electronics against me? wtf

fucking sad story incoming
So 2 years ago i bought laptop, HP Compaq 615, worst buy ever.. i paid half of it myself, so after 2 months its HDD crashed, lost some files, demos, music, school material.. atleast i had 6 month warranty, so they replaced it.. after a year its battery charger decided to not work properly, had to buy new one.. warranty was already over so it sux, now it just crashes whenever it wants.. is very slow and physical memory usage is like 70% so i cant do anything with it dont ever buy fucking hp compaq 615 shit
Same year I also bought some nokia touch phone.. still dont remember its name but recently it just shuts itself down randomly any time it wants, might be battery? pretty sure.. still how the fuck can nokia be crap? its like impossible, but i got the only bad nokia phone in the world i guess
Last summer I also bought ipod nano, which stopped working right now, few minutes ago, ty steve jobs, well played..

Now im really mad and lost faith in working electronics, fuck u china
now give me some fucks by saying : i feel u man
thx for feedback
i feel u man
ty for giving a fuck :)
sometimes i feel like i would like to throw my laptop in the air and then get a baseball bat and smash it really hard.. but then i think that i worked for it and paid for it and think.. next time sac.. next time..
my pc and laptop are both shit. laptop is brand new and very fast though :P its getting hot.
It is just the style of the day, nothing lasts more than the warranty-period, if even that. Markets need people to buy new shit more and more often because economies need to expand eternally and nothing matters but that.

Saw a great documentary about this some time ago, check it out, http://documentaryheaven.com/the-lightbulb-conspiracy/ or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HnW6Mm5sUI

Things could last longer, but it isnt good for the companies. For example printers and lightbulbs are designed to break down after certain usage. Meanwhile oldest lightbulb made in 1900 or 1901 is still working.

/insert tin-foil-hat.
my lecture in computer hardware class said laptops are made to last for like 3 years nowadays :D only IBM/Lenovo, plus few other make still some proper laptops, i would of said he is a pessimistic fuck if i wouldnt had this expierence already with my own laptop
i will watch that documentary for sure, if i get some proper laptop or fix this one :PP
More conspiracy for you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EewGMBOB4Gg
Well, not conspiracy, but facts.

Lightbulbs are just one tiny example.
Well, wouldnt say that zeitgeist is about facts... Just different interpretations and aspects.
i give you some fucks by saying : i feel u man
Are you crying?
still mad about my comment :P? u gotta let it go, u gotta be stronger, dont cry so much mate :)
Mad? Who's mad?
I just gave you a wink ;)
im not mad dont be mad :)(:
Nice arguing..
why do u want to argue?
You find yourself funny, telling me i'm mad, wich is pretty ridiculous since i found it amusing to give a little back to you
ok i feel u but i cant take u seriously when u almost cried and pissed ur pants when police arrested u :P

Dude, opticians aren't for dogs..
cant find ur journal anymore, did u delete it? :D
It disappeared. Albus Dumbeldore deleted it.
my pc been working well since 05 :), hehe.
oldschool pcs are better imo, wp mind
wall of text
Your laptop aint getting slower cuz its old or crap, its the software thats stressing it. Turn of all not needed active programs, full virus scan, disk defarg.. if you have used same windows install for years the even that might not help so time for format C.
yeah i have done few, removed all unneccessary startup files,system restore, ran few programs to make it faster and now i want to format c because its the last chance but i need memory stick first, otherwise i will loose all my school materials again, music and so on.. :P
u need a memory stick i guess
ik voel je
Don't buy a fucking laptop.
k-saluuni kaup?
Mul pmst on mälupulka jagada, aga hetkel on see külapeal.
jyrkzil homol on ka, aga mul l2heb koguaeg meelest kysida :D
Nokia's smart phones suck hard btw :D:D

Nokia aint the best company out there for over 2 years for sure :D
Electronics these days work well 3 years max and Apple products last 6-12 months.
liar, my nano has been working very well for.. 3 or 4 years now. Just take care of your stuffs, do not throw it to the toilets when you're out of battery..
those seem to be quality made, so you are right. Can't count every product there.
Your point is probably right for the new products. Can't give you more informations because i find it pretty useless and totaly retarded to buy new things when the older aren't broken (ipod, mobile..). Waste of money!
HP Compaq (shitest brand with emachines ), here is your problem low cost products the shittest components after 2 hours of use its getting too hot and just reboot by itself
don't you have sth like warranty-extensions for paying 10€ more?
czuje cie ziom
Stop buying shit then. Macbooks for laptop, Samsung for cellphones. Might be more expensive but at least it doesn't crash after 2 months of usage.
really doubt about macbooks brilliance
Macbooks are known for the quality of their battery. It also lasts around 4 years whereas usual laptops won't last more than 2 years.
im not saying macbooks are bad, but they arent anything ubergood, just overpriced because of its design and brand
I got no idea how people can fuck their electronic stuff up that fast. I have my laptop for almost four years now and its still doing its job. this goes also for other things like an iPod e.g.
Laptop charger's break all the time, that's nothing to complain about. The laptop I'm on now is already on its third battery and second or third charger because they slowly just die, it happens. Its a Lenovo thats been dropped from way higher than any laptop ever should be, it even has several cracks in the frame and still works fine, just has shit battery life like it always has lol
most of the time its my fault that my laptop/cellphone/ipod break down, cause i do something stupid when im drunk/stoned, but actually im always quite lucky because nothing serious happens. when i think of times when i smashed my laptop down the table or smth like that, it still works perfectly.
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