New phone.
16 Nov 2011, 19:16
Hi, im looking for a new cheap phone (maybe 250€ max)
After some interwebs searching I think im going for
Samsung galaxy ace (~200€) so the question is, is it
any good? Is there any point in buying it or should I
go for another model? Anything good coming to the market soon that
will this one useless?
Thanks in advance.
After some interwebs searching I think im going for
Samsung galaxy ace (~200€) so the question is, is it
any good? Is there any point in buying it or should I
go for another model? Anything good coming to the market soon that
will this one useless?
Thanks in advance.
200€ is expensive.
then 200€ is rather cheap.
I'm looking at a galaxy s 59000 or something. it's 260 euros from amazon in Germany
best phone ever made
/end thread
After a quick google search it's avg. price was around 500€,
so not really cheap.
e: new ofc!
165e saunalahdelta.