Few weeks ago, me and some random Netherlands guy (or girl, who knows?) were talking about the usage of IRC, he found it little bit weird that I use it with IRL-communication too.

At least here they got "irc-training" at uni too, few lessons how to connect and basic commands since the schools provide shells & ftp for students. Not only about chatting, but how to use ssh, pine, mailbox etc via putty for example. Most of the classes (or groups, how do you wanna say it) have their own channels, some got even teachers there every now and then so they are easily available if needed. Even my favourite club has it´s own channel, few bartenders there to announce new stuff and chat about thingies. Though it has been quite quiet lately.

We also got channels for our neighbourhood, image: 61728_1605818903416_1174450952_31774139_4565951_n

Though bigger nowadays, around 50 members[/img]
and few others with IRL-buddies to plan evil deeds and generall disguss.

Nowadays the usage of fb-chat & msn have gone way down for me, cba to use them since they demand immediate attention and are generally quite annoying, only go for them if I have to. Not to talk about calling / sms, I use phone mostly for answering to it (and IRC ofc) and calling a cab when needed. Phonebill is like 4€ per month.

Kinda lost my thought at some point, damn those customers, distracting me while I got more important things to do.

So, do you got any real use for IRC or is it just a tool to search wars and other ET-related thingies?

image: 863150956

image: 303705_206053799454447_163814083678419_541910_1449472_n
wars only
#debian #linux and more support channels. Would like to use it for other purpose tough. Also for wars ofc.

ow and use /hide at end :D
Yup, just noticed it.
did your horse win anything yet?
Havent had any races yet, just training starts. Done decent times, but it isnt about those yet, more about routine and technique.
Yes, you would look that awesome if you were a horse!
used to have our own class channel in school, and some of us even communicated through ventrilo :DD
lemme guess, estonia uses the vent server I pay for? :DDD
and don't you even consider to stop paying for it! DAMN RITE!
Woa this is completely different here... I doubt ANY of the teachers/students in my uni even use IRC for any purpose...
Sausage fest.

Nice hat btw!
Yea, counted 10/63 girls from the channel :/ But hey, I rather drink with guys than girls!

EDIT: Not that bad actually, few people have several clients there, some dorks even three. So maybe 10/50.
rly? weird, I prefer getting girls drunk just for fun...
They can get drunk on their own and you can meet them later, mkay?
no, the way is the goal.
The chase is better than the catch, eh?
indeed. it's like going fishing. if it was only about the fish, you better go to the supermarket ;)
Well, but it is also cheaper to catch a wild wish than going to the store and buy one.
you can't buy wishes at stores!
also its not about the money...then you could also pay people to have fun with you, not the same.
wuck you :( Gaming soon?
We've had a IRL IRC-channel for five or so years for now. It has grown kinda big, mainly because more friends' friends have joined. And ofc keeping in touch with my ET related friends :O)


#:O) @ quakenet
yes, we used irc for irl stuff about 8 years ago
got 2 drinkingbuddiechannels :) + its an easy way to contact "internet friends" whom to talk some nonsense
90% of my friends don't even know what IRC is, Finland most be creating a nerd army :o
Nice hat tommigun :D
Don't really use it for any irl stuff, mostly talk to old buddies, bd <3 and stuff. Used to idle more @ freenode and such at a few nerdy channels, a mostly UK group for binrev and what not.

Don't think half of my teachers would know what irc is here : D
I think I have lost the hat :/ Havent seen it in few months.
I remember when i first went to irc I was a young boy like 10 or something, and we had somekind of community in our hometown called #dirtysquad there were all my brothers mates and stuff, thats when i first used irc.. good itmes :)
Later i started gaming and used IRC for that mostly..
about 2 years ago we made that kind of irc chan for hometown and friends again but it is pretty much dead now.. atleast im not using it anymore, this reminds me, i have to go there again hehe :P
Only for gaming.

Dota pickups and for ET ofc.

But dont use irc anymore. Dota pickup went website and dont play ET anymore.
Ten years ago, yes…

then everyone started using "ICQ"

…then "StudiVZ" (Facebook clone)

and nowadays everyone is on FB :/

Unfortunately most people are too lazy to learn how to use IRC.
I have never understood that "learn to use" thingie. What there is to learn, geez... Retards :D
the commands for things like IRC don't intuitively come to everyone...
You don't need any commands, just click-click-mirc, that's what people normally use first if they aren't familiar with other programs.
sounds nice, would rather use IRC for more stuff but its mainly for chatting with ET peeps and playing !yatzee atm :/
Quakenet only
Only for gaming.. And now I only use the irc webchat when I want to talk to the people i got to know when i was playing et in the holidays
I felt pleased but then I realised that you don't come irc anymore
I am :) will nevaaar forget :)
i use irc to prac trivia
Just a tool for wars. But it's also for chatting with online friends ofcourse. Even now that I'm barely playing ET, I sometimes go on irc to talk to some people :)

(one cute girl in the pic and she's standing next to you, well done!)
rl? what?
used irc irl when i was a kid, once had a date with 2blondes and 1brunete, yes a 4way 3 girls and me, from mirc was awesome and i was only 14 :D now i use it only 4 gaming & #PraccHardGoPro

was on ircnet be4, now im on quakenet
we use phones for that stuff
I like IRC, there just isn't a good native windows client. I usually run irssi through cygwin or webchat if I'm only going on briefly.
Really Meez?

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