
This user does not have any flags assigned.



Europe [/b]
» Lineup:
Belgium PlAyer
Canada anim
Canada rockstAr
Canada rossko
Poland riseye

Europe [/b]
» Lineup:
Belgium Player
Belgium isenxl
Netherlands spho
Estonia EURUZ
Sweden Slajdan

### AEF ###
Europe [/b]
» Lineup:
Belgium Player
Anonymous Wezor
Norway Eirik
Belgium Lazio
Belgium Sh1zzle


Europe [/b]
» Lineup:
Belgium PlAyer
Anonymous Wezor
Poland Mili
Poland SilENT
Poland cls

Europe [/b]

» Lineup:
Belgium PlAyer
Sweden slajdan
France strAf
Netherlands joshua
Poland wss

Europe [/b]

» Lineup:
Belgium Player
Belgium Chry
Belgium Jere
Spain Gengis
Norway Eirik

X Spain [/b]

» Lineup:
Belgium Player
Spain Gengis
Spain Wezor
Spain Fanter
France Maxuuh
Poland Lesti

Spain Radifz

X Belgium [/b]

» Lineup:
Belgium Player
Belgium Worm
Belgium Jere
Belgium Lazio
Belgium Chry
Belgium Spiroze
Belgium Fostrum

X Europe [/b]

» Lineup:
Belgium Player
Poland Lukey
Poland Lesti
Poland Voiler
Poland Rodia
Poland RiZZZk

X Europe [/b] 2008-2009 * Silver @ OC Premier League
» Lineup:
Poland Dolar
Poland Ufo
Belgium Player
Belgium Chry
Poland Cursed
Belgium Squash

X Europe [/b]
» Lineup:
United Kingdom Baggiez (cl)
Belgium isenxl
Belgium Player
Sweden sAvage
Poland Frag'Stealer
Poland Errol

× Belgium [/b]
» Lineup:
Belgium isEn:xL
Belgium lio
Belgium Sh1zzle
Belgium Player
Belgium Prydz
Belgium .X.!

x Belgium
» Lineup:
Portugal sexyhot
France StrAf
Netherlands Kiewan
Belgium Prydz
Belgium Player
United Kingdom mAv
Poland n00n
Poland Jadol[/hide]

x Belgium
» Lineup:
Belgium dAv1d
Belgium Jere
Belgium siL
Belgium spiROZE (Captain)
Belgium Worm
Belgium xAv
Belgium emzii
Belgium isEN
Belgium Lazio
Belgium Player
Belgium Sh!zzle
Belgium .X.!


Currently playing in:

/ / /


- Silver OC Premier league with Pstarz 2008-2009
- CIC6 with Pstarz
- CIC7 with Phantoms 7 th 2010
- AEF with Gzcon 9-14th 2010