
I was just wondering why people always blame things for them losing a duel/game/whatever. Is it too hard to just admit the other person/team is better, or to recognize you're just having a bad day and it's actually nothing but you that's causing you to lose?

Now all people do is blame things like lag (popular one, i use it the most.), cheats, etc., and the worst is they start calling the person beating them nolifer, noob, lucker, all that kind of shit.

Please, get real, have fun in the game and don't think "it's only fun if i'm better and if i win" because it's not.

low- levz out!
nobody has never beat me in duel without me lagging!!
but it's only fun if i'm better and if i win..
omg levz ur so sexy because of this journal <3 :P Agree btw ( i'm blameing my PC because it suck :P )
There's nothing wrong with my attitude, fuck off and die please.
wasn't talking about you, but get an attitude! xD
flaming and spinning are salt of et
zeg jij :D <3
there is no difference between the attitudes in real and virtual life, just live with it
i generally agree with you, but you must agree with me, that it would be more better on radar if i had 76 fps, not 20 :P
i agree with you, it's more fun if u dont lag cuz it gives u a headache =)
lets care about this game nd stuff
you should hear clown on vent when we are losing some match. xD uber excuses all the time :D
"We had no pracc" "This map is shit" "No warmup @ us" "Last pracc 5 days ago" FTW :D:D::D
you should kick that lagging and whining tard
It's not whine, it's excuse to make us feel better :[]
stfu clanhopper!!!!!
it's our biggest motivation not to lose NC matches :)
I agree with you, "enemies warp" is one of the worst excuses. But bad servers are gay and they should be blamed. All bad servers should be destroyed and everybody would play on decent servers and no1 would call no1 a lagger. over'n'out, yo
There sure are a lot of 'bad' servers out there then :D
uq server is the worst
GMC is worse imo :P
One problem is that ET is an all european game. Not inside one country like CS in Finland or Sweden. It's normal when israel ppl has 150 ping on Center-Europe server. . If we have had ladders for each country or areas (like scandinavia), there would be much less "lag" and whining about servers. But how to solve this problem? Advertice Enemy Territory and start ladders :)
Yep that's true but people could make intereuropean gaming more comfortable too. I'll use the first example that popped on my mind, the Polaks.

On a decent benelux server there's nothing to whine about. They don't lag any more than some dutchie with 1000gb/s mega iNet.

But on the other hand idiot polaks who don't realize that there is no sense to order a server from their homecountry if it's some bad country for rest of the europe (for example Poland). I have to add here that Finland is a shit country for rest of the Europe too and I would never order a finnish server, if I would order a server it would 100% sure be from NL or BE.

The dutchie guys mega internet would not help on a bad polish server with unstable connection and it spoils everyones games (except the polaks ofcourse, who say LOL ITS GOOD SERVER WE HAVE 50 PING U HAVE 130 U HAVE BAD INTERNETZ LOLZ).
This is really interesting, added to my favourites
LoL! I thought this was the fakenick levz. But real levz? The one who disconnects after one round of goldrush?

Different people get enjoyment out of different things. What do you think all the uber highskill pros play for in ET? Money?

Well, ok, maybe urtier does. But most of them just enjoy playing. Just because they're not smiling with a vacant look in thier faces as though they've been inhaling happy gas and watching telly tubbies all day doesn't mean they're not enjoying themselves.

I whine all the time because I get frustrated but none of it is personal and the only reason I keep playing is because even with all the frustration the game is enjoyable. The frustrating times just make the good times, when everything just works and falls into place, better. I could spend all day playing in noob pubs winning and generally having an easy time but thats boring for me.
i used to whine so much, but that was cuz i hated ET ;p
IDD!!! I got banned cause I got better aim than u guys :l
i get whined that im lagging!
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