a link and a question

here's the link. if you are down and want to feel better (like me - im ill):

try this out
nice music.

and this is a question:

why havent I even ONCE heard accusation about ANY idle.ee player concerning cheats? Nowadays, in the times of accusations (ones are true, other not), "hidden hacks" and stuff the team which is seen the best at the moment is the team that is the cleanest one, not blaimed even with false accusations.

Isnt it wonderful? Doesnt it make the future of ET more brighter and give the hope?

PS. Forgot also to ask: remember that night's mg42 on lottonest vs Inc? I guess its all about graphics settings that I have seen the box, or its his training he knew where to aim to kill them coming from spawn? (any accusation, just asking)
because idle.ee goes to every LAN they can?
If you would be playing et more than 1 month you would know when speccing mg or watching demo of mg, the camera is a bit moved to one side, so it looks like he is shooting trough box...

And why idle players arent accused? They are LAN 0nlY!
I didn't knew that, and I'm playing for like 2 years now :>
urtier is using rivatuner
highscores @ game?

127500 on 3rd try and I need something to compare with :>
you are very Finland mystic in that game
because rewind never lost pracc to idle
Maybe because those people have been playing the game for ages on a high level and have been to major lans?
You just busted them.
R.I.P. :(
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