LCD "19" ET/Q3

help me i need 2 choose not bad lcd(game's & video) "19" around 350$
1) LG 1970HR (8ms)
2) BenQ FP92G+
3) BenQ FP93G
4) ???
viewsonic vx922 :>
Oh lord, I have sinned. Can you forgive me?
Yeah, check out my gosu journal.
been there, done that... now i'm all wet ... damn :[
ÌIyama ProLite E481S 19" 4ms
as i know 2 slow matrix ;(
i love it !
syncmaster 930bf
samsung 920n but only 8 ms :(
samsung 940BF 2ms !!
agree! Have one and its just great!
Samsung SyncMaster 931BF - 2ms
iam using ProLite E1900S IIyama 2ms its fucking nice
only for pro's
my pro laptop screen, can anyone tell me the ms on a inspiron 9300 17 " ?
ms is irrelevant. It depends on the color-transition & other screen settings what the actual ms value is. Many companies claim a 2 ms time, but this is only for a gray to gray color-transition under stupid contrast/brightness settings.
:o i dont really have a good grasp of the ms thing, but thx
movies vs games debate.

Do you want a good all-round monitor or one just for games?

The ultimate games monitor is the Viewsonic VX922 which is pretty cheap. It sucks for movies cos it only has 6 bits for each channel. The Viewsonic VP930 is a decent all-rounder.
Dont buy LCD, you are going to regret it trust me. 19" samsung crt(~200euros or less?) > any lcd
Dont buy LCD, you are going to regret it trust me. 19" samsung crt(~200euros or less?) > any lcd with regards to fps.
very good imo
Unless you realy have very very small desk or need a small monitor buy a LCD/TFT. CRT > any flatscreen, its cheaper and has a better performance.
TFT > CRT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
samsung 960BF
SAMSUNG SyncMaster 713N ... TFT 17'

works great and good etcecetc :D:D
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