And Another tigger behind the trigger!

Hello you there current, former and why not future ET players! :)

I have nooo idea wether anybody remembers me anymore or not. Nevertheless here I'm posting on Crossfire (which seems to be still active, cool!).

To be honest, I don't know what is going on with ET scene nowadays, but I'm happy that there has been a lot of activity and CPS's after I stopped playing. Such a great game!

Anyway, without further mumbo jumbo, I'll cut it straight to the point.

I always wanted to make (or ask somebody to make) a second frag movie, since at least some people seemed to like the first one - Another tigger behind the trigger. Huge thanks for Cointozz for that one!

I found some old ET-demos from the back up of my back up hard disk the other day. I've got bit over 20 demos which should have some good action on them. I narrowed them down from unknown amount of demos some years ago, having that second movie in my mind. I also got some shout casts from Eurocup (Idle vs. demiurge) and from CPC1.

So what I'm looking for is a movie maker who would like to make a frag movie the old games I have preserved!

All you movie makers out there, is there anybody willing start a little project for the old times sake?! After all they were great times and there were some great games! :)

You can find me from Quakenet under alias tiggr.


No comeback no movie :')
Nah Gl
good luck finding one!
Welcome back to the scene
T: ^o^ Anging:n buddy
Good luck, great riffle :>
/q Miluu
could please someone decent take this job? thx.
holy shit tiigeri
Don't think there are a lot of guys who don't remember you, gl.
You'd be surprised how many newschoolers there are.
msg sN1e if he's interested after his current project, think he's quite proactive and not time wasting (assumption).
Ofc we remember you :) great fragmovie still got it on my PC :P
gl :)
loved your fragmovie, one of the best I've seen!
best reaction time I've seen in a loooong time
avi if I finish my current movie :>!
talk to IceQ! :D
Your rifle movie is my favourite rifle movie ever, so yeah, more!
That movie is one of the best I've seen, saw it so many times over the years. :O)
loved u years ago, still love u :) (L)
one of the greatest souls this game ever had

and one of the best fragmovies ever
Nice friendly person, good to see you back, good luck in finding a movie maker :)
was my favourite movie ever :D would love to see another one!
Omg tiigeri :D <33
bat VS immortalstorm, learn to play :)

E: Or some should...
nice to see you are alive :3
somebody make this sir a movie, schnell schnell
amazing player :D gl finding someone
was the best rifle movie by far and definitely one of the best overall imo. hope you find someone decent for it :)
Huh, huge thanks for the support guys!

Need to install ET and take a look at those demos, can't remember what's in most of them. I hope not to let you down. :)
How 'bout a return to ET? Thought about it?
Maybe some 3 on 3's one day. ;)
don't let someone convince you to play actively again, at least not if you're looking for occasional mixes, since otherwise it might ruin all those nice memories, there really is not much left of it :)
comeback?! :D
No, not really. :)
really looking forward to it! gl
no comeback no movie :P
Ha, oldskool! :D
omg gaso omg
Someone with a stable HDD should do this o_O
omg tiigeri omg
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