English task help

Hello CF,

I'm a french student and my english teacher wants us to prepare a dossier on the subject of our choice. The only request is that it has to be under the form of a question, that would lead to a debate.
Who are cannabis users ? : BAD (only descriptive)
Should we legalize marijuana ? : GOOD (debate)

I picked this question : Do video games lead to crimes ?

In two months, I will have an oral exam without any notes and with audio/video/text documents that I would have chosen myself.

I first need to send an 400 words text that present the question, why it would be interesting to discuss about it and in what extend does it concerns me. I need your help to correct it, find the mistakes or the sentence that are not clear.

Here is the text :

Do video games lead to crime ?

In the past decades, rock music had often been accused of being the cause of violent behavior from its listeners. This parallel made between crimes and music was recurrent in the media during the development of those “hard rhythm” songs. It turned that the whole genre was not the reason of certain acts of violence, but that lyrics could explain some psychological aspects of the offenders. If the debate now seems outdated, another has taken place in newspaper, internet articles and TV reports.

It appears that video games, as rock used to be the scapegoat in the sixties, are being constantly accused of turning part of players into aggressive people. In 2003, a 17 years old boy from Alabama killed three policemen, stealing their guns and escaping with their car. Later, it has been said that the young man was a heavy player of “Grand Theft Auto”, a video game where the user incarnates a man that can do everything he wants in a city, from high speed driving to cold blood executions. GTA, a PEGI 18 rated series, always reopens the debate each time a new episodes is coming out.

It is not rare to see journalists and certain analysts making a link between horrible crimes and the fact that killers were using video games. The industry has always tried to defend itself, saying such bitter and cruel acts could not be simply related to products that are supposed to bring joy and leisure to its customers.

Do video games lead to crime ? Are they dangerous and can we really pretend that they are the main cause of murders, rapes and robberies ? We will try to see what are the arguments that are defending each side of the cause : people that are blaming video games against people that think the reasons have to be found somewhere else. In order to try and give a final answer to our question, we will study different responses and analyze which studies are based on a scientific approach.

My long experience in gaming and my passion of journalism had me got an interest on the subject. With our dossier, I would like to bring a new vision of video game’s place in our society and try to explain why it tends to be seen as an evil practice.
trop long j'ai pas lu
Tu restes mon plus grand fan à poster 2 minutes après que je crée un journal ;)
That's pretty damn long, nobody will correct that for free. I can't notice too many typos, but there are a lot of incorrect prepositions and stuff like that .

In before Netherlands PERFO is outraged by spaces before question marks .
400 words are not long

e: agree with the question mark thing
imo nice presentation. didn't find mistakes but didn't read that carefully. maybe a native english speaker can be of more help to you.

all in all, a good presentation of your subject :)
There are a number of mistakes.

Too lazy to correct it though ;_;
copy / paste
Your english is pretty good. There are some things I'd phrase differently but that's just my opinion. Couldn't find any big mistakes after quickly glancing at the text.
not an expert here but i think alot of these sentences could be umm...built up differently.
i think that was an awesome read!
didnt read all but generally its considered there isnt a yes/no wrong/right answer to a Q so instead of Do you think.. its better to say something like "to what extent do you think/do you agree"
Plentiful mistakes, narrow use of vocabulary and bad structuring. B2- level at best... and that's just me being nice. Might cut it as an above-average assignment below universitarian level.
Man this is France, you cannot imagine how low is the English level here, if I were producing such a text, French people would tell me: holy shit, you seem bilinguial...
are you sure they didnt mean bisexual?

i can believe how bad the french are at english
George Orwell once said "If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out."

Therefore I've decided to remove a few of the pointless sentences and restructure your text:

QuoteDo video games lead to crime?

For the most part it's fine. Just very obviously not written by a native. The final paragraph needs the most work.

To improve your general English & help develop your idea you should post some columns on here... likely be able to steal a few good ideas from the comments too. I'm much more likely to proof read that.
QuoteShould we legalize marijuana ? : GOOD (debate)

what the fuck did i just read?

in all serious, why in jesus fucking christ would you put spaces before punctuation like that? you dont do it for commas and fullstops so what is so hard to understand that you dont do it for the rest?

edit: this is constructive criticism, learn from it
Quoteyou dont do it for commas and fullstops so what is so hard to understand that you dont do it for the rest?

Because commas and fullstops are a "one piece punctuation sign" whereas these : : ; ? ! are built up in two parts. That's the rule in French, but this is still a rule.
so in french they teach you to have spaces between a word and an exclamation mark?
Definitely not. But can't blame some Franceretards not to have informatic courses.
Could you expand so I can have fun :>
Actually that's half a space, called a "thin space". But you basically press the space bar to actually write it (but word-processors do it automatically). And when you hand-write, you just put a space.
...i have no words

i actually stopped eating my chicken for about 2 minutes and stared at the screen in digust, trying to wrap my mind around whatever this is you've just told me, but nope

no words

actually, heres a fewNOTE THE LACK OF SPACE

fucking french people
I remember we already had that discussion and I remember I already tried to convince you that you need void, you need space in a text. You don't like reading walls of text, do you? You enjoy reading texts with paragraphs, etc. A punctuation mark is different from a letter, it can't be anchored to them... Anyway, I see that trying to convince you is a waste of time ;)
there's nothing to convince me about as i believe you, you obviously know more about how the french use punctuation than i do, just i know im right regarding english and thats whats at question here :D
Yea, I agree that one should should submit to the established rules of a non native language when speaking it ;)
I managed to delete some useless word that made sentences too heavy. I corrected some grammar mistakes and got rid of the space between the final word and the question mark (even though I think the french rule is better). Thanks for help.
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