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Spree on msn being a gangster after he didnt even dare to say smthing to me or whatever on CC5, but he chooses to be the hero on internet after all :

Made Spree leave the day after he threatened people together with my e-gangsters <3
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA jonge online hero jij lult stront
ik was dezelfde dag al weg, ik heb niemand bedreigd, ik heb jou nog niet eens gesproken, en loekino scheet m kankerhard toen ik m aansprak
echt jonge wat een trieste kankerzooi dat hele crossfire gebeuren
kkr nolifers allemaal
inclusief jij fatty
je bent dikke kankernerd
owkeeeeeeeeeeeeej dit gaat vast weer gequote worden maar ik faal kankerhard --
ik realiseer me nunet dat het over het leaven van crossfire gaat
nja nvm
je bent nog steeds een dik kankernerdje

Kevin /// !: nice wallhack btw
Kevin /// !: verberg het beetje beter
pistolpwner player kicked

(22:38:05) (h3lix) like your voicebox is in your stomach
(22:38:09) (h3lix) tbh
(22:38:22) (h3lix) :DDD no wonder the ladies love you! u have a voice like barry white
(22:38:47) (h3lix) when u get em naked do u say...

(18:47:27) (Result\AbouT) not important how himself will win important that himself it will win

(01:13:42) (+Splitfire) u r acting like little boy which want to have a candy

(+Splitfire) fucking shit noskill nobrain piece of shit

<+Splitfire> but u r still crying
<+Splitfire> pls st is using hax
<+Splitfire> we r cheating
<+Splitfire> so go masturbate with your hand
<+Splitfire> and kiss your father in da ass
<+SkyLine> get life

(01:23:02) (+SkyLine) sorrow for me through the game and never well won't be playing people which have a complex cya lan


Currently playing for :

True Destination

Currently playing :

ET / HoN / Reallife

Clan History

Seven Sins
Chronic Whiners United
Eternal Warfare
True Destination
Eternal Warfare (OC only)
Mazzelaars (CDC3)
TAG (late night ownage)
Mazzelaars (CDC4)
True Destination (fulltime owning + CC5)
True Destination/SA Gaming (CC6)


image: counter


OC Premier League Fall 2011 winner
Threatened by Spree
Made Spree leave the day after he threatened people together with my e-gangsters <3
Best panzer on CDC4 verified by TosspoT
Winning only 1 map every CDC
Finally winning a map and a match @ CC5
CDC 3 - Second Last Place with De MAZZelaars
CDC 4 - Third Last Place with De MAZZelaars
CC5 - Placed 16th out of 22 after winning from dB and a map of aToon
CC6 - Placed 11th after losing loser bracket final from Desire with sA gaming
#evottajat.cup 6on6 cup with True
Clanbase OC Spring 2008 - Division 2
CPUIntel i5 2500k 3.3Ghz @ 4Ghz for now
MotherboardMSI P67A-GD65
Memory8GB Corsair XMS3 DDR3 2x 4GB
Storage1x 256GB Samsung 830 SSD, 2x WD 320GB, 2x Seagate 1.5TB
GraphicsMSI R6950 2GB
SoundCreative X-Fi Titanium PCI-e
Operating SystemWindows 7 Ultimate
MonitorBenQ XL2420T 24" 120hz
KeyboardLogitech Illuminated
MouseLogitech G400 Gaming Mouse
MousepadPuretrack Talent
HeadsetSennheiser HD558
ConnectionCable 120MBit