good day :)
thaanks ;p
nice choice with cudi, but pursuit of happiness and cudderisback are unbeatable :p

have a nice day aswell
if cudi comes to germany i will be there. hes a genius imo
thx for song :)
NYE will probably be with the usual group of friends :D
and potatoes! so don't take me out on a date to a fancy pasta place =(
:) we could easily move to rice
good morgen!
uber #slac week at uni, got no classes today, so am happy :D
so i cant even be bothered to answer to the questions :X

have a gut day
have a goodd day :) enjoy!
morning saskia. gl with ur music business

it's a bit cold here, but nothing I can't handle. no uni today wuuhuuuu. gonna see what's new in town in the afternoon and study a bit. gotta go roommate's making coffee :)

1. too far away

2. potatoes <3
we have light show atm. will try to go there this week.

:) have a goood chillled day!
Got my internet back yesterday, I know you all missed me!

Definitely potatoes, with some vegetables and a nice piece of meat. Tonight most likely spinach with some pieces of bacon woven in and a juicy sausage.
heya wb ;)

i like all except the sausage :/ rest sounds good! have a gooodd day :)
It's not a fat sausage though, it's one of those slender chipolata's. Don't know if you're familiar with that word in Germany so here's a wikipedia page:
ye its smth tiny and stuff. i just dont eat meat so often :)
current situation: unemployed. want to move out of country.

NYE plans: no clue.

Pasta is goooood.
Unemployed stoner... Heh
better than an unemployed boner ;o
haha well aint that random :>D
Rofl good one :P
lol thats exactly what I do :O

tired of routine tho
hola muchacho. where u want to go?
several options gurl, u see. I am looking for a master degree program taught in english and a place where living expenses are normal. Prefer that education is cheap so UK and USA is out of the list, to expensive. France out coz of the french, Italy and Spain out coz of bad education.

Dunno, searching a lot.. all this paperwork is way more hard when ur colombian tho.

Any advices?

(and hey, today is MIERCOLES)
im not sure. i would say berlin :D but it becomes more expensive now for rent n stuff so im not sure. but ii have no clue since i do not study but heard its ok. most do praktika :)

and tomorrow esta el JUEVES ?
problem with berlin is the language. I think is mandatory to learn german.

jueves si
NYE... No idea yet, but will go to a rave somewhere in birmingham i guess

Current situation is good, providing support and therapy for crazy kids :) gonna finish my first degree next year
dont u do homeparties at nye?

have a nice day atze <3
Sometimes houses, sometimes clubs!
Do you have already plans for NYE (NewYearsEve)? Not yet
Do you prefer pasta or potatoes? Pasta <3

schnee <33 :*
have a goood day my dear :)

Questions of the day:
Do you have alrdy plans for NYE (NewYearsEve)? I'd like to do something special but I guess I will just get drunk as hell like every other new year
Do u prefer pasta or potatoes? Really depends. Both are good tho
its same as every year. getting drunk and dont care where i am :p
just one thing has to be there every year. my friends <3

have a nice day! =)
good morning schnee,

plans for NYE?
yes, party hard at my brothers house. usually that is quite intense I will have a hangover for 3 days :D

potatoes or pasta? well that depends. I'd say I prefer noodles, but some nice bratkartoffeln oder pellkartoffeln are great sometimes too. or would you eat nudeln to your heringe? :D

I have quite a shit day at work... cause its overhours, again. already was at work until 19.30 yesterday and tonight it will be even later. there is a dinner included, but I count that as worktime.
boah ich hab grad son bock auf pellkartoffeln mit quark. :PP

agree with the mixing foood statement !
since im here with my mfg i leave office at5pm!

have a nice day anyway :)
das könnt ich jetzt auch essen :D oder einfach nur pellkartoffeln mit butter und salz. omg ich sterbe xD

have a nice day2!
good luck with searching a job. Doing the same right now :S
what are u searching for? gl!
learned electrical engineering & automatication at secondary school.. so smth like that :)
I'm going to work today but will start later since it's vacation for me.
I haven't made plans yet and I do prefer pasta.
The photo of the girl is lovely

have a nice day aswell
hey :)

I'm going to work today but will start later since it's vacation for me.? i dont get it. u have vacation but u go to work ? :D
Lol yeah I made it a little bit messy. It's vacation for me as student(engineering physics) but I also work as a waiter so I'm going to work in my vacation and my work as waiter doesn't start that early depens on the party(I don't work at a restaurant,well I also do but not today, I work at a party accomodation)
sounds goood interesting. hope u earn a bit ;)
Im looking for job too... Smth in the office :P
gl! and what exactly? :D
Well this would be me 4th job so ntohing special :) Some paper work I guess... 1 month ago I was working @ Pizza Hut... Pretty exhaustive job :X
exhausting due to time pressure or just cause it was hot :PPP
Well, both :D Seriously, it was fucking 3rd world country job :(
Do you have alrdy plans for NYE (NewYearsEve)? No plans, maybe going to friends cabin at lapland, always good times.
Do u prefer pasta or potatoes? Depends, pasta is good if you want the easy way, potatoes better if you got time and interest.

Free-day today and tomorrow <3
oooooooh enjoy ur days off :)
I shall, doing laundry as hard as I can atm! Some drinky-thingies later tonight.
if i have day off i ussually start with a j :x
gude tag
ate oats, university, pasta, university, ???, workout, ???

potatoes are nice but pasta is nicerrrrrrrrrrrrrr

sinc eit rains here a nice sundrive nathan fake uber song
nathan fake <3333333

well done!
have a nice day!
awesome vid right?!
have a nice day too!
yes reminds me of a tv show late night where they played music and wonderful vids :)
NYE -> Going to a (BIG) party with friends ;)
jump tek hardsytle. def not mine but have alot of fun :D
Hardstyle <3
NYE > Beirut with friends or somewhere near home with friends :S

pasta&potatoes both r good =D
beirut!?! how come? how is this close to u?
my friend got home in beirut and have invited me there :S. But i'm not sure ill have enough time for such a long travel
well u dont need more than a week or not? but u could also go to another time there :)
guess its worthy :o sounds nice!
yea but my university starts@ 02.01 :/

got 5 days off from work due to the married stage :)
but since yesterday got fucked up from a nasty flu :(

NYE : at mountain with some good friends of mine .

peace and have a good day
you two should get married more often :XDDDD
at mountain in a house or woot? :D

sounds good! did that in denmark with 12 ppl for a week!
ofc in a house :))
Guten Morgen. ( )
Guten Abend

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup !?

Juts woke up, just a bit stoned :)

About NYE, i don't really care, a normal day, probably spend it with ma friends.

And is there even a question between Potatoes & Pasta ? Obviously potatoes :)

I'm also searching for a job, either something in advertising or manegment. Gotta get back to my Language studies :(

Edit: Oh yes, Battle 4 Berlin tomorrow, gotta prac hard today!
gl for tomorrow ! =)

its not celebrating for u? with fireworks n stuff?? :o
NYE, dunno yet
- Potatoes to the max
I'm eating lasagna, so I'm having a great day.
yammi yammi
You gotta spread the love buddy <3

i woke up like half an hour ago and due to weed's break am going to cry for the rest of the week, watching some funny series which don''t help at all :<

don't have any plans for nye - except for releasing fmovie, haha ;d no but seriously i don't have any yet. it doesn't really matter for me where, more important with who and with enough amount of drugs (thanks 2 nocti for pointing that)

second question is way easier to answer because obviously its obviously pasta, spaghetti ftw! (without meat ofc, it kills the taste :/)

have a good day too, xo
HOW come u can say moin??? :D
haha, dunno what to say :P is it wrong that i try to get better for ya (improving german included) ;D?
hellooooo!!! just woke up, don't have tilme since i've to go to the supermarket (take your canvas bags, take your canvas bags!!) to buy some beeeeeeeers to keep on PARTYING HARFD
u r always on party! :o
I should stop partying like that, but it's not that much expensive for students.
Yesterday i drank something like 25/30 beers and spent 10 euro. How to resist?
overslept, stood up a girl at the beach cause of it :[ feeling bad, also sick since last wednesday so beach was a bad idea anyways.. haven't been goin' out much lately cause of it so i'm also sad cause its my vacation from the army :< going back on saturday night..

pasta takes potatoes any day of the year ofc.. even in new year's eve! :-D had a slice of gurlick bread earlier, was good! now drinki' tea with lemon to make me feel a bit betteh :>
ata kol azman yoshen

kol paam sheani mitkasher ima shelha meyira aotha hahahah
ahshav ani mitkasher ata tirea 05781 keday shetathil lefahed !!! ktzinim >:D
tizaer litkasher lo roze lirot 05781 ba regila
im sick too :( feeling much more worse than in the morning :/ had alrdy 7 teas?! :p
too bad its ur vacation time :/ get welll soon :)
o hiiiiii

i polished my nails and such today!! gonna be a fun day^^<3
so i woke up and just when i was like going to pee there was a spider!
OMFG!!!! how did the story end???!?!
we all had sex and died at the same time, was awkward!!! we got founded by the police and then they said wow this is some heavy shit.

i think it is all not true but on the other hand i have a mouse :/
uuu and the spider????!!!
what spider?
1. Party with friends in deutschland or party in my city with moar friends. 2. Potatataostas
where in deutsche land? :)

i like potatotatosta :D
esens north frysia i was in exchange there :p
hmm, no shoutout for me :S

anyway went to uni, came home, watching scrubs, maybe going to play pool later
ooooooooooooooh im sry ! =)

had goood day ?
normal :) nothing special :P
Long term girlfriend moves to Canada on new years. I try not to think about it. Honestly I don't even know what I'm doing this weekend nevermind 2 months from now.

Also pasta, with bacon.
so basically ur gf doesn't only break up with ya but also leaving country? am not disappointed at all ;D
you are cute :3
its not me ;) but yes i am
i know you are =) <3
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