i just got banned for my fast turn script

I just got banned for my fast turn script.

On a fun server.

They care about my script but not about obvious cheaters which have hugue amount of XP.

Why are people so stupid?


cl_pitchspeed and cl_yawspeed arent restricted at all on this server
You cannot into quickly turning your mouse ?
Stop cheating maybe.
Good decision, those script users piss me off. Lack of skill?
not my problem
fast turn script = cheating

so you are a cheater and need to be banned.

problem, officer?
ye its cheat.
That is a cool story brother.
such scripts are forbidden, so why wouldn't they ban you? I would.
I don't get it why people keep on writing "those scripts are forbidden". A cheat is basically a piece of software to gain a certain advantage, that is not included in the game standardly. The ET devs developed a scripts system, what you're doing with those scripts is completely your business. If you'd rather play low sens and does not want to turn your mouse 50cm aside, then why not use a script.

It doesn't bother me at all if people use certain scripts... Nor should any of you.
it's not only a script, it also abuses the engine to have no turnspread at all when using a fast turn script.

nobody calls east jump scripts cheat :)
It doesn't abuse engine.
You are totally wrong mate.
Engine is for graphics and basement of game.
You should say client and server side connection with client action:)
what vanhaomena said
i do, people who use east jump script are pathetic lowtards who can't do anything on their own!
I just cant do it, I don't want to practice it and I don't need the script :)

I practice other things on ET :)
that's great, atleast u don't cheat it
Because they are.
Current configs attempt to "force" the turnspeed value to 0, but the script bypasses that limitation for a long enough time window for the fast turn to take place. A scripted turn causes no turn spread, and abusing a bug to decrease spread or recoil is considered exactly the same as using ETBot 6.69 in leagues.
QuoteIt is not allowed to take advantage of or abuse bugs. Any kind of bug abuse is considered cheating and will lead to a forfeit loss.

On publics it's up to the admins if they want to allow cheating or bug abuse on their server, if they want to enforce ClanBase rules about cheating and abuse, they must consider the script forbidden.
fuckk is etbot 6.69 allready out wtf
Its not bug.
Its not forbidden.
Just people don't understand what is cheat and what is script.
It's not intended to work at all: http://www.ycn-hosting.eu/downloads/configs/global6.config
Quote command "sv_cvar cl_pitchspeed EQ 0"
command "sv_cvar cl_yawspeed EQ 0"
command "sv_cvar cl_timenudge EQ 0"

If you get it to work, which the script does, it is a bug. Cite some reliable sources or explain properly if you still want to disagree.
Listen to this man. He speaks truth!
Glad to see somebody can actually provide me a decent answer.
I follow your point of view and did not see it up this way.
that is a hack
turning ur mouse isnt that hard lol
why on earth would u even have a script for that
need 360° script to annoy oppos
huge amount of XP on XP save server = cheat
would be so much better if someone somehow fixed the fact you dont get the turnspread when using the script which iirc is the technical reason its banned, i used it and i sure as fuck dont do it for the lack of spread, i just cant be arsed to move my mouse so much
wich server ?
need script for eastjump
Ask rito lol
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