oops i'm back

Sup guys thought about saying hey and stuff and telling you all that my life ain't very great right now haha :P

Livin by yourself is the best thing i've ever done so sweet your own food and stuff damn :P
but my girlfriend broke up with me and now i'm havin the worst dillemma ever shes like i might want you back and stuff and she dosen't let me move on i love her alot but i would like to move on when shes like this but each day she make me hope and in the end of the day she make me hate her its like really weird we've been togheter for 11 months and broke up 2 months ago i already had a new girl but broke up with her couse of my old girl :((((( i'm kindafucked now couse i wish i diden't couse my old girl is so wierd today i told her now decide ffs and drop the phone i'm gonna get drunk as hell and kick some ass again i just got raged at efterlyst with my super name ridley so check me out ^^ i rage

so hows your life running like usally or dillemmas like me :P and i wish you all a very good christmas

and PSSS not back just a journal haha :P see you all peace
ok, was it the lack of punctuation that made her break up?
explain the word punctuation :P haha never heard if before
Punctuation is things like comma's ( , ) and dots ( . ) etc, and because there are none in your journal it's hard to read. :o)
biggest sentence Ive ever seen

hi fuchs
english your good is!
same here!
my girlfriend broke up too ...
after 10 month ...
I bet you became fat. Lose some weight and she will take you back.
Try to handle your relationship problems elsewhere please
why? I enjoyed reading something like this @ xfire

same shit here ;<
Attempting to receive compassion from me ?
Alas, you were close to it :(
i wise man once told me the harder you try as harder you get stucked^^

please hate :) still angry because i always owned you
I'm not angry with you at all, I simply regret having read your journal
Don't worry fuchs, it will all sort itself out, lotsalove nev! (K)
amor vincit omnia.. :)
i feel sorry for you fuchs, hope you get her back
She didn't believe in Semper Fidilis, so no Amor Vincit Omnia. :<
semper fidelis* :o)
It's been 3 years since I had Latin, give me a break. :<
the same shit happened to me
but its ok now <3 still love her
efterlyst guy
go to the graveyard and write some sad poems please!
Met een grafzuil tussen mijn benen zit ik alhier,
Overpeins ik het leven en de schwanz van damir.
Hoe mooi is het leven als je kan aimen zoals hij,
Besprenkelt sluts met een witte kluts als rijstebrij.
Heb ik dan soms zin om mijn polsen door te snijden,
of doe ik dat alleen om een lange spawn te vermijden.
Ik weet het niet, en ik zal het ook nooit weten,
En hoe je in het bosnisch krijg aids zegt ben ik vergeten.
Nigga 4 sho
date me instead big boy :P
i dont know much about girls but one thing i certainly know: getting a new girlfriend is not he best way to show u miss her!
coinwurst has spoken
Your english sucks you damn emo.
Prettige kerst muts.
your gonna expect a solution from some guys that havent seen a girl in rl yet? ^^
like errrrrrrr you?
hahahhaha :DDD goeie
I dont think hes actively waiting for a solution from xfire side :p
Det var den längsta meningen jag någonsin sett, men lycka till stoffe!
We wish you a merry XXX-mas

welcome to my life
stop thinking lol
feel sorry for u acneboy :<
tjaaaaaa fuchs
Girls like that are the worst, you´ll prolly never get her back again and if you will you wont be happy with her. :>
more [.] dots next time plz
damn is't this the internet the dots are just very overrated haha

Tjenare kittos :)

No i'm not waitin for some smart answer i just wanted to tell you :)
Fuck her gently.
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