Goood horros?

Need some good horrors to download yoooooo : )
Lake Mungo
oehhhhh hoeeeeoehhhh hoeeeoehhhh oehhhhh oehhh hoeee hooeehhhh AWWRHRGOEHOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!@&*%&#@##%^#*
Cannibal Holocaust
this film is just disgusting :p not really scary
Blood Freak. Must see
no such thing
pursuit of happiness
ask Portugal Basty
The Rite [2011] ?
actually the only one who's scary in the whole horror list of this journal :x
havent seen since i was about 2 but i would probably still cry about his mum :'(
rec, paranormal activity, inside, martyrs
omg Keando omg
Any movie by seareal or whatever his name is.
anything from stephen king
stephen king sux in moviemaking!!
Anyone remember that movie where some chick took a pic of herself dead on some hiking trip with her friends
My-ex-fiwe -joke here. was good th

ffs. ja ja.
Are you afraid of the dark ?

ps: didnt see it , u tell me it how it is :D
i dont like this movie genre...

The Hills have Eyes
Actually it was little bit frightening
the exorcist
REC, Rosemary's Baby, Shining, Grundge, Drag me to hell, exorcism of emily rose, devil, Insidious

+ every game against pausing polish enemy
everything but 11.11.11

edit: the shine, a nightmare on elm street 7(the new nightmare) and the exorcist
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