UNESCO Palestina

Lets discuss a bit ;)

Palestina on the road to its own country. Do you think it is the right way or rather not? Freedom VS Violance ? What do you think ?

QuotePARIS (Reuters) - The United Nations' cultural agency granted the Palestinians full membership on Monday, a step forward in their long-running efforts to achieve recognition before the world as an independent state.

Quote"Today's victory at UNESCO is the beginning of a road that is difficult, but will lead to the freedom of our land and people from occupation," Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Malki said. "Palestine has the right to a place on the map."

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/unesco-votes-palestinian-membership-today-100818310.html;_ylt=A2KLJK2Vmq5OzyUARXH59XQA;_ylu=X3oDMTQzNzE1c2I2BG1pdANBcnRpY2xlIFRvcFN0b3JpZXMEcGtnAzVhYmFjZTQ1LWE5MzQtMzQ3NS1iMGJkLTBkYTA0NDc1YmYzOQRwb3MDNARzZWMDTWVkaWFTZWN0aW9uTGlzdAR2ZXIDYzNhNzllNzAtMDNiZC0xMWUxLTlmY2YtNWZhYjJkYWMwNTJj;_ylg=X3oDMTJyZGJmbjlhBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDZWRjZjM0ZjYtZWJkNS0zN2FhLWFmNTEtNDA1MjQzNDZhM2Q2BHBzdGNhdANwb2xpdGljcwRwdANzdG9yeXBhZ2U-;_ylv=3
No moneyz for UNESCO now.
because the usa wont support this decision ?
So the Nation of freedom is against freedom ?

officially they are against it because palestina aint a official legitamated sovereign state like all other UN nations are.. by adding them now to a sub part of the UN makes them mad... inofficially the jew us jew lobby cant deal with the fact, that there main opponent is getting (partly) accepted by worlds most important association

e: and usa never were nation of freedom. just something they claim to be, to feel better than anybody else... and even if they were in past, they fucked it up in the last 10 years.
too many jews in the leading part of cancermerica
Yea they are cutting funds that actually represent 25 % of the UNESCO's budget... Big fail...
I hope those jews stop killing people and everybody can be happy !

Now let's celebrate useless violence with a cake image: wedding-cake
Why is it a question of freedom vs violence ?
Palastina rejected like 3-4 peace offers from Israel, even with nearly same borders before the 6 days war took place.
Why should democratic states like USA, Germany, Italy and all the others who voted with No against Palastina acknowledge a country which doesnt acknowledge the existence of its member Israel.
edit : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Palestinian_rocket_attacks_on_Israel,_2011
Yea, Palestine is obviously on the dominant position against Israel. What the hell is wrong with you...
Whats wrong with you to support those warmongers who shoot daily rockets into Israel...
The question of Gaza and Palastina isnt a question of borders or freedom, its just that once conquered soil in the name of islam cant be lost against infidels, especially not against jews. Thats why only 3 members for the 22 Arab nations acknowledge Israel , Palastina never accepted any peaceoffers or why Israel got attacked in peacetime by all their neighbours.
whats wrong with you judging about all palestinians as if they were all terrorists.

dont forget that isreal is killing daily innocent people aswell. Source ? You wont find many sources, because they dont want anyone to know more about this. Isreal is always the good and all other countries are always terrorists. srsly. give them a chance. everyone deserves freedom
Innocent people die thanks to nationalists in Gaza who start their rockets and mortars from schools and mosques.
Israel is a democratic state with free press, even 1/5 of the voters are arab, sure they can hide all the attacks against gaza in their "closedup" society...
Thats why i said aswell. Im not supporting the Hamas at all (just to make sure that you dont think im pro-terrorists!) Both sides are killing innocent people.

It isnt about free-press. Thousands of people died in afghanistan. Did the local newspapers write something about the innocent people? No, not really. They prefered writing about the 100 US Soldiers who died, because they are the heroes. sure...
Isnt an own state some kind of peace offer? If they just want peace, why dont they just accept the new state and palestina ?
Not if u try to circumvent a peace treaty, thats what they are doing right now...
Normally u create a peace treaty between the Belligerents and not by going to external parties which have no right to intervene ?

The USA has nothing against Iran, Saddam, Libya (gadaffi) in the UNESCO, but when we come to the point with Palestine, they even cut the money ? Seriously. The UNESCO stands for education and gets countries to help each other with educationideas, teacher training and things like that. So where is the big deal?
Even Afghanistan and North Korea are members and noone gives a fuck. Look on the UNESCO-list http://www.un.org/en/members/

I ask again: where is the problem?

I tell you the answer!

Joining the UNESCO is one of the first steps for palestine to get its own state and this would cause a lot of problems for Isreal. basically, if both israel and palestine are states, they are obligated to establish a firm border between them. Which would necessarily involve cutting off settlement activities.
Additionally, a large number of their activities; the blockade, access control to gaza strip, their military actions into the region, would all become illegal acts of war. The membership of the UN, including the US, would be obligated to put Israel under economic sanctions in that case and thats why they try to avoid letting palestine into the UNESCO.

it would change a lot and israel + USA wouldnt be able to do whatever they want
totally right!

fuck the usa, and fuck obama hes just a puppet.. america is a corrupt cancercountry of so called freedom...
israel should disappear
No country should be based on religion
its not about religion in this case

its all about politics :/
I know I just think both of the countries shouldn't be accept by the USA or any other country since they are both based on religious thoughts
Dude, It's about religion :D:D Politics come out of their religion
im mean that they actually dont care if they are muslim, jewish or christian. its all about money and thats why im talking about politics
I was talking about Israel vs Palestina.

Religion affects that war way more than greed.
tut nicht werken
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image: dwrwcl
I know so little about it that I CBA to give yet another uneducated opinion this time
You saved this journal by not giving your uneducated opinion!! Thx!
Must be a fake razzah ...
cant always post chicks :S
never seen a journal from u without chicks lol
fucking jews
got other things to worry about tbh
personaly, i rly dont mind
what i do mind, is that fkin usa cunts cut funding cuz they didnt get what they want
Man, who cares? It's not like you have a word in this...
yep the USA were on such a good way to peace in that area... just another 60 years and they'd probably get them to phone each other once a year for a big "get lost"

and the bad bad palestin(?) people, israels offers were sooooooo generous
(don't get me wrong, i don't support either of them, infact i couldn't care less about countries fighting for merely 2000 years about a piece of land in the middle of nowhere, which can not even be cultivated properly because it's majorly sand)
Im not sure, but i have read somewhere that the offers of isreal wernt that good and great as everyone thought. It had a lot of disadvantages for palenstine and a lot advantages for isreal, but since im not sure if this is right or wrong, i cant say more :(

Ive also heard that the palestine "leader" accepted to leave jerusalem and give it isreal, but it got declined by the isreali-right-section (whatever it is called).

It looks like some parts of both sides dont want to make peace. sad
well you don't have to be real dedicated to know that either side want their share in a treaty, so it's pretty save to say. but no, israels offers were just as inacceptable as the ones by palestina. neither of them want the other party to have their share of that rotten land.

and at least i could understand the USA point to be against a first step to declare palestina a free country; they most likely, just aswell as germany ship their weapons to israel aswell. why would they continue buying that amount of weaponry if there was noone to fight in that area? (well i know there are always ways around...)
Fuck Israel
i don't know aka i don't give a fucking fuck
Not a good news. Another damn religious state incoming. Burn in hell!
I just heard the news that USA suspended funding of UNESCO for it’s opposition to Palestine as a member.
Does UNESCO accept donations?
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