Help needed :<

This descibes my problem quite well, i feel like ive tried averything but nothing seems to work... anyone's got an idea?

had this prob for a few months, it comes and goes like totally random... i wish i knew abt stuff like this... but since i dont...

plz help :'(


ive got a mx518 @ 500hz 400 DPI and 4th notch win sens with accelfix.exe
piss on it
im gonna piss on ur face jew!
when u gonna piss in PLU's frituurpan then?
just b4 ur gonna eat food from it
The problem seems to be between the keyboard and the chair.

(old I know)

Lower the ingame sensi maybe? If you can't control it, lower it.
i did that... but it gets worse :|

its a rly weird feeling... its so low i can hardly move (and im normally a highsenser" so its rly hard for me to play... but even if its uberlow its still not smooth! :X... feels like aiming with a 1986 microsoft wheelmosuse
suA might have a point. The chipset drivers might be your thing. That is something XP doesn't have included. The motherboard CD is the one you need to try. Look for via chip drivers or smth like that.
since it's after a clean install of win, have you installed your chipset-drivers?

(you'll prolly have to patch to 500Hz poll-rate again afterwards)

dno if that's the problem tho...
that guy on the forum aint me... just someone with the same problem... and the weird thing is that it worked perfect for abt 3 weeks... than came back... totally random :|
check fps when it occurs

I had it in some pub, 40 fps steady on radar with not more then 18 players. That is a server issue. On a normal/proper server I have 125 fps steady no problem. Also in infights, no drops except when server lags. But on that pub with 40 fps, man my sensi was low and blurry, just like you seem to have.

So go play, put cg_drawfps 1 and maybe even lagometer, and see what happens.
dunno mate, ive got it always even on our k-play server...

its windows and et sens in conflict somehow... and installing mousedrivers (setpoint) helped once... i loged on... felt RLY nice... but next time i log into ET its rly crap :S
tried pointer precision in windows mousesettings?
ive tried it all man... i dont have setpoint now... had it b4... i tried every possible setting trust me :<

edit: ive notsied something... whenever i put my windows sens down to 4... and the restart xp... my windows sens goes back to 6 :| maybe it starts some more crap everytime aswell
windows sens resetting at windows startup? hmmm lets see how come...
[Post] (Msg. 3) Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 1:26 pm
Post subject: Re: Pointer speed resets on reboot [Login to view extended thread Info.]
Actually I think I have found a fix, or at least a work-around. I was looking through my startup items in MSCONFIG and looking up the ones I didn't recognize. One of them was "KHALMNPR". It seems that this is a part of the logitech keyboard/mouse drivers and it's main function is to reset the Windows mouse sensitivity to default on reboot.
KHALMNPR is not in my startup list @ start-run-MSCONFIG-startup (LAST TAB)
i have 2 of those :O


wtf? :S
uncheck the boxes, restart windows and check :)
khalmnpr.exe is a process installed alongside Logitech mice which allows for advanced configuration and diagnostics of their range of multimedia products. This program is a non-essential process, but should not be terminated unless suspected to be causing problems.
i had this problem too when i used accelfix.exe but then putted on "Remember Accel & Mouse Speed" (from setpoint) and works ! (i know this wont help) :p
read a book about it, should help, it helped some people get rid of there aids
did you install logitech mouseware?
tried both with and without
gore kuthomo rat
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