ettv replay

need a ettv server with the replay of belgium vs ireland
I wanna see the "aimbot" :)
allu is just skilled.. that aint an aimbot lol
lol my mistake sorry
kijk die demos dan
its a must see for all rambo's out there: he had twice the damage given but he didnt do shit for his team. I was lauging my ass off when he went for ammo on Adlernest, then attack when his whole team was waiting for respawn. And lol @team ireland who didnt notice earlier. O jee, one of ours is constantly having double damage given, even though everybody else got owned. Well its a teamgame it doesnt matter if the rest of your team got owned if you are pro enough you can still own while getting backraped from 4 sides. Team ireland, get a clue. plz
yah gimme a replay :D
no aimbot :X
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