belgiums or finns prefered

hello :)

me & sSup3r need 4 guys to play 6v6 halloween cup wiv ^^

pm me on irc ^^ "AL1"
lol nerd lol
kom spele lan
helllooooooooo <3

everyone above this line was not accepted by SUp3R except for myself & gifted :P
fucking fuckers where are the fucking skilled people for fuck sake get skill
ik speel ni met sjieters :'(

everyone above this line was not accepted by SUp3R except for myself & gifted :P
seppo signing in for duty
im best, pick me, so lonely :(
speel al1

ehehehe , see what i did there?
obviously me


AL1 on 31/10/11, 18:46:00 PM | Report | Reply


everyone above this line was not accepted by SUp3R except for myself, swanidius & gifted :P
gl guys

everyone above this line was thanked for wanting to play with us :) we have decided to take the perfect group of people: swanidius, slay3r & mayni

everyone above this line is fucking low except myself :P
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