Graphic card problems :/

Hi, tonight, i turned on my pc, and the monitor didnt showed anything like windows & stuff, i tried to push better my graphic card into the motherboard, and the result was a yellow, desktop


help me pls

PS: don't say shit like, format and stuff pls
problem should be in ur screen.. here its normal
np, very maybe ur cable is just broke.. i had the same too some time ago, and the way i turned the cable around it give me colors like purplegreen, normal and black :[
Screens are normal - looks like your monitor mate.
install drivers for graphic card
I once had something similar. There are allot of mini bars in the monitor plug, and one was bent, and it made my desktop look pink. Check if they are all straight or if nothing is blocking the graphic card port.
the mini-bars are with the normal colour (blue), so the problem is from graphic card or the monitor?
Well, id say the problem is on your monitor, cause the screen shots look fine to me.
If your screen is yellow, the blue component in the RGB-signal is not being transfered through the cable properly. Try switching the cable around or try another cable.

You could also try to take the display card completely out and put it back in. I, once, had a weird problem with random artifacts filling the screen: switching cables and monitors didn't help, but re-inserting the card corrected the situation.

It's unlikely the problem is suddenly your monitor. Also, the screenshots look fine to everyone else, so the problem is not your graphic card: the signal coming from the card is fine, but your equipment on the receiving end is not.
must be pron :d
Nice hax jLn
you should retry and reconnect no, Moo! green one
nVidia-Display settings checked allready? If not, check them.
get a 8800 gtx ktx
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