Love you Viktor Kassai

too much LoL I suppose, as I read Viktor Kassadin
you would of lost anyway...ofc he is a blind fuck, but...

e: there are EE people watching football? and your biggest stadium is 10.000 men?
"Victor Kassai is just huge fan of Robbie Keane... whatever Keane said Kassai did.

It wasn't football, it was a game of pure refereeball"

the second yellow card was soooooo....errrm....stupid of him

still best:
lol wie dreist
lol what penalty more FALSE ever seen!!
but that penalty is not sentenced by ref :p
i was expecting the red card, for the worst dive ever, but hey, we germans arent that serious ;D
Always the same story. You lose -> make old and "funny" jokes about the referee.. 0-4, go home.
it so sad that we didnt get chance to play fair football. But ireland good luck at EURO 2012.
Oh btw,if Irish team coulded lost,then their head coach coulded fired.
4-0 without seamus coleman loool
The first red card is totally justified and the penalty is not fake, the Irish man exaggerated but who does not... He really lost his balance I believe...
i see nothing wrong except the 2nd red card. and you can also give the penalty if the estonian guy hits the irish player on the foot while falling down
I lost hope in human race yesterday
lol@Estonian nerd rage =D
Everyone that says this is fair and estonia is just complaining know notging about football, you can see them obv making schwalbes in the slomotions. For example the lost one, he looks behind him before he fell down, if you fall because of such a tiny hit than you must be a dwarf or some kind of nerd without muscles ;s
This video clearly shows me:

- Stepanov didn't deserve his first yellow card, because it was a dive by the Irish player
- Stepanov deserved his second yellow card, because he went for leg, didn't even touched the ball.
- Since Stepanov was the last man in this situation, this could have been a red card, too
- Stepanov did not complain by the referee, he admitted his fault

- Estonias did not deserve a penalty, because the fault of the Irish player was outside the penalty area

- Piroja deserved his first yellow card because of blocking
- Piroja deserved his second yellow card because of hitting the ball by hand as the last man
- Since Piroja was the last man in this situation, this could have been a red card, too

- Nothing serious happened inside the penalty area in the end. It seems for me that the Irish player really lost his balance. The hand and arm moves of the Estonian player refered for the purpose of a fault, and as you know according to the football rules even the purpose should be penalized. Half of the referees would have given a penalty for this, other half not. Anyways the game was already decided.

P.S.: Since the Estonian is a small team, and it would have been a surprise/and the first time to see them in the EC, I was a fan of them for this game.
Quote- Piroja deserved his second yellow card because of hitting the ball by hand as the last man

Irishi guy pushed him from behind and that was before the hand ball and it should have been fault for Irish.

Quote- Piroja deserved his first yellow card because of blocking

Piiroja didn't block him, Irish guy ran into him.

Pointless to discuss imo.
haha, deserved
what do you expect if second lineup of Amkar is playing for you, or some guy from polish league :DDDDDDDDD
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