Muammar Gaddafi is dead!

Admin edit: Please don't post any (links to) disturbing pictures and/or clips of Gadaffi's death.
he sucks at hide n seek
cant strafe with that face
fuuuuuuuu 1 min too late -.-
he so dead
PM me for dead gaddafi pics!

they are basically on any news site :)
shit i was hope he'll kill all americans
RIP, poor guy
get ready to be raped Libya
I honestly hope you are being sarcastic about the 'poor guy' part, if anyone deserved a painful death, it's this guy
they didn't seem to have a problem before egypt started a revolution, idiot :/
Oh so it's all good when a country has problems that the head of the country orders to shoot-to-kill whoever has an oppinion? Yeah, that makes me the idiot
So bush was a dictator aswell? you belive in islam u are terrorist, Idiot indeed
Colonel Muammar Gadaffi is frequently referred to in the media as a "mad dictator" and "bloody tyrant", but do these allegations accord with the facts?

Libya consists of over 15O tribes, with the two main groups, the Meghabra living in Tripolitania in the west and the Wafallah living in Cyrenaica in the east. Previous attempts to unite these tribes by the Turkish (1855-1911) and ltalian {1911-43) colonial rulers failed and the country was split in two for administrative purposes.

Oil was discovered in Libya in 1959, but King ldris of the Senussi tribe allowed most of the oil profits to be siphoned into the coffers of the oil companies. The coup d'etat on 1 September 1969 led by Colonel Gadaffi had countrywide support. He subsequently married a woman from the royal Barqa tribe and adroitly unified the nation.

By retaining Libya's oil wealth for the benefit of all its people, Gadaffi had created a socialist paradise. There is no unemployment, Libya has the highest GDP in .Africa, less than 5% of the population is classified as poor and it has fewer people living below the poverty datum line than for example in Holland. Life expectancy is 75 years and is the highest in Africa and I0% above the world average.

With the exception of the nomadic Bedouin and Tuareg tribes, most Libyan families possess a house and a car. There is free health care and education and not surprisingly Libya has a literacy rate of 82%. Last year Gadaffi distributed $500 to each man, woman and child (population 6.5 million).

Libya has a tolerable human rights record and stands at 61 on the International Incarceration Index, comparable with countries in central Europe (the lower the rating, the lower the standing - the USA occupies the no.1 spot!). There is hardly any crime and only rebels and traitors are dealt with harshly.

Anyone who has read Gadaffi's little Green Book will realize that he is a thoughtful and enlightened leader. Libya has been accused of having committed numerous acts of terrorism in the past, but many of these have been perpetrated by foreign intelligence agencies as false flag operations - the Lockerbie bombing being a prime example.

The CIA and MI6 and their frontmen have been stoking up dissent in the east of the country for almost 30 years. Libya produces exceptionally high quality light crude oil and its production cost of $1 a barrel, compared to the current price of $115, is the lowest in the world (there is even a slip up on CNN about this where they interview an ex-CIA guy off script and he verifies this).

Riba (usury) is not permitted. The Central bank of Libya is a wholly-owned by the Libyan Government and is run as a state bank, issuing all government loans free of interest. This is in contrast to the exploitative fractional reserve banking system of the West. The no-fly zone and the bombing of Libya have nothing to do with the protection of civilians. It is an act of war ­ a blatant and crude attempt by the oil corporations and international bankers to steal the wealth of Libya.

at the same time i am aware her did a lot of bad things, just not as bad as the stuff the US and UK and some others do

conclusion: we didn't like how libya had so many natural resources and yet didn't put them into the "free" market where we could make trillions from them. We also didn't like that he wanted to unify north africa under a single currency. Also I spoke to a lecturer once who said something about why france was so interested in Libya because of a neighbouring country but can't remember facts.

you can ask many similar questions, like how come opium production has increased 5000% in Afghanistan since our occupation?

Or you can just watch or read the news..
thats how it all starts look at saddam huisain etc, the only true dicator is hitler but the only reason for that is because he gassed the jews. Yes hitler brought good to the world too. Global warming isn't the worlds biggest threat humans stupidity is.
It's fine you voice your opinion, and tbh kadaffi or did some bad shit. But like jnz said it was actually pretty nice in libya.

The thing is the West (and most of its inhabitants) have grown up in the modern age with the thought that dictatorship is wrong, and their morals and believes are the only just ones.

Which is quite laughable, there is a lot to be said in favor of dictatorship over democracy!

Regardless of what form of government is best, overthrowing one that doesnt conform to your views is wrong, especially if you look at the incredible hypocrite nature of the West.

Imagine all the countries that dont have a democracy have the same attitude as the West and want to spread their form of government to the rest of the world (ex. China), you wouldn't support that now would you?

Don't be so fast to jump to conclusions, and so quick to defend the West's "enlightend' view, it might not be as definitive as you think.
I am against the enlightend westen view, i was just saying that U.S.A and Europe both defend each other in the ideas they have while they don't know anything about what the other is thinking, bush wanted troops to go to irak almost the whole of Europe was like Yeah sure bush we can send troops. Belgium was the only one who said "you know what bush stick it up your ... your not getting troops from us"
And i would rather a Neo-democrocy where the people only have to vote when its needed. I could make a long ass post on what ideas i have but its late and i wanna go to sleep we could switch PM's with idea's
Ahhh you're a smart person good! would love to exchange stuff but dont have time, exams next week. Which is basically why i posted this since i just read part of 'Leviathan' by Thomas Hobbes, which is on the ideal state (you should read that its pretty interesting stuff, especially since it was written in 1651 i believe!)

it would be interesting to know how many innocent people the USA and UK have killed in the past 40 years and compare it to how many gadaffi killed.
Tell me then why did the people of Lybia raise up?
a good man die
Syria next, please.
Always R.I.P.
Noooooooooooooooooooooo ! :'=[
thought it is not 100% sure he is?
e. checked google. i dont think it is him on that pic?! :o
oh saskia, you sure know your way with dictators :~>
Pff i had so much fun with Moammar al-Qadhafi.
He was like a friend to me
this is where they found him

image: 4v1ijb
I don't have anything against people whose existance make people suffer. but otherwise, I find it a bit awkward when people are happy that somebody is dead. doesn't that seem a bit wrong?
Said same shit about Bin Laden, people thought I was a fucking terrorist. Good luck buddy.
indeed. but it still makes me sick..
The feeling of revenge or vengeance is human. I can't imagine to be happy about someone dying either though.
still, I don't get it why some people get happy who weren't even involved in this :) and that video of his body on the back of the truck.. speechless. oh and something similar about that "involved" thingy when mister jobs died: people were helplessly crying over the loss of a big man. but nobody gave a shit about those guys at the factory who were putting apple products together 14 hours a day for a shitty change. many of them commited suicide. even though he knew it all along how it is there and also said that they have a really awesome working enviroment. nobody wanted to get revenge on him, I guess!
Ye, I guess humans are kind of weird.
Hide and Seek champion still stands!

image: binladn1
Ok, he doesn´t stand anymore, but his h&s streak in unbeaten.
quantity wise he surely has an awesome streak
quality wise its not... how you wanna find a guy on ur server, when he is on another one?
Dear world/USA/NATO/People in dictatorships,

leave us some dictators please.
We need them for media and useless discussions in school, also for pics/vids of people running down a street cuz dictator-loyal troops shoot them.

The real question is, Can Libya rebuild itself after 42 years of tyranny ? haha owned by french mirages.
such a childish behaviour 'plz dont show me his bullet ripped, blood covered body! i find things like this really disgusting' on the other hand u say 'hey finally that bitch is down' get some balls. people act violant 24/7 on this planet so start showing... srsly this hypocrisy is pathteic to see
R.I.P :<
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