ET coach players..

Well if you haven't noticed in the Australian ET GameArena tournament teams are allowed a extra player to the team in server whom coaches the side via spectating in the game. Syd explained on saying that:

"In Aus, teams are allowed to have one extra player in spectator during matches. Some teams use these as coach players, call spawn times over vent, call players, decide on strats, etc.

Some teams don't use them at all, some teams use them for every game. They make a good addition if you have a good one though."

Now personally I think this is a really novel and good idea. Yes there is the argument that one is not necessary but at some point people will wish for an extra pair of eyes/mind to be there. I personally tihnk it is a really great idea, gives a good image and shows the gaming world as more of a sport (coaches being in real life sports such as basketball/rugby/soccer) and maybe we should allow the system here in Europe.

Your thoughts?
I have been thinking for a long time, that this would be a good idea. :()
ye, that would be fun =)
BUT! is the opposite team speclocked? in aus league/cfg
no, this coach can look also at enemy players. he is even given a ref. to have better look at action, he can spec with freemode if he likes to.
would be a gread idea, but who would really want to be a coach?
tbh I think it would be fun to do, really, the coach could be the backup/person not playing, they're around, get to watch and get involved in the action.
those fanboys!
I would, you know I'm just as interested in the tactics of games as I am in the actual playing of them.
you want me to be your coach? im very skilled, just as skilled i am with water !<3
i think some time ago there was requests to etpro team to make /ref makecoach feature in etpro, to allow players to see team overlay and names of players or smthing like that
u gonna help them finding one?

how thoughtfull!
Could u coach us?
someone with a wh would be very helpful to call positions and spawntimes (of the oppisite team :D)! nice idea though
pentel on 17/12/06, 01:13:41 PM | Reply

no, this coach can look also at enemy players. he is even given a ref. to have better look at action, he can spec with freemode if he likes to.
Q3 style.. except.. there is little to time in ET -.-
I've also been thinking about the idea for a while. I didn't realise the Aussies already did it though. I like the idea, personally.
I like ingameleading, couching would be nice but playing is more fun tbh. also like evan mentioned, how the hell do u catch a coach that uses a wallhack?
how the hell do u catch a spectator that uses a wallhack? its the same right
yeah, it is.
having a coach is the that all players have wh.. what would be the fun of knowing everything the opponent will do ? one of the bigs challenges in the game isn't only have good tax, but to adapt ur tax to unkonwn situations, with coach, that will be lost :(
hmmm i think they cant even see the other team.. its just a 7th player who can focus more on thinking and watching the surroundings then on the aim; good overview and stuff; we often do that too in scrims, and it works great.

(no freefly mode afcourse, thats damn wicked)
Quoteno, this coach can look also at enemy players. he is even given a ref. to have better look at action, he can spec with freemode if he likes to.

i spoke based on this, but anyways, don't like it :p
in one of my first clans we used this kind of thing (in case opponent agreed on a spec :P ) and it was kinda fun :)

so, imo that would be nice idea
if the "coach" would be able to fly in free mode or spec opponents then this is the worst idea ever
he would not, ofc.
It would make doc runs alot harder if they know where the person is, along with a lot of other little things :/
Maybe something to try out in a cup? Ofc teams wouldnt be obliged to use a coach, but it would be a nice feature for EC games, maybe even OC 1st division.
Its nothing new, In Quake TDM coaches are arguably the most pivitol role in the team. Ask Ironfist (4k in q4) how valuble CJM is at coach and they'll sing his praises. Load OSP Q3 and you can go into coach mode also
Why did you download the game if you are spec all the time? :x

Bad idea, a "coach" should be in-game leader.
if any team needs coach, im avi. just pm :-----D

that would be fun.
okey, i'm interested if any team is recruiting a coach?
One thing I can suggest is not specifically recruiting a 'coach', but what about you're backup player? He's not playing but ca still get in with the action by being a sort of coach.
" (coaches being in real life sports such as basketball/rugby/soccer) "

never say soccer against football my friend
OLD! :)
I was a coach for Impera a while back, like 1 year ago. It can be very very handy.
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