Kurwa polish laggers


i dont understand polish 'n stuff, but somebody plz explain. Did lockheed get busted and they aired it on Polish national TV?
give me a sec ... i will try to translate !
QuoteDid lockheed get busted and they aired it on Polish national TV?

busted for what ?
aimbot, theres proof! check the vid at the end. why isnt he banned?
nah it showed et on the moniters and stuff then it went on cs so i got confused :<
busted for biggest ego
LOL this movie was made cause of simple story :
Wiesiek and Lock were on same lan.. Wiesiek was suspicious for him
cause every time he crouched he made 2-3 hs ..So Lock wanted to investigate and asked Wiesiek to play on his PC. Wiesiek refused..change the binds ..etc .
The secret key of aimbot ,supposed to be TAB : D It's mentioned in movie.

Btw form and text's on movie are more fun than accusive :P
So don't take this serious..here you got half of translation.

PS. The part in tv and speaking lock was just a report from PGA...and interview with lock
who said ''im the best player in europe'' .Polsih players lynched him very hard or it...and laughed for long time. ; /

Hehe, reminds me of that counterstrike vid of a LAN cheater. They only caught him after the lan :D He was getting specced by 20+ ppl in rl while using cheats.
I saw a movie on youtube when they caught one and destoryed his pc : D Nice punishment
That one is fake and old. The counterstrike vid is realy nice :) I'll google it for you


you need an account, but its worth it :P Great music, nice special effects, super frags (no shit), kinda owns. If you know norwegian plz translate ;)
man wtf, i made account, i enter that url and i get logged out, gg ffffffsafasgfasghs
Here's the translation, and my pardon for the bad translation, it's getting late here :P
Anyways, the grammar in the movie is horrible at times, so bare with me, as I couldn't be arsed to fix the creators weird sentences:

Quote"In this movie we've tried to put the spot light on two matters:
The first about cheating on LAN's, and the other about Aasengs performance on Arctic Gathering 2006"

"Originally we were only supposed to only look at Aaseng's suspicious performances, but the counter-argument weren't avoidable;
This happened on a LAN"

"Cheating on LAN's have, untill now, never been an issue, as all common sense says this is impossible. The classical wallhack and
aimbot is easy to spot, thus there can not be any speculations.

But we've entered a new era, where cheating on LAN actually is possible"

"After checking around and witnessed the naivity(spelling?) in the norwegian CS community regarding this topic,
we felt we had a pretty good insight to the norms and views of "the old school" regarding cheating on LAN. We realised we had to
help people opening their eyes."

"First off we're going to watch some of Aaseng's performances from #be-deceived on Arcting Gathering 2006.

THe LAN was held in Sandnessjøen, Nordland, with a relatively big prizepool of 15 000 NOK(Norwegian currency) and some equally matched teams,
this was going to be an exciting compo.

All recordings are gathered from live compo-matches"

"There's being shot at the guy who threw the grenade, but aren't the shot a bit too far up?

Let's watch the clip with a WH"

"That would have made a nice HS if it weren't for the greenbox in the way.

Aaseng has been rumoured to be good with the AWP; let's watch another clip"

"A pretty uninteresting clip, but with WH it suddenly gets interesting."

(@bd_DizZy) haha
(@bd_DizZy) "AIMBOT"
(@bd_DizZy) haha
(@bd_DizZy) wææ (crying sound)
(@bd_DizZy) you can see that hltv LAGS whore
(@bd_andeeh) mm

(@bd_DizZy) looks like max recoil
(@bd_DizZy) but look ineye
(@bd_DizZy) he's got it =)
(@bd_DizZy) looks different there ;P

"After 3 days of nagging we got an ineye-demo from one of the finals on nuke, let's see what the demo shows."

"Looks exactly like the HLTV-clip to us."

"Here we're talking total flash,
but in the demo it's clear that the flash goes off when he's looking partially away from the grenade.

Why is the shooting only happening when the terrorist is behind the wall, and the crosshair is fixed at the head?"

"Looks like skills"

"Did you see a bullet that didn't hit?

We didn't either"

"Have you seen anyone who has shoot into that greenbox when you're watching long?"

"Or seen anyone shoot there?"

"Let's watch the same round with transparent walls and red boxes that indicate the terrorist's heads"

"What about those shoots at stairs?"

"So now you're probably thinking;"Yeah? What does this proove? That aaseng uses wallhack or aimbot at LAN? lol"

Wallhack eliminates itself, however an undetectable aimbot on lan would been the thing"

"Welcome to a cs-world with "designer cheats""

"The cheat doesn't have a specific name, and isn't a specific type of cheat.

Designer-cheats is cheats that builds on aimbots from regular cheats found on the net, but the aimbot is tweaked
after how much you want it to aim towards the head, how much you want it to aim through the walls, how many shots to the head, etc."

"The result of a tweaked cheat like this is a "aimhelper", where cheat is mixed with skills.
(Read more about the cheat in readme.txt)"

We got a hold of a similar cheat that works on LAN, but we're ofcourse not intending to distribute this cheat as it would
ruin online CS.

That's why we'll give you a few clips when we played around against bots.."

"Now you're maybe convinced, or very much in doubt that aaseng's clips shows any form of "designer-cheats, or if it's only coincidences."

"#Be-deceived went home from Arctic Gathering with 12 500 NOK, after two finals ending 16-13 and 16-14.

Was it supposed to be end like this?"

"We've at least made up our mind, and now it's up to you as members of CS-Norway to make up yours."

"Regardless of what you think about this case, it's important to understand that it's actually possible to cheate on a LAN.

The faster the community fathoms that it is possible to cheat on LAN, the faster we can do something about it."
so old >.>
That movie has almost half of year:D

You are so fassst;)
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