one of solutions for lags

After spending a lot of time at whining on my network, i tried to do smth with it and do it more stable. So i will show u one of many solutions to make your network more stable.

At the start its nice to check your inet with
If u got good developer, then u will have 0% of packetlosts and Jitter 0-3.
image: 49390404.
So it looks nice for me, but why my ping is not stable still?

I decided to test speed of it:
image: 1558587796
Yeeeee.... 250kbps of upload..
I was a bit dissapointed, but i cant loose fight with my network...

Next point was trying everything to do it stable, reconnecting, putting other ip, dns adresses and stuff.
And? Pufff its working nice ^^
I discovered that it was about DNS adresses. propably my pc got some hide connections using DNS adresses(dns put adress in ip adress like 242.523.241 etc.).

So i went to my windows network connection rewrite my ip adresses and stuff downloaded automaticly from network connection in txt file, and copied it in manual settings ipv4 in network propeties, but without dns adresses, and it works :D

Ofc theres a problem, u cant explore websites while dns is not turned off, so u need to have ts ip in numers not in words. Also sometimes u got problems with connecting with TZAC, but theres easy solution, u can delete dns adresses after connect with irc, ts, vt, tzac and stuff.

Someone will say: "cool story bro", but some of developers cant give u better network in small cities, or u are in bad place that there's no option for other connection.
If it will help somebody i will be happy in not then i dont give a shit.

Also if it will give u better connection pmme or write there, then i will give u screenshots how to do that for people who dont know anything about windows and stuff.

p.s 1. sry for english, its not perfectly i know
2. if u got problems pmme @ qnet
3. thank's for attention
story of my life
This journal is about bad internet.
I read "polska".
Now this doesnt take much imagination.
cool story bro
got a better solution: get a decent city
haha get upload noob
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I don't wanna upload, I just download :')!
give screenshots, want to try it

E: didn't work for me, haven't seen any differences
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nice journal :)
Won't be using it but I appreciate the effort ;)
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well ok normally my up speed is about 2mbit, but down speed at 0,5 mbit :DDDDDD
Nice net! Question, do you ever achieve these speeds? Alot of companies falsely advertise the speeds they provide
Uhh, that's a test result, not the statement of the provider.
Was aware, just wanted to know if he has ever had a dl that quick, I would love more than 500 kb/s :|
You might be confused because this test gives the result as Mb/s, but all downloading softwares and browsers use MB/s (and kB/s). One B = 8b. He should expect to download at around 4000kB/s.
the most i downloaded via p2m was 6MB/s
nice! will do that today! r u gonna be online? :>
oh turki, you so crazy
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nice effort :)
starnet leci po liniach pkp z tego co pamietam :D a one najlepsze w polsce sa ;p
stopped reading there propably my pc got some hide connections using DNS adresses...

anyway post pic of ur connection after all this stuff?? =)
it gave me stable ping, not higher speed or smth
after that i got one line on lagometer without any jumps or other shitty things like before ;D
image: 1558979562
Oh, snap!
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