the greatest relief

A great relief for Crossfire, I'm leaving this website. Thank Loekino and his gangsters for the last step. This website is supposed to be fun, and 9 out of 10 things I posted in here were bullshit and for fun. Now that they have started involving in my real life, flaming my reallife contacts, the fun is over for me. If they aren't capable of seeing the difference between reallife and e-life, I wish them good luck in the rest of their lives, but I don't want to be involved in that shit.

I just advise you guys (the ones I'm talking about know it's about them) to grow up, not everything you see on the internet is true and serious, learn that. Learn to relate things to eachother, instead of just randomly acting, it can do serious damage, like to Loekino for example. He has been reported to the police for stalking activities (not my decision, because I told my dad it's just the internet), and will PROBABLY (not sure) be contacted soon and has to defend himself in court.

So, hereby, goodbye crossfire, thanks for the fun times I've had here, but the community has transformed into a big bunch of e-thugs taking everything too serious.

Much love to:

my buddylist

and especially:

Finland miNd
[flag=turkistan] RazZaH

I will find and do your mom.

edit: Your dad's band sucks.
7/10 ?

or goodbye?
Spree :XD
bb duNzym8
Dunzy I am both shocked and offended that I am not in your buddylist.
what did i miss?
I haven't seen those pics from Ruipperi (?) in ages :D so funny
QuoteIf they aren't capable of seeing the difference between reallife and e-life

wtf is that for bullshit anyway, why do you feel the need 'to be cooler' than you are, why do you feel the need anyway to act different than from who you really are, just because you cant see the people you're talking too? i find this one of the most annoying things on the internet, and not just talking about u dunz.

e: and i hv no clue what ur talking about
e2: or u just copied sprees post x]
good bye spree :(
Vessar :(
and you are?
What exactly did he do? Stalking is perfectly legal.
fucking leokino fucks up everything
one of the most epic journals in cf history :D

spree :'D
someone needs to upload the pics again, was 1h of laughing everytime i read them :)
Quote by godezbut seriously, i wont believe flaming on the internet is illegal.

Quote by Spreerepeatedly insulting and annoying someone after being requested to stop is...

Brb sueing IceQ
haha god I remember this years ago :DDDDDD

e: best troll in ages
this is best trollbait ever, sad to see you leave, lighten up a little maybe? obviously I know nothing about the story but.. cya
Journal rating 10/10
sounds like something spree would write
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