New phone.

Hi, im looking for a new cheap phone (maybe 250€ max)
After some interwebs searching I think im going for
Samsung galaxy ace (~200€) so the question is, is it
any good? Is there any point in buying it or should I
go for another model? Anything good coming to the market soon that
will this one useless?

Thanks in advance.
sgs2 best ever
50€ is cheap for a phone.

200€ is expensive.
We have high salaries here in Finland, if you take that in account
then 200€ is rather cheap.
You didn't get my point, whatever.
200e expensive? how poor can you be :D
Yeah, you don't get my point either.
nope, you didnt get mine! : )
Why would I even want to get your point when yours is not relevant to my point.
Apparently android over windows?

I'm looking at a galaxy s 59000 or something. it's 260 euros from amazon in Germany
Android yes. I have to take a look at s 59000, thanks!
nokia 3310

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ8Lk8vOZ1HFTZpzOqPbwBvaSmhHz1xTP18FS2JvArL7mbIRMuprg

best phone ever made
it's worth its price, it's not a top notch smartphone but it's still pretty damn good.
Ok that's what I thought, thanks!

/end thread
Cant really get that for under 300€.
After a quick google search it's avg. price was around 500€,
so not really cheap.
u want a proper phone or not? ;D
se xperia
bought nexus s for 199€, happy with it :)

e: new ofc!
Huawei Ideos X5 Black

165e saunalahdelta.
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