benq xl2410 acces denied

i have win7 and bought that screen, but when i want too download it nvidia graphic progam it says " accec denied" windows.

Somebody knows how to fix?
what do you want to download
the nvidia graphic stuff from the cd thats was deliverd with my screen from nvidia
go to and download it there instead
one time this woman told me the same, just force your way in
which speakers do you have?
I think you need to allow the nvidia to access benq xl2410.
My printer doesn't work.
Try to to download the driver from NVidias website as gambit said
do not install anything ;))
I think your nvidia graphic program says "accec denied" in windows
It's your monitor trying to send you a message " too low " !
better that then " too fat " hf in real life
you shouldn't talk like that about your mother! the fact that you're talking about real life only proves how pathetic you are, even more so that you feel offended because someone says 'low' to you, but hey it's great to see you eat yourself up over that. just like when you and your little brother wanted to beat up belgian fraternity but then at lan you hide in your corner XD but thanks for caring about my real life, whenever i have time for et i'll be sure to pown noobs such as yourself! xx
and you have enough time to awnser a troll that will come with tl;dr bullshit

Forever alone
no problems for me ;)
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