long distance sens

arrr, would u guys say there is like a limit for a 90fov sens at which its too high to be efficient at long range?

i <3 big sens and im way beter with it, but when im aiming at long range with a big sens, 90fov and high mpitch, it sometimes feels as if im skipping parts in the tracking..

So is there like a limit or is it just cuz i have to get used to it some more?
no limit.
thanks for teh n1 info, wanne paly qw with me?
no, im at our cottage, waitin for morning to bring out the sun so I can go to tallinn ;D
do you speak polish?
kurwa pierdolej czoch kazaj fiecz zoc?
your mum is a dirty whore too fag
no not really, i think i know what you mean with the tracking, i tend to crouch tap and shift to the left/right to follow them instead of moving the mouse in those sitatutions.
yeah but u can also do that with a somewhat lower sens, cant help but think im just fcking myself with a 540° 30cm sens, but im too lazy for a lower one :)
try this:

bind CTRL "+vstr shooton shootoff"
set shooton "+movedown; cg_crosshairsize 60; sensitivity 0.4; set vstr shootoff"
set shootoff "-movedown; cg_crosshairsize 80; sensitivity 0.6; set vstr shooton"
apreciate it, but trying to play without tweaking, so no fancy stuff :D
if u mean lagscript, story of bullshits :)
I'm looking for the pronebug script.
Ah, found it!

bind z "vstr pronemode"
set pronemode vstr pronemode1
set pronemode1 "bind ctrl vstr prone1a;set pronemode vstr pronemode2; echo ^4|| ^4prone ^4script ^5enabled"
set pronemode2 "bind ctrl vstr prone2 ;set pronemode vstr pronemode1; echo ^4|| ^4prone ^4script ^1disabled"

set prone1a "unbind ctrl;com_maxfps 76;cl_yawspeed 70;cl_pitchspeed 70;+sprint; wait 12;+prone;wait 2;+moveright;+right;+lookdown;vstr prone1b;
set prone1b "-prone; -prone;wait ;-sprint;-sprint;wait 25;-right;-right;-lookdown;-lookdown;+left;+lookup;vstr prone1c"
set prone1c "wait 27;-left;-left;-lookup;-lookup;-moveright;-moveright;com_maxfps 125;cl_yawspeed 140;cl_pitchspeed 140;bind CTRL vstr prone1a"
set prone2 "bind ctrl +prone"
funny guy :P
but nm, ive found nice settings which im gonna keep :)
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