car accident

got in a car accident last night, doing the corner to quick as i started breaking i lost control of the car (wet ground) then hitting the curb totally flipping the car and hitting a wall.

thankfully me and the girl who was in the car are all good without any scratches but leonardo the car is rather damaged, rip!
Haven't you learn that you are supposed to slow down a bit doing curves otherwise, even without wet ground, it can happen....????'
lucky you !
should have better tought u a lesson!

lucky u
Gotta quit reading journals...
had last year a 360° turn on ice cause i was too fast =) learned from it. u should as well.

goood all went good at least for teh bodies""
girls cant drift ^_^
i can^^ i was just in a hurry. was too fast car come from front and i had brake... fail :P
he came from front because he so nice blond yerman girl

anyway all the car accidents are nothing compare to what i almost had 8D

i was part of escorting a 25ton truck nevermind for what, the truck is from atc - tetra
pretty fucking awesome peice of tool

anyway we took a 45 angel turn in speed around 60km/h

we drove on 3 wheels (its 6x6 truck) meaning we were half in the air 8D

we burned 1 tier which cost more than 1000$ :ASD:A:S:DAS:D

shit driver
it was because we drove rly rly downhill road and we were so fast he couldnt break, thats why we came to the 45 angel turn in so much speed :~<

image: 5664
he came from front because he so nice blond yerman girl

say what?! :D


so u were only part but not the driver right?
yea i sit next to the driver

btw saskia for you :~>

image: 296728_10150874723315212_647890211_21302537_693080578_n

a girl wrote it, the upper yellow note says new driver
the next one say "keep distance, i dont know how to Uphill start" :~>
Hey it seems your picture is a mirror image.
The text seems to go from right to left, that's all wrong.
I hate having to explain my jokes :(
izi bash to start uphill imo lol ;)
not if you're a girl :~>
had the same last year but i hit the tree:(
:o dir was passiert? ich bin genau dazwischen gelandet frueh morgens um 6 :p dann war ich wach!
ich hatte spätschicht und bin so gegen 2230 viel zu schnell ne vereiste strecke gefahren und in ner senke beim bremsen ins drehen geraten und rückwärts in die böschung und nen baum geprallt

gott sei dank is mir nix passiert musste aber beinahe 3 studen auf den abschleppdienst warten:(
only homos can't drive
HEy bAsSiE i HoPe YoU aRe nOt ZeRiEuS tHat YouR 15 eLse YoU shOuLd KeEp tHosE fIngErs In yOuR nOse
no but internet is dangerous, it's a fake identity.
Not dangerous, just confusing.
so is mathematics
nahh that is logical
a girl hahahah yeah right !!!!!
you know that theory book never lied, you should always break at corners and drive real slow in wet conditions.

book never lies, except when it tells you to keep on going on when entering a no entry road by mistake trolololol
>Books never lie

image: img-flat-bible
the book didnt lie, we just took it the wrong way
ok new jesus
i was baby jesus<3
Ppl like u that put up car insurance premium's especially for young ppl. Glad ur ok though.
lrn2physics and basic understanding of cars.
thankfully your stupidity didn't cost any lives x)
pls........! this can happen at the beginning if u like to drive fast n stuff not good if it ends like this true. but still the feeling ;)

all good?! =)
Yeah for sure. I'm not really one to talk about driving silly and doing speeds ~240kph, but driving in wet at corners with speed you're asking for something bad, especially with front wheel drive cars :Pp

everything greattttttttt x) sup with you? :)
ofc everyone knows it but sometimes :)

im fine ;)
I love driving fast and it never happened because i know how my car responds, i know what can happen.. n stuff.. thats common sense.
ofc u know what can happen but imo at the begin of driving car u wanna test alot although its kinda overestimation when u dont drive slower in this case :')
didnt you broke your entire body after failing @ driving your bicycle :~>
Only my wrists .-.
:D 6 breaks in left 2 in right :~>
SpeedyBozar needs to school you driving.

*for those guys who remember his vids*

oh god dem videos...
yeah, fucking psycho :D
road being wet is not an excuse just made your fail even worse!
learn to drive
winter tyres?
glad that nothing happened to either of you
Learn from this! The only way to drive good, is to drive safe.
Ignore all the comments of people who think that driving fast and/or reckless is cool!
did 2 180° each side in one run, was like wtf

also drifting slowly when its raining, blame bmw & "propulsion"
didnt you got your license a few weeks ago?
had it for about 2 months =D
I must be the only intelligent person alive.
This is all a cover for the main point, that you had a girl
In your car.
picture of chick?
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