long distance sens
17 Dec 2006, 03:00
arrr, would u guys say there is like a limit for a 90fov sens at which its too high to be efficient at long range?
i <3 big sens and im way beter with it, but when im aiming at long range with a big sens, 90fov and high mpitch, it sometimes feels as if im skipping parts in the tracking..
So is there like a limit or is it just cuz i have to get used to it some more?
i <3 big sens and im way beter with it, but when im aiming at long range with a big sens, 90fov and high mpitch, it sometimes feels as if im skipping parts in the tracking..
So is there like a limit or is it just cuz i have to get used to it some more?
bind CTRL "+vstr shooton shootoff"
set shooton "+movedown; cg_crosshairsize 60; sensitivity 0.4; set vstr shootoff"
set shootoff "-movedown; cg_crosshairsize 80; sensitivity 0.6; set vstr shooton"
bind z "vstr pronemode"
set pronemode vstr pronemode1
set pronemode1 "bind ctrl vstr prone1a;set pronemode vstr pronemode2; echo ^4|| ^4prone ^4script ^5enabled"
set pronemode2 "bind ctrl vstr prone2 ;set pronemode vstr pronemode1; echo ^4|| ^4prone ^4script ^1disabled"
set prone1a "unbind ctrl;com_maxfps 76;cl_yawspeed 70;cl_pitchspeed 70;+sprint; wait 12;+prone;wait 2;+moveright;+right;+lookdown;vstr prone1b;
set prone1b "-prone; -prone;wait ;-sprint;-sprint;wait 25;-right;-right;-lookdown;-lookdown;+left;+lookup;vstr prone1c"
set prone1c "wait 27;-left;-left;-lookup;-lookup;-moveright;-moveright;com_maxfps 125;cl_yawspeed 140;cl_pitchspeed 140;bind CTRL vstr prone1a"
set prone2 "bind ctrl +prone"
but nm, ive found nice settings which im gonna keep :)